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The Berbice Gazette

View original Oumme- me en emes lL SES Ee ee ee ee eee
Werrmast apologize toonr Renders for an inaccue
recy mnrmitted teour bist Gazette, inthe tollowing
Notifeation frou bias Texecelleney the Ficutenanl-
Govenor, tcleive to Provision Grounds :
WYEREAS froa the anrenitted complaints of
the serreity of Provisions, the Tteut.-Governor con-
sidvrs, tht the sulatary Rerub Cons, sade tor the
preveitioaofso sertons aa tavil, shoul ia save man.
ner beentoreed, ti oo der to obviate more tatal econ-
scguemes.— His Px tency bas therefore deemed i
enpedent ta require, aa l the several Purglher O1n-
cerssarher 5, Airected, to make on or beta e¢ Mon-
dey the Setbdsy of Npriltrient at iditoban dt speeny]
ico utof che state and: cemdition at the Provision
Garonne. b for giag tutte Plantations aa their res.
poen beastie’.
rel t he Corr of Polley vw themnext
Bescon eg tae defiber iden on this very tite
se ; ’ ' { . 7
1) 7 . ' (1 “". eC SOIC wecly tOF the lise
e “arte Ga, \ 4 °
gy che Licnt.Coveryvs s Command,
PoWoibail.. Gav. See.
ees ee
- ¢ ee qgX 7 PA ‘ ,¢ rps ge
- «A ‘ eet UisN RRAL Oil ake.
~s ) scelerney the Governor having ob-
CC watch VES }? Tuthives Jrvy I). Cn ave, in ty th:
Coy Sore OMeers er fetratios joo the Gistrifae
torvolthe Stins fa the Pocvce Mialain, in conformi-
to tole Cin ml trode of ihe 7 ') bast. We Guiyes”
ties Doon sta os niade on of bevuie ‘Puceday
th fcr tl bobo,
Har s thous’, osrotce, S00 VTarch, WSs.
Pe Sloman, :
= —_—— CO
— eS
vy. oO 71 Y_ ,° . / 7 ’
“an oe. Battilts isto Aeceridle on the Pa-
nr] ryev J ‘a: ’ } 4 . : , :
mde wooute. a eat tay Che Seed fori, at Ten
Se a
oO choin the mors, ty fouctoroo and properly
- +) hoy : e
err ped wir erst hee pad Lecontecments.
yo, Oratcerh yo phere dy Vict
Porsvo s Corsten r. ivr ey of frag \itita-
ry MYnte ithe haar Wy OT vy & rsehee @
have Heo beer ocr s Trobe yy ere reghied Iv thee
CTE rections ab Mie Cove. ty tee whbot dye ds
4 ‘ erates ag tou ) ,) fiy (lie ' ‘| me 1 Ov" y"yS
’ , | )- . sae a : : :
1 | ‘ It YS ‘ s my Nin y ' ‘ Wee Vi l | hore ' Ys
' - :
} 4 le | ‘Nat he eel 1. | inital VocLy pois 1) Ih.
' ' 4. 7 -
Poe tas dye, od Rab apne om Porites will be
Gealt sath ecoers tee fo the CUbda Reoubstions.
By Comnanidof Xt joe chwuess,
9) STocch. J BEP EST ORD,
Carls cand fedjulant,
View original Douce.
———__—_—_—«—o«Xs—X—w—Kx<KeKhleeeeeeeeeeeee ee
, Kine’s TTavse, 2th March, W815.
"OTE Lientenaint-Governor hes heen pleased
foe cont Wallban Suter, tobe Acting Waiter
aot Scurchoror dis Mopsty?s Customs at this Port,
ta slcad vl ih onras Lia, , decers da,
hy Command,
I. \N HIVe, Guy. §
View original oy. . . .
ALL per-ous who haveClaiins, for Services
Torletes toe APapestys hy Cyepet, are desired to
errlinther Accounts Huindiately, to the Colony
House. L April.
° —_— -- - _— oe ese
DUSCRIPEION of a Seaman, Deserted
foul]. Mo Sloop Chaniclair Berbice, 224 March,
138] y.— James Mitchell, cs aban) aved Ya years, of
abrown complexion, has lost lis sieht Eve, hair
biown, his Visa <c lon reyes holow, Is xy feet Ss Lnche.
es biseh, and thin made, is said t be a native of Bris-
tol, ladon when he lett the boata Lhue jichet, white
toowsers anda straw 1f&¢.
95 Mareh. - Jno. TITOMSON, Captain.
———— oe eee
View original a
FOR SALE, 10 to T1G0U painds weircht of
good qoce, for which “Ponders wil be recerved to
The Sthonmst. at the Store ot Mr. Wan flene ry, where
Sy les can be secu. and | ve tit ahest eter, i dp prove
edal, will be accepted, lor cash on ddivery.
[ April.
a —_ ——___._— —— ——_
— + -_ -.
Vidk Scquesiratorsof Plautavion Kilmorack
Wieceive Ponders for trom . lo D bales cotton,
weil Moray the 10th April, € the hose of Jobn
Woalf!, lq. when the Niedicaty | U approved, will be
aceeplaly pryable ia cash. Lau.
View original EE
Berbice, ist April, 1815,
THE Annual Plantation Accounts for Head--
Money, &e. Xe. up to the Ist January, 1815, are
now ready tor delivery. As those Taxes become duc
In April next, the nndersigned requests the early at-
fention ol those concerned, in makteg payments, to
couple bin to discharge tbe pressing demands agains!
(iis OMice.
T2.\ NJ icf, “ LUT, Dep. Ree. Gen.
View original A MIiit.ilNG
OF the Privetes, of the First Company, Ber-
bic Bursher Militia, (hate Rifle Corps) is requested,
at Me. dohn Diantae’s Rooms, on Monday the Sd
Yypuily next, aS o'clock av. to fake into consider-
(on the propriety of Patitioning bis Excellency the
Governor and toaorable Court of Policy, respecting
tbe Arms and Accoutrements, they wese ordered t)
teheon Friday Q4th mst. LO Marroh.
View original me eee
VO all whom it nev concero—Notre is
hereby civen, Chat the un ers, ned have « imp awer
in. bef. Lisatee, as their Attorney tor the boc del
ot Mero Pe A. Rodenbrock, to collect all ontstaudin-
debes die that bocdel. ‘those having Citas age ins!
w thi pisase render them tor excuatia in,
! JC. SCHELL Ey ANGER, forselfanc
[April od. RODENOR OWE, Exccutors.
ANY person willteg to engage, to cul down
aud eclearaway, the light bush on 40 acres new cine,
poldercd tant ona coffee Estate in the lower part ot
Vanje crech, to drain and divide the saine in beds,
vnd plant plantain stocly thereing are requested to
address themselves to the undersigned, on Lot No.
22 New Amsterdam,
} Ayril.
View original kOR SALLE a few pipes of London particu-
lar Madeira wine, warranted to be of an exc flent.
quality, has been upward of four vears in the pipe.
1 April. G. PACELS, qq.
View original JU N-A-W AY from the Subscriber, ¢ Mo
tte Tad, abont 5 feet S inches Ihe eddy at who. maker ou
Cade, Oe isscen inthe Chanue!l: whoever shou'td wpe
prehemd tin aac lodge him in the Barracks, will b.
NOTPICE ts hereby piyen—7 hat the under-
crenedy as Proprietor of Canje Be ly, fins given over
dhe sand Pstablishment to Ving WoC, Mourand, who
Willa ord every accemmoduion to Passe neers, an
Aneirstichly cormplyins with the So article oo. the
feonlilio stor stid Perry, posted npat the pliee,
by payin the Perriage mediately on their passing
wud Fepiassing,
And thatthe said Mr. S.C. Monrand, has also
been empowered by him to collect all cutstandine
clapos due to him the undersigucd, either for fer-
iace or otherwise, to giant receipts, or fo sue forth,
caine, shonid such mea..s be fornd waaveidable.
1 1 April. L. C. ABBENSETS.
View original HeEKENDSMANING.— Den ondeigetec-
Kk cnde als Kigenaaren Aanlegger van het Kanjo Veer
msakt by dezen boeken’, dat by hot cemelde Vee
Verpagt heeft aan den Heer WC. Seis
nende ecn teder zich verzekeren van e“oue veruiaving
tn het overzetten over gemehle Veer, te cullon onte
moctcn, mits protwupte betaling; alles vol: eens het
Sete artikel van het Reglement door den dloye van
Politie daar voor bepaald. ch aan genuemde Veer
aange plate sfaat,.
V crders tiaakt hy ondergcteckende nog bekend,
dat hy alzo gemelde Heer \V: C. Mourand heeft aan-
eesteld als zyhe Gemagtieden tot inkassecrine zy ier
ec Ken, zoo wel voor het Veer als ande TZU(S, Guitar
en te passceren, cn de onwillige in regten te ve re
1 April. L. C. ABBENSEFS.
HET Nollegie van Heeren Assessoren der
Evangelische Luthersehe Gomecnte, dezer kolonie.
verzocke de Belydetrs hunner Kerk tot eon: By Ger -
komst, op Donderdag den Oden .\ pril ISIS, op he
Lrt No. U4, ten huize van de veye Lucia,
I April. C.D. TORE, Seriba,
FOR SALE, an excellent sadale and drat
horse, about 3 VCUUrs old. wareantead soulle . amd tree
{goun uce.—Laquire at this Otlice. 29 Jiurel.
View original ee ey
This isto inform the Public, that the Sollowing
Persons ihlend quitting this colony.
A. Fleury in 6 wecks trom 18 February.
D.C. Scicidius in do.
Ren Setth: and childin do.
The free black woman Zephire In do.
David &ill-erin do. from do.
C.G.R. Eckhard in @ weeke from 25 Feb
J,F Stent a do,
Wim. Laff mn co.
Walter Kennedy in do.
JL A. Aicken an | fumily indo. or 3 months
P. Harrivelle aol a rowtatte servant in do. or do.
lob Fraser (PL vileoy) with the April convoy.
James Praser wilh Wo. . .
Phe tree mulatts wouan Philipypina ia 6 weeks frong
Feb. 20.
Jolin Cheyney will leave this colony for Demerary.
Phomas Wade cand bunily in 6 weeks from | April.
Sunon brases (ilmorachk) will quit this col ny.
Rh. CO. DOSV NER, See.
View original Ls
Satweis here’ y gtven, thata moath afirr date the
follucing Veansporrsand Mortgages will be pussed.
Marci dl. James Chalmers will passa monlwage, in
favor of J.P. ang A. Dowghis & Cor, ot Glase
pow, fo be vescd on planiacion hildonand, sla
vex and appurlenanecs.
— J. ystop will transport to Demerary Jnecroca,
moiuely }tickenzie, Major, Fortune, Braham,
Aloazo, Fantie, Se. .t, Charles, and dustin.
—— Walter Scot will tan:port to Di.werary 2 nee
grocs, Camb vland and fHenry,
starch 25. Win. Scott will transport ta Wm. Cort,
Plantation Wallramsburg or 3 of Lots No, 7,8
ancl 0, Wist Core: yl.
March ¢o. Ee and 4.0) caser will transport 35 Nee
Eras to Demmerary’, hides lu be gccu al the Sce
crclaty’s Olhee.
Simon Pyaser will transport to Demerary, SO
AvIET., Dowels Reid & comp. will transport to W.
Cowle 29 rooes, mote or less, of Lot No. A, fist
potder New Aisterdam, fiemy the middle dam,
by the broad of half the lot, north side.
Win. Cowie will transport the same to Eliza.
bet Outlerbi pire.
Sun, bain weil transport t@Judith Dallimore
IS boods vac | bool in lene th of the lower half
vt Lot No. 19, first polder,
i. ©. DOWNER, Sec.
View original ee
WHER GAS Appiertion, by Po tition, bas been
made to the Homwble. Court ot Policy and Criminal
Justice ol the colouy Berbice, at (heir Sessions of the
luth vanuary ESS, tor Letters of anwmission «
Lae Negto wou Cuncba, assisted by A. G. Cale
mer, lor hersch and hee three cbildeen, Luisabeth,
hrances, and Susannah,
Notice whoreafis lorby given to those whom it
may concern, ahd Who may wish to oppose the grant
ofstid Letters of Manuinuission,that they may addrese
hemselves im writing to the undersigned Secretary of
‘he colony, previous to the ensuing Sessions of ‘the
‘don. Court, when a final disposition will be made oa
Lhe aforesaid Peution,
Secretary's Olive, Berbice, 28th January 1814.
R. C. DOWN R, Sec.
View original Van Wegens het Secretary dexer Culonie.
C. C. Swaving en HU. Staal, qq. Westrik Pool en
Syndris, verzoeken alle de geenen welke noe leis te
vorderen mogte hebben van de ecrste Rigenaren van
Je plantagyw @ Unie en weeburg, gelegen aan de
Weest- Must dezer Kulonice, bier vau Opsave te doen
aan het Seeretary dceacr Aolonic, binnen een maand
van Cato dezes.
Berbice, den 23 Miart, 1815.
Rh. C. DOWNER, Secretaris.
EE eee
View original ee
Gentlemen who bave borroev ed any of the
folowing volumes of the Annual Revistes fiom Jolie
Ginning, Esq. vs AT much oblige the Subscriber by
sending them t> bim, at the honse oOpposile: Mrs.
Mary Lindner, viz :—Vol. 9,9,0,7,10, 11, 13, 17,
18, 19, 22, ond $
wy wwy
—_——_ -_.
View original
View original
View original TUN DEI Scr StU poundsclean Coltenwiil
be received by the Curators of plantation A BS» nod
the Shoot Apratnext, at the house of Mr. He butbers
orlet Now dos wheitne highest offer, it approved
oy will bo acer pted.—DPayment (o be made in cash
or delvery. 945 March.
hiNidssico ivr 15 of ZO bales ol good clenn
C tontrome plautatton Lets IMWanor, willbe received
unl Vonday the Od of Aprd, at the house of the
accoid underigued, payable in oe on delivery.
ford. \ ‘CAMON,
1S “Match. and seli M.S. BIENN }:’ TT.
— +
View original oe -—__
‘thaw tychis tor froin 60 to 40 bales of good
clean Cotton fiom Plantatton Paliwyra, willbe ree
ectyed at the house of Doctor Jcitery in New Ams(er-
dam, vacl Saturday the loth Apwl; when they will
be upencd, und the bis hest ufler, if approved or, will
b- coepted.
IS Mock. F.BRITLL! EBANK, ¢ equestrators.
-_— -—-- — - ———__ _—_- > Cs —- > OC
View original \
View original ee
View original n Monday the [8th instunt, will be sotd at the
en jue Othtee, by order ot Mescrs. J. Fo Moscet and
A.D. Cuche, Exucutors to the Estate of FP. Ta. Mos-
sel, wearin apparcl, lL, some furniPore, a negro nian
maned Atha a pive eof Lend partol Lot No.3 tren.
ling the my, lle ce Qin, abulle tree | frame SO by 17 tet
astory anda halt hich, an iron chest, some wasehe
Insthers fools, and a tent vont.
On the sane diay a few new cold and silver witeles
PLov sto} In. dry woods, bowed Beaty poten, dnd sia-
otra, potatoes, &e.
hy "onde r Af the Executore®of the late |. AL Joeis-
ner, a quartily of houschold dugiiure, anegro wo-
man and child, &c.
D.C.Cameiron, Dep. Vondiue Master.
On Sat, irdlay (he Oth Moy i S15, wilt be sold by are!
derof the 2? secutors of Jolin Robison, dee. and the
board of Orphen Chamber, PE DTES [gare a bestate
ofof Finlay Scuth, dee. ond ta vadue ol due anutho-
rify obtained from the Honorable Court of Cavil dus:
lee, for that PUrposo, Phautation Clrester, on the
\\ est coast, with all coe buildin SN athe Lo culttyation
(hereon, together wilh 62 Slaves, and taather appur-
lenanees, being dhe jou properly of bee Sanith ann!
J. Robinson.— Perms of Sele Slaves at Gand aix
months; Lands, ai GO, 12, and 1S M@uchs crcait,
I Canwnree wn, Dep. Veulue Vasier.
View original eee
Por sale atthe Venune Cidec, the tadlowioe wides,
’ocors gnmieat reecived by the bois Neovtiety bros
Loudon, which wilt bs sold on reasouible t rai to,
bomedtale payiment:— Best London p
itieutie \,
doin wine an pipes, frst quality, Boe lax, claret
mreases OD Gozcneach, olbho Ktiweas.s 0 Galozen
Cochy mech cnaimsey da eases Oo. 2 egemerciy Chain
pagne ta cases of one dozen each, —t ith Mtoe.
$C. Cancnon, Dep. § Ridue olaséry.
— <* eo~se~e
sc aw =~: . SS ES SEF Uaey LD. oun =.
——_—$—__< + -——_ —_ —__—_—_—_— -e—___— ——
APRIL, ati 0 DAYS,
View original HY, ety 9 ti. ve
"Phases of the Saou,
Do of
Phenonicna, &c.
Me. OW.
——— Oo TE
View original
fis Juast Quarter, Th. toi. Avterneom. ) \{
oO} Su | dst Sunday ailer baaster. Neap dds. 47}
3| \I Comrtbot Polt yo and Citi. Justice. AT
43 Pu fst. Ambro )
Or Ph S
7\ Fr 1
Sis 4A
0; Sy | Ob Snocduy after Master. Now Moon, { 3
[IO] VP J Sp. bs. Ct. of Nous. 2h. vam. Ait. | 5
bP) f Pa | 6
[2] \V 7
Io Ph 7
pti le . Q
loys Q
16 Su | Od Sun. after Faster. F.O¢.5h.29m. | 10
17) VL) Neap Tides. Cl. of Civiktust. Edel. | Ud
Is| ‘Po! Mi
19) W
ONT Th) San Enters Taurus. oO
21) # J
22) S | 4
9%) Su | 4th Sunday after Easter. St.Georee. | 5
Ot) Mo o|sp.Ps. (full Moon, Th. 25. Att. | 5
29} Puy st. Mark. Princess. Mary b. 1770.) 6
90), W 6
271 Th 7
we) F S
29 ;S 9
20} Su | 5th Sunday after Faster. Rogation] 9
[Su nday.
ewe ee Sw Ce ew Ct EE
View original
View original
View original ee eee
On Salarday (lie sth sprit, isio.
—- —<S—
zr. YT’ ( ‘ ‘| ‘ . vy ° ’ /
Pics] i CT &: SLACK. ROPL, ‘lt ( MEETING. Kec. &e
Signor Parlo wil Marelron the o Tit pew 'tiout the
Oelance Pols, witb Biddl:, anid pluy dilforebans.
Sonor @ rio vill Marel oa the (irhtrope without tha
boalomee bole, Wwilfi a VEnshet mn lits Ii itl t l) Ul iad
fsa Soicier, and co through the mtudabenctcine.
Signor Filta has the honor to inform the Dadi s ane
(aentlerme R, that he tatencds mao in mrother ar
his Company, yuist arrived, calle | Che Peraviag
Gilani, who will py sor on the t: bi lOve Many
wuust pe fealy.
Sienor Cartaje na will place a Clotir fullof Fire Worl ¢
oa Che sback tope, and sit thercoa unc hey lhe acl

Signor Prito will Lxert himsclt Or the Amusement o f
the Lveniiics.
———- ~
For Grown Versois ‘Iwo Dollars.
For Children Dae Dollar.
Doors open sf 5, and the Pe ria rmance fo commence
al 7 o'clock, intec Lyening.
Tickets may be had aft thar dwelHawe house » (belongs
Inv to Sys. Linger.) Lot No. LI.
View original SEE —————— EEE
—_—_- eo
TILE Subseriber his reccived by the Jast ar-
rivals a considerable asortinent, included are the fol-
lowing, vizs—yicen ta, lovf sugar, spices, black
peppar, biscuit, cheesy pickled and smoked tongues,
sOup and car idle sy payer, quills and wafers, lavender
and rose water with avaijety of perfumes, ladies and
Childrens hats, bonis, muslins extremely elegant
patterns, ribbons, }tliug in, liee and eduing, cit.
covs, sheeting , coumlerp: Ines, sundry crockery Ware,
a few barrels le ‘It, ontaining cach a complete sett for
a family ; Coates ready made shirts, waistcoats,
craviis, nankeeny ecntlemen’s fashionable coloured
neck hhfs., knive and forks, sundry articles of bard
ware, and a varity of goody not herein cnumereted,
also canary sced
IS March. | M. LINDYER.
View original
View original “me
View original — ee
NO’ rich— Ahi those oO hye any . Lins
avainst the betute of Mrs. ty. = inst; doc., of Who
owe money (o’the suid | hile, are requested t pres
mole se Hife meol, the Lxecutois intending boty ine thy
sane lo a close. A. - pena CORD,
shoei’ a
25> March. CEO. PAU! 54:
eee eee ee ee —— —
FOR SALE, plastation levers} hain, on the
Corentyn Coast ol this colony, Witten “J1OCS, callle,
an} sheem. to suc ua pruicbes
9) March. . BRIPTLEBANK.
- -_—
—_—_ - — ——————
View original
View original
View original —_—_ —__ - —-—_-_—_- —_.- —
AT.L persons indebted to the Estate of the
lite J. Po Sander, are requested to make tmmecdiate
payment to either of the andersizned ; who beg that
ali clatms a@atmst the Estate. may be as carly pre-
senfecdas possible. W.HENE RY for scl and
1S March. W.HELDER, qq.
The Manners of Proceedings before tlie Court of Civil
Jastien, in Poelish and Dateh.
The Charter of the colony Berbice, in English.
The new Datch Consteation, in Dutch.
Cotte Coilificates, Puls of Exchange and Lading.
AU kind Gf Books, blaak and anled, Quills, Pencils,
Realy made Ink ta Bottles, &e.
The History of fhatidaos, from the first discovery of
the Iond in the year 16Q5, Gll the Ascession of
Lord Seatord, ISOT.
TPollandsche Kocnossementen.
View original F-- VO @tik PUBLIC.—AIL Advertise-
ments which shall be sent im after 8 e’ctock in the
inorming Of Saturday's, will nut Be inserted.
a == (=o a es
ae 6) (26 oe
SATURDAY, 2PRIL 1, 1915.
—_— _ _—...
The brie Ceres, frony Anisterdam, the oulyarnival
(his week.—Dy the arrival of H. MM. ship Joss %/e,
at Jamaica, fom the Mississippi, we lave recerved
the auhappy infelligence of ihe total fadure of anate
lack azainst New Qaleans, under Najgor-Gen. Sir FE.
Pakenham. The British toss in this facal atfenipt,
snd to be 1,500 inen, and the service deprived o!
twoof its best Oicers. Genevils Pakenham aad
Gibbs were couly killed while gallantly leading on
(hour brave aneas andaitis allowed by every Ofhicc
Sho had seen the encmy’s positions, that they are
much stronger, YWoth by art and naturc, than any
they had ever whtnessed, even ia Spain.
—__——=s Wis —_—~_— —

View original
View original
View original
View original BY yirtue ofan Appoiatinent from Wis Ex-
collency H.W. Busaixen, Esguire, Lieutenant.
Cloveraor at the Colony Berliee and its Dene tone
ctes given npos a Potiftion presented by the Pirss
Marsh it. Pvanchen, tor and] i naine of Douslas
. IN . .
Reid & Co.sasa Ronaeliot the Mrscok Commerce
in Glasgow, care d on ueder the Pirnand style of
J.T. & A. Donates & Cory deted 18th Mareh (S13.
Notice isherdv civen to (heboblics That the Deht
toc Which the Cotton lstite catha Litehf hy cums
imexis. stveon (ee VWoost Ser eonst, was placed
uider Execention aud Sequestraiion, having: boon are
riized, he sud Ploatetion Ditehfelh te hereby ree
Joosed trom atoreauid Usceaution aud Sequestration,
Bervice, Voda March, S35.
- KK. PRancKeN, First Marshal.
BY virtue ofan Appoiutment from His Ex-
eclleney TE. W. Bestines, Esquire, Lieutenant.
Governor of the coiony Berbice, and its Dependen-
eles, &e. Ke. &e. Given upon’ a Petition present.
edhy R.C. Downer, in his quality ar Representi-
tive of W. Reto and PLB: nyunin, in their capacity
ds Curators folie Letate of kianets Bynoe, deceased
stlaspotatmout beaing date 9d) Mareh, [S13.—
Notice ts hereby civen to the Public, that fthe an-
datsigte 'y Burst Marshal of the Courts within this
coion, bed to Sc, at Lxecation Sale, in the pre.
sence ot.) Counsellors Commmissuries, and theip Se.
ceonryy us tie coine ontef a barns wax-caudle,
or Wecdnues.t vthe Tih dune ISL.
The Cotint Petete cated Lrwis Lavon, situate
onthe Last coast of bis colony, with oll its
Slaves, Buildines, ard further st ppurlenarces
therelo Lcdongiwe,
Whoever shanid thins timself entitled to oppose the
Execution Sue clsatl a iantotied Leads Mauer, bt
euch person or porous abiress themvclyes to the
Marshal's Oitec ot Chis Colany, dechuine their reas.
ons for s> Guine it due tine and form, as b hereby
give notices, Gout Pwill seceive o} positiontiom Overy
Pfermediale person... appoint them aday to have
bis or ber chiuiny beard betore the Cou.t, and fusccher
act therein asthe baw ciects
Berbice, a) Tan h, ISi5.
MK. Freanewrn, First Marshal,
_—_— - — ae a
BWV virtue of aa appointinent from te LHo-
noble Court of Covilvustice of (he colony Lerbice,
dated 20 Jannary ISIS, given upon a psttien pre-
acted by Joba Veilson,as the Attorney of Jolin and
Robert Gladstece, of Liverpool, Merchants. Notice
js hereby given (othe Public, that Pthe undersigned
sntend to Sell, at Public Executior Sale, in the pre-
ecuice of twa CeunceYors Coummissaries and their See
eictery, on Monday the 10 of April 151d, the undi-
vided baly cf ihe Cotton Estate called Resource,
vith ell its beildines, slaves, cultivation, aud fur-
ther appurtenances thereto belonging, situate on the
Corenty a coas. of this colony, the property of F.
Whoever should think fo have any right, action
or interest, en tne abovenamed undivided half ot
Plantatioa Re sonice, and wishes ta oppose the xc.
cuftion Sale thereot, let stieh persons address thein-
selves fo the Marsters Onice of this colony, decla-
pine their rous 8s lor su doing ta duc time and form,
asd heros vive nefice Chat Ll wall receive oppoettion
from every jafermediate person, appoint Uhiem a day
to have his or her claim heard betore the Court, and
and fretheract thercinas the Lav dirccte:
Burbice, 10 March. 1615.
Kk. FRANCKEN, Piret Marechal.
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. 2
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e aa . 4 a © a‘*e = y A ~ s a
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View original Rm a
BY virtue ofan kxtractivguile siaates or
the Court of Rolls, dated tos fest of Mareh ISl5,
eiyen in fhe cate © “titled Po dsvard Cheotyadyl y Cina
tor to the bstute ot dhenry Cred, dee. Vlatuadtt, ver-
sus, all kuows and un tiawa Crtitgrs neatnst tbe
stale of flenry Crotty Debon tit. od the under
signed, First Marshat oof the Courts within this
Colony, uandattae coacstot afovsuid Curctor, do
hereby Sniminem by Ldiet: (tor the four time, )
Alb kucve and unknowa Criditors, seatnet the kslale
of Henry Croff, dee. to appoar before toe Court of
Civil Jusice oftiis colony, ow Monday the J7th A paral
1816, and following Gays, there Co sender in Chess
clues, fo ferify the same, and juier ly proce ed
ecco. Cing to biw.
Berbice, 2hh March 1815.
WP RANCI EN, First Yaralral.
View original —_
BY virtue ofan Extract from the J¥iiulee
vt the Courtol Civil Joeties of this colony, dates 1
Jantary 1815, given inthe cause catitted Jrmes Pra:
erand Sitson Fraser, io eapacity as Cu
atute or hvau ancais Frascry Phot iar by Ldiet,—
versus, orl kuown anda \nown Creditors veanaist ihe
Estate of Evan Duoean Prase a cerecd., If the un-
dersigued, Durst “harshal of the Courts within this
colony, auclel the request of atercsaid Curators, do
hereby Sammon | ¥ Lihtes, (for the second tine) :—
All kaown and unsnown Creditors against the Léstate
of evan Duncan Jiaser, deceased.—To appear be-
fore the Court ot Rolly on Monday the 10in April,
IS!5, there to vender in) their chains, to verify the
satoe, and further to proceed according Yo Law.
tors tothe:
eS 8 se
‘his Stuunimons by Eedictimade hnown to the Public
by beat of drum from the Court House of this colo-
ny, and Jurther dealt with according to Custom.
Berbice, 16 Maich, IS15.
I... Fraxcxen, Wirt Marshal.

BY virtue of an Appotmtment from Lis Ex-
celleney TH]. W. Bestrxex, Esquire, Lieutenant.
(iovernor of the Colony Berbice and it: Depeaden-
cles, &c. &c. &e. given upon a petition presented by
James Fraser, for himsclt and other Sequestrators of
; 7"
plantiuions Nu. 40 & 41, west coast of the colony
Berbice, the property of Alessrs. Small and Thretfall,
deceased 3 said appuintinent bearing date the 9th o!
March IS1/5.
J the undersigned, First Marsbal of the Courts
within this colouy, and at the request of aforesaid
- Seguestrators.—Do hereby Summon by Edict: all
knuwn and unknown Claimants, as well in (his Colony
asin the United Colonies of Demerary and Esscquebo,
on the procecde of tho sale of plantations 40 & 41,
rest coast of this colony, the late property of P
Snall and W. Threliall, dec. to appear in person or
by proxy, al the Bar of the Cours of Civil Justice of
this colony, on Monday the 17th day of Aprill 1815,
anc following daya, there, torcuder iv their claims, to
mwvaluia Che same, and to yiluess, adder tbe fou th
View original
View original Bdiclal Simmone. the Court's deciesion. on the pre:
ferent and concurrent riglt of Uhe ciaiimen’s, en pain
of perpetual . hence.
This Sununons by Eliet, made known to the Pas
bhic by beat of drains from the Court Clouse of this
colony, and further dealt with accord ne to Law.
Berbice, this }0 li day of March Slo.
KK. Praxchken, First Marshal.
~———__ — SS a
DY virtue of an Appoisitm ‘af from [lis Ex-
eclleney JT. We Bestixven, Mout. Tieutensante
Governor of the Colony Berbice and ins Do
i ‘cl s
eles, &. SN. given ap oma petition Preah at ings
the Orphiun Chamber of his colin Ve aadin yes.
pues bay Ing Charze of (he unacde iavistered kK vta ;
said appointment bearing date th Sh Of Tarch tt.
Jihe wadersigned First Marsbalof the Courts wath.
in this colony, and at the request of aboven uned
Orvhan Chanber.—Do hereby Summon by Ne -
all known and unknown Cridiiors Agiinsl the
mentioned Estates, viz :—
MT. Haring, F. can Balk, CG. KF. y. Smalley,
NM’ Donald, fi. Van Alen, 4.4 race, dt, Vcolsar 5
J. C’. I. Havas, /?. Ro (C. PR. To: Y ry VV, Asari,
D.C. Park, ti. Miller, Zz. Sel yy J Chariplin,
and J. Munro. .
Ty appear before the Bor of the Conrt 0% Civil
Justice of this col ivy Woh will be hell in the
mncntl of da uary PS lb, thoy to renter dis thetre
Pe Cive Couns, avert y Chess Ney to hon hy lire
. / ; : an) / ; }
Pid ae { { Te tdial e 1 Tice 4 ‘i \ re] ‘ » f
3 ’ ‘ (3
, “esr” ) ‘
blip ( « on en ’ ) lt ‘ le o's
: — . .
Concurrent richtsy Phe sya da ther foe ang l
ecordime far doay, Peebkdo. Bele for vvew 6 deo
. . . . -
red the} ) . ( § \ i "Ss.
rys, » - ? :
Bois Sts. J fl oye STO fo le Pays
: | .
Pvc by ly f si ‘ ( ) \ lie : Aisa (> { ..>
colony. ad! | yi ' yi dy OrGL Soa.
poy oy a
JclVUIC’, 1), \ a! Be act. os
- ye ; . ;
i a é A é A
Lr . ~ a — ~
BY virtue of an Apoorot acct
celleney H.W. Besiince, bia
(Sovernor of (i) ‘ lolly Ty | bal
Cies. &e. &e.w Se riven woo a Porn
oyak. (8. Dowecry ha en. (Voibky Lote
King and Po oiacnin. the: Curators on Chea
— +) - be . \ awl ; ‘: - :
Sey INCly OVNI, ee. AND Fae atdies Da ow ye yy
so - 9 . 7 : ) > _ ° .
mn IAC WhLorA Sa . Ol Jou if tt a I3exl / kel
WEINEXs, Was taodedathe aeonth of Pe uray
. Or}
ples aDpolutent bearing dale tae Sth Mach Ts!
Ltheundersisned First Marshalolth-= Cor lsvy
in Gis colony, and at the reanest of RoC. Dowie ,
in his abovementioned capecity.—Jo bercby Sune
mon by Elict: afl known and anknown claiiaan's iy
(he proceeds of plantation Rest Borer, cum ane. x
i" y
ilo appear before the Dar of the CourtofCivel distil oo
of this eulonsy, on Mon! iv the 27ta dew of April,
1815, and iolowine 4 ive, there, to ren dec in their
claints, fo mania the sue aad to witness, vier the
fourth E.lictal Suinwons, the Court’s decission on the
prelerenlriglitofthe cltisauts, on prin of perpetual
ThisSamimnon by TJict mede known to the yublic
by beat of drum frou the Court House of this colon ,
sand: tarther dealt with aceorliae boeuston.
Berbice, this JO day af Mirch, IS15.
KK. FRANGKEN, Forse Marehal.
BY virtue of an Appointinent frou His Ex-
cellency H. W. Bentixen, Esquire, Uientenant
Governor of the Colony Berbice and tts D penden.
cies, &c. &c. &c. dated the 25th Murch IS15> viven
upon a Pelion presented by the Weeskamer, (Ore
han Chamber) of this colony, L the undersignad,
Pi Marshal of Ghe Courts within this colony, anit
at the request of said Orphan Chamber, do hereby
Summon by Edict :—AIlL known and unknown cree
“ditorsor clamiants against the Estate of the late c.
W.. Schoise. To appear In person, or by proxy, be-
fore the Bar of the Court of Civil Justic e, of this coe
lony, af Geir Session which will be held oa Monday
the 17th day of April 1815, and follaw ing days, then
and there to reader and support their claims, and
witnees the Courts Ceciston on the preferent and
coacurrent nebt of claimarts, on pain of being for
ever debirred their viet of clagim.
This Stiumons by [dict made known tothe Pu.
blic by beat of drum from the Court [Louse of thie
colony, and further deatt with according to custom.
Berbice, Slst March, IS15.
KR. FPianckren, First Marshal.
~~ eS ae es 0 ee ee
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1 April 1815