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The Berbice Gazette

View original URBICE. ¢)
_ King’s House, 1st May, 1815.
“i Tire Lieulenant-Governor has been pleased to ap-
OMpint J. W. Heylmeyer tobe Major of the 2d or
iter Battalion.
By His Exceilency’s Command,
aS ee —
EquiIR«GD forthe Civil Commissary Depart-
en!, Four punctteons Kum, preof 26. For which
\ Bonders will be recerved by the Subscriber until 10
Pelock on Monday the 22d instant, when they will
». Bevpencd in prtsence of [fis Exce-lency the Gover-
ot, an'l the lowest, if approved of, accepted.
tua Berbice, 20 May, IS15:
R. MA CKENZIE, Commissary.
B. The Ruin to bedelivered at the Civil Commis-
sary ’s Office, andl the punchcons to be returned.
EQUIRED for the Civil Government,
lj nnn feet (one inch) crabwood Boards. For which
am enders will be received by the Subscriber uatil
onday the 2 Xd inst. when they will be opened in
resence of Tlis Iexcellency the Governor, and the
west, if approved off accepted, 20 May.
J t. M ACKENZIh, Commissary.
.B. The Lumber to be delivered at Government
Stiiling, -
rye .
B80} CE—Ally rersaons W 7, hold Lieences
rcaul Woot on the ( rown Property, are hereby re-
ucsted to send their Returns for the lest six wonths
vihe Croverpment Secretary's Cfice, pw one
wrth from date: also to pay the Pe reenfazes due
Ba the sune.—If not aftended to the Licences will be
mnediately withdrawn 90 Miry.
. R. MACKENZIE, Com MIssary
" = — = ee ee Sey:
BY virtue of 2 ‘andement ranted by the Won.
onurt of Criminal and Civil Justice fer the CUntted
oontes Of PPom ‘rary and b couebo, bearing date
Mh April, SiS, on the petition of F.C. Offo, an
Nabitant 0 these Colonies, Ll the undersigned De-
nty First Marshal, ta the rage and behalfof the
“Mid F.C. Orta do be re by Cite This ffonor Theaphe-
* fas Wilktiams, First Fiscal of these Colonies (R.O.)
fad all andl every other person or persons who may
onceive themselves entiiled ta hecome party against
’ . . ‘ sf . :
ne seid F.C. Olfo, to appear before the Houarable
; fourt of Criminal and Cigtt Jeottee for these Colo.
ies, nf their Sess ) fo be Ihe iy? (reorve- Tor moon
Ni ody lee el SOD nm “meed Cal] .
he Ninetecth Gey ofvune, 81S. amt totlowing days.
Bor th cC DT) sc of ee! , ihe sn) ke. C (ity Strirene
er his .person, and present hitosel® to be pureed
rom what his Honor the First Fiscal (R.O.) and
very other persona msy wish to alec re against bine,
pe oF tings dhe dreadful Crone of wurde rst ated ina
-rociunation of Flis Excellency Lieuleniat-Qover-
or doun Murnay, bearing date 19th March S14,
D have been represinted to him by His Sslonor the
\Mirst Fiscal to have been comm tled by the said F.C,
Ya tie bay of or work s ow Slaves andto sce
im deciared clear, pure and inavcent of the same,
Rewiso ines c and hear the Court’ s order on the
ul ctor the-releasement of bis person as wel] as of
e reparation ‘ injury if any be demanded {and be
unddnue, to give their reasons for opposition if
Beey maintain to have any, and further to proceed
P cording to law.
fio Demerary, A. MEERTENS,
tn May, IS15. Dep. First Marshal.
a $e
NO TIGE, all those who are indebted to Mr.
P. B:oeF>tor inedically attendawec o¢ medicines de-
vered, are requested to come forward with immedi-|
te payment (o the undersigned, by whom several ap-
lieauon having been made for payment, but without
fect ; all accountg not settlecLon tne Ist day of June:
yext, will be put in the bands Bf ithe Marshal.
20 May-~~ ——-=~- =—G. SCHWARTZ, qq.
THE Creditors"2f J W. Heytmeyer are re-
quested i) send in their Claims at the Office of
View original ————. ———_ Oe eee eS -
The Subscriber Offers the following Assortment o
Goods, just Imported from London :—
Planters mess beef and perk in half barrels,
hams, cheese, pickles, fish sauces, sallad oil, vinegar,
mustard, gun powder tea, refined sugar, spices, black
pepper, currants, prumes, oatmeal, split pre bar-
ley mn jags, oat in puncheons, Hoffman’s fruits, con-
fictionary, cherry and raspberry brandy, old rum,
‘gin, brandy, London particular Madecira-in hhds.
malinsy in kegs, champaign, clarct, Rhenish wine,
porter, pale ale, cysler, soap, candles, blue and starch,
paints, oils, spirits farpuntine, pile tar, rect ocher,
plain and patent rope from 9 threacls to 44 inch ca-
bles, oakem, English ensigns and buttin, fishing lines,
white rope, boat clasp and rese nails 4dy to 40dy,
large seized hocs, shovels, cutlasses, | and 2 gallon
iron po‘s, boat cheias, plantation and shop scales and
weights, parlour doors warehouse and stock locks,
book case and liquor crse do., hinges, bolls, screws,
lash pullies, sad irons, whip saws, Ales, carpenters
ulzes, axes, planes, gimblets, pincers, compasses,
chissels, genges, tool chests campicte, grid irons,
trying pans, tea hittles, negro and traclesmens jackets,
Wrappers, hats, coffee and cofton bagging, Oxna-
burgs, checks, India blue and white sakempores, white
and yellow nankeens, chintz, hkfs., mustins, Man-
chester nankcens, linen, brown Holland, Russia sheet-
ing, ginghams, coloured- jacconet- and cambric-
muslins, marseilles, dimity, elegant sets of ivory
handled knives and forks, plane do., Indian knives,
pen and pocket do., razors, swords and dirks wilh
belts, sword kaols, gold lace, 2.2... stk sashes, pa-
fent lamps,shaces, liquoran! cruet stands of cut gl iss,
pint and balf pint goblets, wine glasses, sall celle rs,
finger basons, crean coloured ware in eels tosuil pur-
chasers, cums and saucers, cwus and basons, gentle-
men’s hats, bauls, shors, stochipgs, gloves, braces,
claathing, broad cloth, hersitmere, flannel, ladies’
bouneta, shoes, cloves, stocking, spencers and dresses,
plain and tuitd white. biacks and coloured. sarce-
e's, white satin, b'eck crane and bembazcen, thread
tape, millinary, ua.brellas, porasols, walking eficks,
bird cages, flour siffers, honse brooms, scrubbing-
shue- and paint- brusics, toiletie and common look-
ing glasses, garden scels, watering pots, fowling
pieces, gun powder, shot, shot belts, powder flaks,
flirts, post aml foolscap paper, quills, ink powder,
pencils, blank and ruled books, wafers, scaling wax,
ink stands, wafer seals, rulers, slates, wriling decks,
messuage and playing ecards, Tavendere rose- and
honey- water, huile antique, hair anct tooth brushes,
razor strops, dressing casus, tyory chest nen, billiard
balls, whestles, silver spoons, forksand skewers, pla-
ied chamber and bracher candlesticks, egg siands
spy glasses, &c._ aw es
0 May. W.UENERY.
View original ATLL persons baving any claims against the
Mstete of J.C. Schollevanger, dec. are requested to
render (he same as soon as possible to the undersign-
ed. — _.oalt. FRANCKEN,
20 May. Decl. Rect. to aboven. Estate,
THE Public s:c hereby cautioned against
buying a Negro man, named Liverpool, from Benjat
min Jackson, the said Negro not being paid for an
is reclamnable; all boat Captains and others, are also
cautioned against taking im out of the colony.
20 May. = Jno, ERSKINE.
View original FOR SALE—Impoistied in the ship, Grant-
ham, an elegant Top Ciaise, painted yellow, picked
out black, lined with super fine cloth and rich lace
trimmings, combined in no common degree the re-
quisile qualities Of neatness and lightnese, having
been built under the particular inspection of an old
resident for a gentleman of this colony since return-
ed to Europe, to be had for the actual costs in this
country, by application to
View original NOTICE toall persons, who are indebted ta
the undersigned, either by goeds, open accounts, or:
other specialities, to come forward with payment’
without loss of time ; as all goods, open accounts, er
other specialities unsettled within fertnight aitcr date
of this notice, will be placed in the hands of his At-
tornies Mssrb: Staal and vap Rossum for recovery,
without respect to persons. -
20 May. D. MARTIN.
rm --
View original NOTIFICATION.
From the Honorable Court of Civil Jnstic of
the Colony Berbice.
THE Court has this day been pleased to no-
minate and appoint J. B. Obermuller, tu be one of the
Sworn Acconntants, for the parpose of examining and
audeting all such accounts as shall be referred to the
sald Swern Accountants, by the Court of Civil Jus-
lice; in tke room of Jolin Dosvacr, resigned.
Berbice 13th May, 1815.
By Command of the Court.
R. C. DOWNER, Sve.
oS ee ee SS ka
View original SO ee 2 SS ae
a Berkiee, 13th May, 1815.
INTIMATION is hereby given: That on
the Thirty First Day of January tist, “Alexander Fal-
coner ceased to bea Partner ia the Company carried
on uuder the Firms of Jolin Thomas & Archibald
Douvgias in Company. at Glasgow; and Douglas
Reid in Company, at Demerary and Berbice, and for
some time at Liverpool under the Firms of Dowe/as
M Jntyre in Company and Colin Donelas in Come
pany. And also that by the decease of Jas. Pei,
alate Partner of ail Company, in December [i che
teen huvdred and fen, his Teipeand Representatives
have had no cencery in the Frade and RBosiness of
sail Company since the Thirtieth of April in that
year. * A. FALCONER.
A. FALCONER foP elf and 2 Execui’s of
Glasgow, 3d March, 1815.
- Atrue copy of the-oricinal exhibited fo me.
R. ©. DOWNER, Sec.
View original BY virtue of an Appointment of His Excel-
lency Lieutenant Governor Beatiack, dated 11 May
1815,—l the undersigned call upon all Creditors of
the late WB. L.iat, to render in their claims at this
Office, within three weeks from the date of this pe-
blic notification. May 2, ISt5.
This is to inform the Public, that the following
Persons intend quilting this colony.
J.C. M’Leod in 6 weeks from April 15.
J. vaniler Schrocff en family in do. from do.
N. J. de Wolff in de. from do.
R. Wheatland in do. from do.
The Hon. J. M’Camon in ove month froin 13 Aprily
Walter Scot! in 6 weeks from May 6.
D. G. van Oostrum in de. from do.
A. A. de !a Court in do. from do.
A G.Calinesin-S-weeks from May 20.
Notice is herehy gizen, that a@ mouth after dove Ure
follwing Traxsporrsand Morlgages will be passed
May 13. The Representatives of the late Lambert
Blair, will transport fo the Representatives of
the late J. P. Chapman, a lot of Land, situate on
the Corentyn coat; known on the general chart
of tue colony as No. 33, and now called Tain.
R. C. DOWNER, See.
rr a
WHEREAS Application, by Petition, has beew
made to the Hon'ble. Court of Policy and Criminal
Justice of the colony Berbice, at their Sessions of the
Sth April, 1815, for Lettersof Manwicission:
John Ross tor the mulatto boy John, born from
the Negro woman Agnes.
Robert Grant for the (wo mulatlo ch idren Jobn
and Robert.
Johan Fraser in quality as surviving Pxecutor to
the last will and testament of Hector M’Kenzic
for the mulatto girl Rose. -
Notice whereof is hereby given fo those whom it
may concern, and who mey wish to appose the grant
ofsaid Letters of Manumission,that hey may address
themselves in writing tothe undersigned Secretary of
the colony, previous to the ensuing Sessions of the
ton. Conc, whena Gaal dispesifion willbe made on
he aforesaid Petition.
Secretary’s Office, Berbice, 18¢h April, }315.
, ~ RC. DOWNER, Sec.
iepncee ge tEEpeestpenedemeentaneaiemes
View original Worverss 4a). “Swag Ss
; 7% » . ~
} VS Be Piahhkh, kK; :
rots. — Li
View original MARSHAL's OFFICE.
BY virtue of an Extract from the Minutes
of the proceedings of the Cort of Civil Justice, of
this colony, dated tO May, I8!5, given in the cause
entitled Win. Gordon, Plaintiff in case of oppost-
tion, versus, the Sale by Nxecution of Plantation de
Vocdsler, cum annexis, to be sold in favor of Daniel
Allt, Receiver of the Church Fund. Notice is here-
by given (o the Public, that the Sale by [Execution
of stid Plintation de Voedster, cum annexis, will
now posilively take place on Thursday the 8 of June
1815, on the spot.
Whoever should think to have any right, action,
or interest in the beforementioned Plant. de Voedster
cum ansexis, aid wishes to oppose the Execution
Sale thereof, let such person or persons address them-
sclves to the Marshal’y Olfice, of this eolony, dscla-
ting their reasons for so doing, as Thereby give no-
tice that [ will reccive oppositions from every inter-
medirte person, appuint them a day toshave his or
her claim heard before the Court, and further act
therein as the law directs. ’ f
Berbiec, 12 May, 1815.
K REANCHEN, First Marshal.
View original BY virtue of an Appowtmert trom Lils Bx-
ecllency Ul. W. bBenrinck, Esquire, Lieutenanm-
Governor of the coiony Berbice, and its Dependen-
cies, &e. Ke. &e. Given upon a Petition present-
ed by R. C. Downer, in his quality as Representas
live of W. King and P. Benjunin, in their capacity
as Curetors to the Estate of Francis Bynoe, deceaset!
said appointment bearing date 235d March, 1815.—
Notice is hereby viveh to the Public, that { the un-
dersigned, First MA@shat of the Courts within this
eoluny, intend to Sell, at Execution Sale, in the pre-
-ence 0 tye ae Commissaries, and their Sc-
cielary, by the go out of a burning wax-caudle,
von Wednesday the 7th June ISfd.
The Colton Estate called Lewis Manor, situate
on the Fest coust of this colany, with all its
Slaves, bie dings, and Lurther A ppurtenances
thereto be ONLINE. ’ '
Whoever svontd thing himself entitled to oppose the
Iexecution Sale of ssid Plantation Lewis Manor, let
such person er persons aderess themselves to the
Marshal's Oice of this coiony, declaring their reas-
vis dor so doing in due tine and form, as 1 hereby
g ve notice, that 1 will reccive opposition frow evers
lafcrmediate person, appoint thon a day to have
bis or her claim heard boture the Court, and furthe
act therein as the Law directs
Berbice, 25 March, tSt5.
KK. Fh RANCKEN, First Marshal.
BY virtue of an Extract from the Minutes
of the Proceedings of the Court of Civil Justice, of
this colony, dated 20 Javuary 1815: Given im the
cvuse en(ided Win. Innis, in.qualily, as. appointed
Curafor to (he Estate of Jobn Donaldson, deceased,
Plaintiffby Edict, versus, all Kuawea and UuDKBOWH
ereditogs against the Estate of John Donaldson, dec.
Defendant by kahet. 1 the undersigned, at the re-
quest of aforesaid) Curators, Seamon by Edict :—
All known and unknown creditors against thé Estate
ot Johan Donaldson, dee. to appear beloré the Court
of Rolls, on Monday the 22 May, 1815, their to ren-
der in their claims, to verify the same and further to
proceed according to Law. .
This Summons by Edict made known tothe Public
by beat of drum trom the Court House of this colony,
and further dealt with according to custom.
‘Berbice, 27 April, 1815.
WK. PRANCKEN, First Marshal.
View original -
BY virtue of an Extract from the Minutes
of the procecdings of the Court of Civil Justice, of
this colony, dated the 16th November 1814, given
inthe cause entifled R. Taitt and W. Kewley, as
appointed Curators to the Estate of Richard Barry,
deceased, Plaintiff by Edict, versus, all known and
unknown creditors against the Estate of R. Barry,
dec. Devendants. J the undersigned First Marsha}
of the Courts within this colony, and at the request,
of aforesaid Curators, do hereby Summon by. Kdiet j
All known and unknown ercditors against the Estate
.of R. Barry, dec. ‘Lo appear defore the’ Court!of
tolls, on Monday the 22d May 1815, there-to rendej
in their clans, .to verify the same, and further:
proceed according to Law. a
This Summon by Edict made known to the Public
by beat of drum froju the Court House of this colony
vod lutberdealt with according to custom.
Berbice, 13th April, 155. .
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
View original PUBLIC VENDWVES.
On Thursday the 25th instant will be sold at the
Vendue Oflice, by order of the Orphan Cisamber,—
he effects of the lete J. B. Schwieters, consisting of
3 Negroes, household furniture, wearing apparel, &c
Onthe sams day by order of John Walff, Esq. 7
Negro men woodcutters and sawyers, and ‘a woman.
Also by order of Mr. Jno. M’ Donald, a fine young
field negroman named Smith.
By the Vendue Master in commission, 7 reclaimed
negroes, men and women, also dry goods, provisions
calttlé and sheep.
D.C.Camenron, Dep.Vendue Master.
—— — ——
On'Thursday thé Ist June will be sold at the Ven-
lue Office, without reserve, beer and porter in bar-
rels and hhds., a few casks-of blue painted earthen
ware containing each a'comptete dinner service for
24 persens, Irish and Dutch linen, Trish bu‘ter in 4
firkins, bottled Madeira wine, potatoes, cheese, sup.
ine blue and bottle green broad cloth, paints & oil,
v casks of negro and tradesinens hats, bottled pale
ale, soap & can Hes in sniall boxes, Madras and Ro-
mat hkfs., boots, shues, Osnaburgs, cotton and codec
bagging, &c.
D.C Canzron, Dep. Vendue Alaster.
7 Sper wew
View original BANNS of MERRIAGE, between John
Quarless, Bachelor, born in Barbados, aud tlizab ts
Welch, Spinsier, born ta Demerary, a minor, bat
with consent of and assisted by her Parents. Any
person knowing any just cause or impediment, why
the above parties should not be joined together in
Holy Matrimony, nrast declare the same to the Rev.
F. Whitfield. ° May 13.
Phases vf the Neon,
Last Quarter, Ist Day, at Sh. 25m. Morning.
New Moon, 9th Day, at 2. 93m. Morning.
First Quarter, 145th Diy, at lol. 35m. Morning.
Full Moon, 25d Day. at 1. Sin. Morning.
Last. Quarter, Sist Day, at 20.120 Morning.
— -_—
View original D.of H.W.
M. OW. Holidpys, Pheave rere, &e. MH. oM.
View original _-_--rlcC rrr - _— —e?:.n kn — ae ese eel
] |. MoUSt. Phillip &St.Jas, Com. Court. | Vf jt!
2) Ta} Neap Tidés. | Af} 10
3) W | Invention of tie Cross, 1) S
4) Th st Day. Holy Thursday. 9| ():
5/F 5 Oo; 4]
G'S , 3120
7 | Su | Sund. after Ascen. PD tv. Duchess} 4] 4
S | \ [ot Yur born 1707. | 4) 42
9: To 5) 1i
10 | W | Spring Tides. ' 5155
14) Th 6 | 36
(2|'F Qo]
SiS 9)
14 | See Whit-Suntay. 8
15) M | Whit-Moaday.
16) Tu} Whit-Tuesday. Neap Tiles.
17! W | Princes of Wales born 1768. \
IS) Ty oe ~ F
19| F | Queen Charl. born 1744.
Qn 1S
21} Sua | Trinity Sunday.
99! VME | Pes. elizabett b. 1770. Ct. of Rolls
99); To} Sun Enters Gemini.
ot) W {Spring Tides. °°
—DBOoODVIN ASO eB®eAwhw—~=—=—DoOe~+)
we em Tt = 25 09 OO 00
29 M. | Ist Sunday after Trinity. 40
30) Tu} King Charles if. —" 10 | 2G
4) W 1] }24
View original NOTICE is hereby given? to the Subscribers
tu the Guiena Chronicle, that im fature, their Papers
will be delivered at the Office of J. F. Obermuller,
[’'sq. New Amsterdam, every Monday and Thursday;
where any Communications for the Printer can’ br
left. | 6 May.
*? t
‘ ‘ \.
View original THOSE indebted,to this Printing Office,
since ]812, are requested to make immediate pay-
ment.” "Those who pat have paid their arrears from
that time tij} ultimo 1814, no attention can be paid in
lntré, fa any document of them scut ia for insertivn,
&e. — - we 6 May.
View original NEW. AMSTERDAM,
View original Saturday, May 20, 1815. ‘
A -Mail will be made up for Barbados, on Monday
at 9 o'clock in the morning, to go by the Sch. LZope.
View original 4.
LL ——_—_————— Pp
English Papers to the 10th of April, we haven ™
ceived this week. They contain very interesting &
tracts of the preparations made by all the Pows
of Europe against Bonapartg—and Disturbane
in the South of France, daily ficrease against his
An attempt to carry the young Napoleon to Par,
has totally failed.
Lonvon, Apnrinl. ¢,
Bonaparte had not left Paris on the 28 ult. nor ha 4
any thing impertant then occured.
Brussels, March, 26.—The Duke of Berri is z-
rivedat Menin, with the King’s Household, com posed
for thie greatest part of thé corps of cavalry. The TF
Count d’Artoisisat Ypres. Frenchmen attached p
the cause of the Bourbons coutiague to arrive her
o <
creat numbers.
A Prussian General is just arived Nere, With seve
ralofficers. ‘They are persumed (o be come to make
. =
the necessary arrangements for the fpecdy arrival of
in army of 69,000 men, which is on its march from
Prussia to Belgium.
The march of troops thouoh this ‘own is incessant.
News feom Moardrid, received at Amsterdam, whia 4
uty be considered as comming frem an authentic
source, announce, that as soon as Prince de Montmo-
ency, Ambassactor from his Majesty Louis XVIII. ,
hal communicated to the King of Spain, from bis
Court, that Bonaparte had invaded France, his Ma-
iesty ordered, that two armies of 60,000 each should
be assembled, one in Catalonia, the other in Biscay.
Brussels, March 27, ftwe in the afternoon.—The
ramber of English of all descriptions, which arrived
~f} ~~ *s oo ~ —~
n hoard 50 vessels at Ostend, is estimated at 14 or
15,000 men; there is an immense quantity of artille.
yanlammunilion. This division will be followed
by othes, among whieh will he almost all the regte
ments of horses and foot-guards.
Eieht thousand Prussian troops which left Li :
this morning, will arrive te-morcow at Namur. BS
Prant:fort, March 22,—The Prussian army -which
is passing the Jthine is 120,000 strong. The troops
of Bavaria, Wittemberg, Hesse, and all the German,
States, are in motion, and orders have been already }
sent to hasten the march of 30,090 Swedes to Belgium
Cologne, March 23.—By the last news from Vieng
the whole Austrian and Prussian armies are alreadp

in motion, and 300,000 Russians, who are advancing
in seven divisions, fullow close after them. Alexans
ler has declared that, if necessary, he will bring
600,000 men into the field.
Brussels, March 28.—Accounts from Paris, which
inay be considered as positive, announce that Bona
parte is concentrating his troops in a circle of somb
leagues round the capital. Nota single soldier ha
been detached either toward the south, to La Vendeg
where the Duke of Bourbon is with a considerable
party, or towards the northern frontiers. Many of
the military have even quitted their standard to re
(nro home, which greatly affects Napolcon.
The garrison of Lisle is at this moment only ft
strong, and there is noappearance of being soon x
forced. A park of artillery and ammunition wagg
is formed on the Esplanade, which is watched
asecarity that inticates distrust. The Duke of
luno (Victor) is here.
Lanpvon, APRIL
We stop the press to give the leading contents
Paris Papers to the 31st ultimo. The wily Corsic
has had recourse to an expedient which he doubt!
‘thinks will recommegd him to¢he favour of t
friends of humanity, and which were we not well pe
suaded of the motives of the ltypocrite, we mig
ourselves be induced tocommend, He has passed
Dacree for (he inamediate abolition of the Slave Trad
but as the Pevil can-quote Scriptnre to apswer: big.
View original purpose so can this most cruel of Tyrants affect hu-
manity when his situation becomes desperate, though
with the words of goodness on his lips, he meditates
nothing but dark and hellish revenge of humaa kind.
Napoleon, Emperor of the French;
We have decreed, and decree as follows :—
Art. 1. From the date of the present Decree, the
Slave Trade is abolished.
No expedition shall be sent out to carry on this.
traile, either from the ports of France or those of ou:
2. There shall not be iatroduced to be sold in out
Colonies, any black produced by the trade, whether
carried on by Frenchmen or Foreigners.
3. The violation of the present decree shall b>
punished by the confiscation of the ship and cargo,
which shall be pronounced by our courts and tribu-
4: Nevertheless the Merchants who may previous
to the date of the present decree, have sent out expe-
ditions fur th trade, may be allowed to sell the pro-
duce in our Colonies.
By the Emperor, (Signed) Naporeon.
' The Minister Secretary of State, )
A boat is come in from Ostend with a Messenger,
announcing the arrival at Brussels of 40,000 Pras-
sicns, and that Louis XVIIf. had gone from Ostend
‘to Ghent or Brussels.
“© Ostend, two p. m. March 29.—The King of
France and suite will leave this town, for Brussels,
this evening, al five o’elock, in order to be nearer the
great scene of action.”’
Viena, Merch 18.—The Duke of Wellington bas
been named by the Allied Sovereigns Comimander-ain
Chiefofthe English, Prussian, Hanoverianand Dutch
troops, which will compose the superb army destined
to. operate between the Rhine, Moesctl>, and the
Narth Sea. ‘This army will consist of 200,000 men,
ef which 50,000 are to be cavalry. ‘The Duke ot
Wellington depart t8-morrow for Brussels.
Lonnon, Apait. 5.
It is evident that the Tyrant expects an carly at-
tack on the side of Flanders. He has sent Ney to ine
spect and command the army in that directioa ; ani
froin ths extensive pneparations of (he Allies we may
shortly expect to hear of an important blow caving
been struck in that quarter. The Duke of Welliny-
pton, we believe, is already at the head of an army of
150,000 men. :
Lonpon, Aprit 6.
A curious letter is published from the Bishop of
Orthosia, at Rome, March 15, to Tatleyrand, Arch-
bishop of Rheiins, in which, after commenting on
Napoleon’s atlempt, and its probability of success,
he thus continues: —* Lucian Bonaparte, who until
this day appeared indifferent as to his brother, at
lenght has opewly dectired for him. Yesterday, at
the house of the Princess of Wales, whoariived here
from Naples, he explained his route, and the circum-
stances anttending if, and stated, that he qwouid be at
Paris on the 15th, with 100,000 men! !
The new King of the Unis Pais Bas (for we have
no other naine for this new and beautiiul’Aingdow,
save (he French onc) arrived in Brussels the 2d April.
He was receivid with joy by all the better classes.
Yet the Belzic troops who served under Napoleon,
are not to be relied on: for such is the unaccountable
ascendancy of (hat man, that the very people whom
' he treated worst, seem most attached to him. Jlow-
ever, the Bruxelluis detest him. They are flattered
with the importance of their city, where the new King
is about to*build immediately a magnificent Palace.
Rut oacand all of the Belgians call].out for a seund
"constitution, founded on the basis of that of the Joy-
‘euse Entrie.
‘. oPhe following intelligence produced a considerable
‘sensation in the City yesterday morning :—
- ©The Eridanus frigate, Captain H. Prescott, had
detained, and sent into Plymouth, the French ship,
V’Amiable Etherae, Captain Sobray, from Bordeaux,
Pond to Dunkirk, with wine and brandy.” -
‘We understaad-that no orders bave been issued by
the British Government to detain and bring in French
ships aé-prizes of war.

Lonpog, Apnit 8.
The Journal de Paris centains some observations
on the Declaration of the Allied Pewers, the general
tendency of which is to convince Europe that there is
no cause whatever for war; or even for alarm; for
that France, however, degrading the Treaty of Paris
may have been to her, is willing to maintain if
with good faith * In a word, that nothing is changed
in France but the Ruler,—Fouche has addressed a
circular letter to the Prefects, in which is audaciously
i states, that the Government of the Bourbons was
View original founded on tréason, and that a “liberal Plice” is
now to be formed, France having nao longer wishess
to fourm, por enemies (yu fear!!! Fouche the patron
of a liberal potice! and Bonapate the preacher ¢
justice and humanity !!
Bordeaux Papers lave also arrived, by which we
find that the Royal cause daly acquires additional
‘strenght in the south.
London, April 10.
A Messenger from Paris arrived at Lord Castle-
reagh’s Office on Saturday, with dispatches from the
French Government, which are understood to con-
fain a formal overture of Peace to this country. Lord
‘astlercagh inimediately laid them before the Prince
Regent, an! they aftcrwards became the subject of
«long deliberation in the Cabinet. The answer to
this overture will readily be anticipated. Our Go-
vernment, on such an Ocersion, can act only in con-
cert with our Allies, none of whom, we believe, will
be much inclined to respect the professions of a man
who bas never kept faith with any Power, and who,
having just violated a Treaty sulemaly entered into
with the whole of them, modestly recommend him-
selfasa fit person to exeente the Treaty of Paris,
the terms of which he hay in the most unqualified
manner so repeatedly and unequivocally ecndeimned.
Krussels, Aprel 5—The Duke ot Wellington ar-
rived here this morning, his cquipages preceded him.
We have reason to believe, that some very important
operations will spcee Ishy Coiult hee ou the Lower
Khine, under the orders of out itustrious Country-
man, whom the Brussels Prpec cinpoatecally and yust-
ly terms ** the Hero ofthe Ase.” “he armics ot the
\ilied Powers, we are assured, are already in motion
md the Emperor of Austria, we ate rejoiced to hear,
has determined tu make the campaign with the Em-
perorof Russia and the Kire of Prussia. ‘Phe Prus-
sian forces ave alrevly ciosely appruached the in-
tended scene of action, Uhase of .Ausiria are rapidly
advancing, and aa ymmense Russian army is pio-
eveding with all possible expeditiun to co-operate
in the vreatand m oneutous eaterprize. It ts stated
on authority of an article fram Bologna, that 40,000
Neapolitans were immediately to be put in motion to
accomplish great destinies; but later accounts from
Naples contradict the report of expected hostilities,
Jteclaring that the King ts at peace with all the Po-
wers, and that the advance of his troops to the fron-
‘ers isa mere precaution, and even hinting that his
movements are regulated emirely by the Declara-
tions of the Allied Sovereigas, with whom he is most
intimately, connected-—The bas:ness of the Congress
al Vienuc appears to proceed wiChout interruption,
and contorinab!y toils decisions, orlers have been
issued forbamediate civil and military possession to
be taken by Prussia of thal parlor saacu which has
been ceded to tis Prussian Majesty. ‘Che Kiay oi
Sagony lias at lencht beenauluced lo accede to these
afrrangemeials 3 $v {irat Donap irtt’s peihidy has in ae
respect affected the projected seiticmgenut of the genes
ral affairs of Germany.
Bourd aux, we regeet lo efate, has been obliged to
submit to the authority of the ( surper.
A gentleman whearrived ia London, from Paris,
via Dieppe, states, that just before he sathed trom that
Port, av order was seecaved from Bonaparte, for all
French vessels there te bowt Che white ilaict, instead
Whe tri-coloured tlhe. We are unable to explain
this extraurdivary clicumstance,
View original a ————-
Paris March 27.—We have remarked, in the an-
swer made by his Majesty to the speech addressed ty
him by the President of the Council, he expresses in
positive teris his desire to preserve the peacd which
France enjoyed’, in rejouncing all idea ot aggrandise-
ment. We are assured, dbat the Emperor has de-
clared to the Ministe®$ of the foreign Powers who are
in Paris, that 7 was his mlenlion to faithfully observe
the Treaty of Paris; and that he hoped that, on
theirside, the Powers woul.| scrupulously observe the
conditions, and not to meddle ia the internal affairs
of France.
Extraordinary Courier of Monday Morning.
*¢A Courier arrived yesterday at Paris from the
King of Naples. a ae
**A Couricr with dispatches was sent off ‘o the
Emperor of Austria from Lyons by the Emperoys Na-
poleon. He took the Turin road.
_ * Four waggons laden with specie belonging to the
Crown have been stepped by the French troops an
this side the frontiers.”
_ Paris, April .—On the Qd of April, at 11 o'clock
in the morning, General Clausel entered Bourdeaux
without fiaing a single shot. The Duchess of An-
geluume left that city during the preceding night.
The report of the Empress’s arrival attracted yes-
terday a vast concourse of people ander the windows
of the Thuilleries.
View original HOLLAND.
Wr WILLIAM, by the Grace of GOD, King
of the Netherlands, Prince of Orange Nassau,
Duke ef Luxemburg, &e. &e. &e.
TO all to whom these presents shall come, Greeting !
The unanimous will of the Powers assembled at
the Congress at Vienna declared for the union of all
the Netherlands under the same common Govern-
ment, and (he inhabitants of the Belvic provinces
testificd to us in the most lively manner their joy at
this important event, and their desire that the Sover-
eign power might be extended tu them, which the
love of the Dutch bad given to us.
Deeply moved by these ex pressions of their wish-
es, we had, however, resolved to defer al] changes in
the existing arrangements, (ill the Uelibefations of
the Congress should be wholly ended, and (ill its ree
solutions should be published entire. “Bat the unex.
pected dfenls which have taken plaice in a neigh-
bouring kingdom jaduce us to alter our Intentions,
‘They make it necessary to answer the geal of of our
stubyects with equal zeal and to leave pone of them in
uncertainty concerning their duties and our inten-
lions. It is now thatuew difficulties Seem to arise in
prospect, it is at the moment when the sa.J recollect.
ton of foreign domination is revived in (he ininds of
so inany peuple, that it becomes more im
necessary to establish a kingdom whieh the»
all Rurope regard as the necessary yu!
veneral security and repose, Enconrage
tiincats Of the most powerful Sovereigns
ine noble love of civil liberty and j
which distinguish the character of the
Netheslands, suil stronger by the
which we daily receive, we take the sceptre with no
other objeet than that of makins our Governmer €
subservient to the goud of these who are sub;
and to secure to them the uadisturbed e
all the blessings of concurdeand peace,
And we desire, that even the the naine
shatt be a pledyee of the close and pa
inust exist between ail our subjects; we are induced
1 declare by these presents, that all the countries
belonging to it, traw h neefurward the hinedom of
the Netherlands, which shail be possess-d by us and
vur lawlul descendants, according to the order of
primogeniture, and thal we assume for ourself and
vill sucecesors on the thion-, the Royal title and div=
nity, adding to our tile Ghat of Duke of Luxemburg
un account OF Lhe special connection which thot prose
vince js desuncd to maintain with Germany.
But however these resolutions are conformable to
what we owe tu the catcnt of the Netherl ids, and
to their numcrous and industyigus inhabitants, we
think ourself equally obliged to provile, that the
name which we have born with honor ander all the
vicissitudes of fortune, and under which our ances
(ors have perlormed such manifold services iu the
cause of treeduin, shall not be abolished. We there-
tore decree, that henceforth the Heir Apparent of
the Ningdoim ot the Netherlands shall assuwe, bear
and keep the title of Prince of Orange, giving it im-
mediately herewith tv our beloved eldest sun, with
the more cordial satisfaction, es we are convinced
that he will maintain it in ils antient splendour, by
ine strict pertormance of his dutics, as our first sub-
ject, and as future Sovereign of the new State, and
thathe will atall times watch with courage and self
denial for the rights of his House, and for the secu-
rity of the peaceful and hospitable territory of the
Netherlands. You all my fellowcountrymen, who
inhabit this terrilory, open your hearts to confilence
and hope, The constituent parts of political hap-
piness are all in your own power, Be attached to
your country, in harmony with each other and free
trom jealousy, and you will be strong enough to av-
ertall the dangets that may threaten you. Europe
looks upon your union with interest and affection.
The Constitution which is already obligatory upon
t great proportion of you shall be subjected, as soon
as possible, to the regulations which may adopt it to
the wants and the wishes of all, and you shall find in
‘it the guarantee of your religion, upon which we all
set the higbest value. Useful institutions, under (he
blessings of the Almighty, shall promoie the free de-
velopement of all kinds of national industry, aud the
revival of your long celebrated arts and of your feel-
ings and your efforts answer to those which, on this
solemn day, your King consecratcs to you irrevoca!-
ly, and‘rom the bottom of his heart ; the prosperity
which falls to your lot shall remain (o distant azes
the inheritance of a grateful posterity.
Given at the Hague, March 16, 1814.
palicy of
wark of the
J by the sen-
» confiding in
nde pendence
people o; the
manitold preots
ect to if,
Joyment of
of new State
fernal union that
By His Majesty’s Command,
“ela oe
~ = «
ee eet 5 -—-«<
Super, at Anchor hefrre New London,
Jan. 23, S15.
S;a—l] have the honouz to seu! you with the
captur of the United States’ ship President, on the
15) ine'ant, by the force described in the margit
Moj- slic, Tevedos, Pudymion,and Pomone | which
Lad collected off the Bar of New York, oder the
direction of Capteia Hayes. She and the Macedo-
gienwoned brig, of $80 tons, leaden with provisions,
sailed on the preecding evemog, wader (he command
of Commodore Decatur: but the present season of
the year, and the dark nights of which have availed
hh: rS Tf, have not enabled hon to elude the : at mee
“¢ ’
of Captiin Hayes, and the Commaaders of Mis Via-
‘'s Silps under his orders, who have well dis-
<dothe uuporiant duty l asstrned to thems and
i! < lerve to offer you ny congralzlatiogs on the
cdesien of the Amertean Government beme defeated.
Vou will perceive by the reports Captain Hayes
has dolivered tom. (os) ies of which Ido myself the
honour to fraesmil fo yor herewith) the ardour dis-
played Lo Ceptan te: in the pursuit, the intrepi-
dity with woeich he beorght the enemy's ship to close
actiongaytth> ur) aated spirit with whieh the La.
dynio’s iverier force was singly employed, for the
sprce oi (eo Dours anda hall, leaviag hononeable evi-
dence of jacdrement ia the€precission of her fire, in the
sinking state of her antycanist, the heavy loss sustain-
liy hin, aued tis inabiluty to make farther resistance
when the Pomone arrtivedup with bin; while the
Joss and Comace sustained by the Padymion was Coin-
paratively sant: an lalthiough thedistineaished con-
duct of Captiin Tope, bis officers and ship's come
peny, can drive noa lattioual lustre froin my commen-
dation, Teannotawinold my tribute of applause, not
ein T refrac from securing you thatthe judicious con-
d mt of fastaia Lstyes in the dircetion of Ure force
eniruste Tt» hisowbers, and theexertions ex'bited Ly,
him and Ceptains Parker, Hone, awl Tactley, hive
J tised the confidence [hal gs ead inth ir zeal. vat
bave rendered them w horty of yeur approbation.
I have the honour to be, &e.
(>irned) He. Hotwas, Rear- Adm.
To the Fan. Al cander Cochrave, K. iB. Vice-
AGiiiral o} ife LOG ; ( vinmander tw { hiefyne.
Vajestee, at Sea, Jan. 17, 1815,
Vat: 29 min. Ahd g. N. long. Tl minwS5 dex. W.
Staj—Theve th: honour to aequaint you, that not-
Withytanding my ut rast cndervours to keep the sqna-
dron conmite-T to my charge close in with & andy
Pook, a nrabl to oor directions, for Ue purpose
of preventing the escape of the United States’ ship
PP. este rt, awk utter vessels realy for sca at Staten
Islamis, we were repeatedly blown of by frequent ga-
les; bat the very great attention paid to iny orders
and insfraciions by the respective Captains, in situ-
ations :feull to Keep company, prevented separa.
Vion; and, whenever the wind did force us from the
covst, binvariably, on the gale moderating, placed
tie squadron on that point of bearing from the Hook,
Jac Led Ulihely, from existing ciretynstances, would
m Ure cnemy’s track; and it is with great pleasure I
have now to inform you of the success of the sqeadron,
in the capture ofdhe United States’ ship President,
Commodore Decatur, on Suaday night, afier an an-
xivus chase of eighteen hours.
On Friday, the Temedos joined me, with your order
tolane Capt. Parker in thatship, under my command;
we wae toes iy company with the Ladymion and
Pomone, oli the Hook, and sight of the cnemy’s ships;
but (bat wight the squadron was blown off again in a
severe snow storm, On Saturday, the’ wind and
weather became favourable fer the encivy, and I had
no deubt but he would attempt his escape that night;
ib was impossible, from the direction of the wind, to
View original cet in withthe Took, and, ash. fore stated (in pre-'
ference to closing the Jand (o the southward), we stood
away to the northward and eastward, till the squadron
Berea the supposed track of the enemy, and what
isa little singular, at the very instant of arriving at
that poiut, an hour before day-light, Sanday-Hook
bearing W.N.W. 15 leazues, we were made haony
by the sight ofa ship and brig standing to the south-
ward and eastward, and not more than two miles on
the AMajestic’s weather bow: the night signal for a
ceneral chace was nade, and promptly obeyed by all
he ships.
In the course of the day, the chace became extre-
mety interesting by the cmleavours of the enemy: to
scape, and the exertions vf tke Captains to get their
respective ships alongside of him, the former by cat-
ing away his anchors, and throwing overboard every
Sreabie article, with a great quan tity of provisions,
iad the latter by trimming their ships in every way
possibletocifect their purpose. As theday advanced,
the wind decliacd, giving the Endymion an cvident
advaniage in sailing; and Cap. Hope's exertions
enabled him to get ble ship alengside of the enemy,
and commence close action at half past five o'clock in
ine evening, which was continued with great es tian-
try and spiril qa both sides, fortwo kours anda hal,
when the Endmicn’s sails being cut from the van's,
the cnemy gota-'.ecad; Capt. H lope tiking this opm
portunity to bead new sails to cnad’e pmo to set his
ship alongside again, the action ceased, e Po-
mone geiling up at half-past eleven atni Pe l, i fir-
ing afew shots, the enemy hailed to say she had al.
realy surrendered.
The ship, on being taken possession of, proved te
be the President, as obove stated, cominatited be
Commoegere Decutur.—The vessel in company with
ior Wits the Jer demen big, fa merchant vessel /a-
den acth prov cons), wien suade her escape by very
SU Perr ovine. a
Apd now, dir, a very pleasing part of my duty is
tis beariog testimony to the able and misterly sman-
acria which the Lovtymdion was conducted, and the
gallantry with which she was fought: and whea the
ffect produced by her well-dicétet five wpon the
President is witnessed, it cannot be doubred but that
Captain Hope would have succected in either Jip-
termg or sinking her, kad aouc of the squadron been
in sight.
For your further information, I have the honour to
inclose Capt. Hupe’s lettcr, with a return of killed
ami wounded on board the Endymion. I have sot
yet heen able to ascertain the loss of the Pres vent,
bat [ believe if to be cinch greater than the Lad
mion's; and she had six feet water in the held wher
taken passession of; both ships were very much cut
In masis and rigeing ; agd, bad the present most aec-
vere gale commenced twelve hours sooner, the prize
weilld undoubtedly have sunk; as soon as the we -
ther wilk perinit a communication, | shal! procure fur-
ther particulars, and then send the Ladymion and
Pomore with he prize and prisoners to Bermiuda.—
I have the honor to be, &c.
J. Haywes, Ceptain.
Rear- Adm. the Hon. Sir HH. Hothaa, xc.
P.S.—The ships having parted coinpany in the ga-
le, fo further particulars have been obtained.
Number of persons of all description on board (ie
President previous du the action, about 490.
H. M. Ship Endymion, at Sea, Jan. 15,1815.
Sir— enclose a return of the killed and wounded,
and I have great picasure in bearing testimony of the
very great assistance | received from Senior Licute-
nant Morgan, during the whole day’s proceciings ;
together with the cuol and determined bravery of my.
efficers and ship’s company, on this fortunate occa-
sion. Where every individual has su conspicuonsly
done his duty, it would be injustice fur me to parti-'
cularise; but f trust the loss and damage sastaitied
View original by (he enemy's fri-rate, wii! shew the steady and well-
directed fire kept up by iis Majesty’s ship uader my
Although our loss las been severe cu killed and
14 wounted}, Lam happy to state that it is trifling,
wien coinpared with that of the enemy.
I have the honeur to be, &c.
(Siened) H. Hope.
To John Freyes, Esp. Capt. H.H.S. Majestic.
aad Senior Officer off New York.
Vember and Calibre of her Guns.
Mat Deck—30 long 24-pounders.
Qurr'er Deck—1!4 forty-two pounder carronades,
long 2-pounder, | 2t-pounder howitzer.
Forecasile—Six 42-pouader carronades, 1 long 24-
Fere-top——-Two brass 6-pounders.
Main-top—T wo brass 6- pounders.
Mizen-top—T wo smalicr guns.—To 59.
View original -_- —~———
SEF. FOR L ON DON, the new ‘coppered
kt Ship Grantham, A. 1. John Brand, Mas-
fer, wil! sail as soos as possible, has good accommo-
fations for passengers, three fourths of her cargo is
possilively encawed, and may reasonably be ex pvet-
ed te sail in all June—ple ase apply te: Store af
W. 'Menery, Esq. or on board the ves#tl.— 13 May.
View original P.UWRANT has reccived from London, per
Girsatham, Brand, a eonsignment ot sadlery, consist
ing of ecutlemens and tacdics saddles, bridles and setts
ol sig Daruess, which he will dispose of cheap, for
pMompt pryment. 13 May.
Pir LY bales of Cotton for Sale, from PIl’n.
Lewis Manor, Tenders for whieh will be received
by Me Sequestiators of said Plantation, at Gie house
ot Mr. W. Lenery, New Amsterdain, until Monday
the 22d inst. when the highest bffer or ofers, i ape-
proved, will be accepted ol—payment to be made in
Cast. IS May.
— eee
View original _ —_—
LORSALE, av cxcellent Chaise with tler-
ness compl te.
View original DRIPTED, on the Sth instant, from im Fort
cyers, acidp'’selong Boat, marked ofthe stern—
S¢ peham, London, Jehn Pavy,” belonging to Dr.
Johastoa, Fort St. Andrew. Any person siving in-
formation of the above beal, shail be rewarded.
13 May.
FOR SALE, bulleitree Timber and Plank,
crabwood Lumbor, and a house Frame, very reason- -
able—apply at the Sture of J. HL. Schilarhorst, Esq.
View original LOR SAL#, the northern quart of Lot No.
Q7, liow the middie road to the backdam, with the
buildings thereun, as it now stands,
Loyuue al this Onice. 13 May.
View original TO BE RENT, a Dwelling House on Lot
No. to, Wontiog the middle road, with the necessary
ui-buddings, ailin good order, and very proper
ror a tautily. bor pacticulars enquire at this Ollce,
or on said bot No. 15 to
View original YL WHUUOR, een hiuis staande op het Erf
No. 15, gelegen aan de mildcuweg, vourzien van de
nweodi re aadese gehouwen daaraan behoorende, alles
in Ge veste order, en zeer geschikt veor cen tamilic.
‘he beveagen ter dezer Druakery, of by -
View original J. JOHAN, recommandeerd zich zelve by
dezen aan het Publick, tot het repareren van jjorlo-
sien, Klohken, &c. verzekerd cen spocdige en civile
bedicning —woond op bet Ext No. 24. 6 May.
J JOAN hereby give notice to the P
blic, that he has undertaken to repair watches, clocks
&c, recommending himself in above capicity, and
promise a civil aud speedy service.—Lot N@ 24.
May 0.
FOR SALE, a Negro woman with her child
a good house servant, will be sold very cheap for
immediate payment. Apply to this Piice.
May 6.
Published every Saturday at 49'clock P m.
By W. SCHULZ & Co.
Privileged Government Printers

20 May 1815