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The Berbice Gazette

View original 1814.)
View original —_——— ———$———
Txclve dollars p. annum.
View original PROCLAMATION.
BY the Honorable Courtof Policy and Criminal Justice
of the colony Berbice.
To all to whom these presents may or shall come; Be tt
THAT we have thought proper to regulate the
Contributions for the payment of the Hire of Vilty
Negroe Slaves, furnished by several Planters, for the
repair of the Fortifications in this colony, for the year
1812, on the same footing and in the same manner as
is expressed in our Publication of the 8th and 18th
Aue. S08, and to ordain and enact, as we do hereby
Crdain and Enact by these presents :
“hat each Inhab tant of this colony; agreable to
the return made by hingto the Capitation Tax, for the
year the Receiver General’s Oflice, shall
pay, previous tothe Pirst of May 18145; his quota or
proportion towards the aforementioned lire of Ne-
eroes so furnished for the repair of the Fortifications
in this colony, due for the year 1812, as also to de-
fray the expence of compensation to the owners of
such Negroe Slaves as have been lost in the service,
and to make eood the Receiver General’s commission
of 5 percent, for receiving and paying the whole
charge incurred, which amounts on repartition, to
Sirtcen Stivers per head.
For the receipt of which quoias or proportions, and
afterwards for payment of the aforesaid hire and com-
pensation, the Receiver General is hereby qualified
and further authorised to compel and entoree pay-
ment of the said contributions from all defaulters, after
expiration of the aforesaid term, by Summary Execu-
tion, and without further process of Law.
The Court of Policy reserving to itself the right of
making such other provision for defraying of Tire
yet to be incurred, as circumstances may appear to
And in order that no ignorance may be pretended,
these presents shall be published, printed and posted
up as Customerry.
Thus enacted ta onr Ordinary Session in the Court
of Policy, onthe [2th January ISt4, and published
on the 24th January following,—present, His lixcel-
Jency H.W. Bentinck, Pecatenant Governor, and
the Honorable Members 1. CC. Abbenscis, John
McCamon, Siinon Fraser, Peter Fairbairn, A. J.
CGiasius and George Munro.
By Command of the Court.
——— "et
View original ———— "et
BY the Wonorable Court of Policy and Criminal Justice
of the colony Berbice! Reet known:
THAT the mimber of Slaves on Estates, subject to
the payment of Plantation Money, consisted on the
31Ist December, [S12, in 22094 he ads, and that on oa
repartition, the Plantation- Money for the present year,
is by these presents, fixed and reeulated ai Telce
slivers per head.
All persons pessessing any Estates, or who may
have the Administration of them, are he ‘reby enjoin-
ed and directed to make payment for the aforesail
Plantation-Money, agreable to the said repartion, a
the Office of the Receiver General, ou or before th.
First of May next ensuing.
And in order that no ignorance may be pretended,
these presents shall be published, affixed, and toge-
ther with the List of Slaves, printed and sent round
to the different Estates within the colony, as is cus-
Thus enacted in our ‘edinary Session of the Court
of Policy, on the 12th January, 1814, and published
on the 4th Ji anuary, following,—present, [lis Ix-
cellency H. W. Bentinck, Lieutenant Governor,
and the Hon. Members I. C. Abbensets, John
McCamon, 8. Fraser, P. Fairbairn, A. J. Glasius,
and Geo. Munro.
By command of the Court.
RK. C. DOWNER, Secy.
View original ———SS -
BY the Honorable Court of Policy and Criminal Justi
O} the colony Berbice
Notice IS hereby iven that thre t1o1 orabl¢ Court
Of Policy has been pleased, to Gx the Rates of P
View original S
View original SATURDAY, February 5.
View original duce on which the colonial duty of 25 percent is to
be paid to the Receiver General, forthe six. months
commencing Ist January, and ending SU0th June,
ISL4, as follows :
Cotton, 16 stivers pey pound.
Coffee, 6 do. do.
Sugar, 5 do. do.
Cocoa, 6 do. do.
Rum,,30 do. per gallon.
Molasses, f I.
Secretary's Office 11 Jan. ISIA.
By Command.
R. C. DOWNER, Sec.
a < ———? ee Se
By the Honorable Court of Policy and Criminal Justice,
of the colony BE& bive.
To all to whom these presents may or shall come; grect-
ing! Be it known.
WHEREAS we have experienced from the ac-
counts given in by the Receiver General, that very
little attention has been paid to the ordinance made
by us, under date of the 23d. July IS10; respecting
Transient ‘Traders.
In order therefore to ensure a better observance to
the regulations wade on that head, we have appoint-
edand hy these presents, do appoint Thomas Chap-
man, Esquire, or the Collector of his Majesty’s
Customs, for the time being, of the colony Berbice,
Receiverof the Transient Duty, with the same power
and authority as was given to the Receiver General
by our aforesaid Proclamation of the 10th Oct. IS10.
And with the exception of the clause contained in
onr Proclamation of the lO October i810, ordering
all persons to pay the Transient Duly of 2b percent
to the Receivers General, we confirm the contents
thereof, which for general information is herewith
And that no persons may pretend ignorarce here-
of, this our present ordinance, shall be published and
printed as usual.
Thus enacted in our Ordinary Session in the
Court of Policy, on the 12th January IS}4, and pub-
lished on the 24th January following,—present, [is
Mxcellency H.W. Benrinck, Lieutenant Govercor,
and the Honorable Members L. C. Abbeusets, John
MleCamon, Simoa Fraser, Peter Fairbairn, A. J.
Glastus and George Munro.
By command of the Court.
fC. DOWNER, Secy.
By the Honorable Court of Policy and Criminal Justice,
of the colony Berbice.
To all to whom these present may or shall come; greete
ing! Be it known, .
WHEREAS on representation having been made
to us from many of the Inhabitants and Residents of
this Colony, We have judged it expedient to impose
a Duty on all Goods, Wares, and Commodities,
imported by Captains of Vesscls, Transient Traders,
and others, having no residence within our Govern-
ment, so as to place those persons on a Level with
our Resident Colonists who contribute towards the
inaintenance of the Government. We have there-
fore enacted, that from and after the date hereof:
ALL Transient ‘Traders, viz: All Masters of Ships
or Vessels, Supercargoes or others, during their tem-
porary stay in the colony, derive a Revenue from
the Sale of Goods or Merchandize, shall pay a colo-
nial Tax of two anda half percent on such Goods
according to the Invoices thereof ;—and it is ordered
accordingly that all such Masters of Ships or Vessels,
Supercargoes or others, previous tothcir quitting the
colony, in behalf of the colony, the above 'Tax on
the orginal Invoices to be produced to them, or make
Oath before the said Receiver General who is em-
powered to administer the same, that they have not
directly or indirectly, during their stay in the colony,
a Revenue from the Sale of any sucl» Goods or Mer-
chandize ;—and unless either the attestation of their
having made such Oath, or a Reccipt for Duties paid
by them, be produced in the Secretary’s Office, no
Permit or Pass for the departure of such Persons froin
the colony shall be issued by the Secretary.
And should any Captain or other Importer afore-
View original 0. AS9Y.
View original Payable in advance.
View original said, give ina false Declaration at the Receiver Ge-
neral’s Oflice, such Person so offending, shall forfeit
the sum of five hundred guilders, which is to be levied
forthwith on the party offending. Said penalty to
be devided as customary.
And that no one may pretend ignorance of this our
Ordinance, the same shall! be publisbed, printed and
affixed as usual.
Thus enacted in our Ordinary Sessions of the Court
of Policy, on the Ist of October, 1810, and published
the 12th November following. Present, His Excel4
lency Major General Sam. Dalrymple, Acting Go-
vernor, President ; and the [Lonorable L. C. Abben-
sets, J. Tapin, S. Kendall, P. Fairbairn, and 8S.
Ry command of the Court.
R. ©. DOWNER, Secy.
By the Honorable Court of Policyand Criminal Justice,
of the colony Berbice.
Lo all to whom these present may or shallcome; greet-
fo! Be tt known
WHITE RIEEAS a vacancy has again occurred in the
Hon ble Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, His
Excellency the Governor has been pleased, trom out
of a nomination made by the said Court, to elect
Matthias Rader
and Esquires.
William Cort
to be Members of the said Court.
Ordering every one to respect those Gentlemens
In their capacity.
Done at the Court House, New Amsierdam, Ber-
bice, Lith January, 1814.
By command of the Court.
R.C. DOWNER, Secy.
By the [onorable Courtof Policy and Crimiual Justice,
of the Colony Berbice.
INFORMATION is_ hereby given to the Public,
(hat (he undermentioned Gentlemens are appointed
Commissaries, for the year 1814, in the different dis-
tricts of this colony.—
Commissartes for the East sea coast, Berbice
John McCamon,
and Msquires.
Samuel Kendall,
Commissaries for the West sea coast, Berbice.
Lewis Cameron,
and I’squires.
John Cameron,
Commissaries for the lower Division, Corentyn coast.
Robert Douglas, ) 4
and [Esquires,
George Bagot,
Commissaries for the upper Corentyn Division.
I'rancis Brittlebank,
and Esquires.
John Bethune,
Commissaries for Canje River.
Henry Smithson,
and Esquires.
Isaac Farley,
Commissaries for the East sca coast canal.
Samuel Kendall,
David Carnegie,
Henry Smithson, Esquires.
H.W. Heytmeijer,
Commissaries for the East bank of the River Berbice.
L. C. Abbensets,
and . Esquires.
J. H. L. Maurenbrecher,
Court House, New Amsterdam, Berbice, the Ltth
January 1814.
By command of the Court.
R. C. DOWNELK., Secy.
View original Hhis Kveeclle: i VI VILLI [ foi n }
Fs “ire. Li é Aide f-Grov rno ( r¢f C Wj rate ‘ y)
Chief in and overt Netllement of Berbice 3 /s
/) endenctes. anil President in all Cou and
Collewes withtn the same, S&e MAC &
WHEREAS vers {el atfention has been paid
the **Notice to Wovu “atters’ elven onthe [3th oft
November, ISIS. Sy command of His Excellency
Major-General Murray, and as various complaints
are existing that those who have been favored with
Licences to cut wooed in his Majesty’s lands, do not
comply with the terms of the grants made to them:
have thoueht fit. and do hereby declare the follow-
ing regulations tor Woodcutters in the said lands :
SAUL Licences to cut wood shall be exhebited at
the Government Secretary’s Oflice, within two months
from the date of these present, or in default thereof,
the sa We I il] He consid ‘red void, and the neglect-
fil punished according to the exigency of the case.
“And further that Licences to cut wood. be con-
sidered als eranted for one wcar onli. during ; which
term the said Woodeutters shall make half yearly
retutnFof the quantity and quality of wood they may
respectively have cut ‘ durine rthe half year, the truth
of which return shall be sworn to before me. and af-
terwards delivered to the Civil Comiiussary to the
end, that a dae collection may be made of his Mayes-
(y's portion of the said) wood so cut.’
Givenmunderimy tland and Seal at Arms, this 21st
day of January, ISd4. and in the 54th year ot
This Majesty's Reign
t \\ i i ( \
4 a .Y ) ray J r9 An Re | Y FY
4 it i 4 k fe } _ Q) i i i ( KH, °
mill levitecrd, dat This zs to inform the Pu.
d U ac / ( ) sé ¢ ‘OUl Dla e that thi fi llowing prcle
’ CRS Dyn fdese Notonie sons intend gy dilleig this Co-
/ :
fe verlrehnre?., bc ny
John Utter by the first convoy.
lo a In O Woe from YY Jan,
L < ye? } f | ’ ’ () ¢
. cilil i i od UO ’ AS Tron Jall.
' ¥ , ' . ‘
abc: MC LMIOC.S B12 GO WeOCKS from ‘ ch.
View original _—_—
MOKDT hrermede bekcend) NOTICE is hereby eizen,
gemaahkl, dat econ maand niu thata month after date thi
dato de colgende Trauspor- following Transports and
denen Mipothehken sullen Mortgages will be passed,
sericea nicorden,
Jan. 1. b. Theobald qq. Payle Read, will transport
(oP. C.imery, 20 roods of land, more or
less, with the buildings thereon, situated on
the soutiocnn quater of lot No. 10, Neya@tn-
sterdanr, extending from the middle “toad to-
wards the bach damn, .
Jan. 92. fico. Munro og. the trustees of A. W. So-
mieesntl, will ransport to Gordon and) Mur-
phy, one third of lots A & 3, at Abary.
“waving and tl. Staal aq. the Execu-
tor fo the will of the late J. J. Swnying, de-
eeased, will Gansport to C.C, Swavine the
eottee plantation de Liefde, situat on the wast
bank of this river, with the buildings, culti-
vation, negrocs, and every thing appertaieing
thereto, and said C. C. Swaving will pass a
morfrave in favor of said executors of the will
of said Jo. Swaving, deceased, for the un-
paid pwrchase money.
Jan. 29. Mary Lindoer will (ransport to James Rur-
nett, 9 roods in depth of the half lot land No.
10, edjoming to the 7 r00ds purchased by him
of her betore.
Wim. and Geo. Munro will transport to Robt.
Douglas, lot No. 3, situate on the west coren-
tym coast.
‘Robt. Douglas will at the same time execute
a mortgage Jor the balance due the said Win.
and Geo. Munro, for original purchase mo-
ney of the above lot No. 3.
Feb 5. Sutherland Keith will transport to M. Zaf-
fray, nine negromen, his property.
M. Zatiray will pass a Inorlyage, as per
contract, in favor of Sutherla® Keth, on 22
negro men, his property.
W. Brumell, tor himself and the rato cayvee-
rendc, for the late J. G. Heiliger, will pass a
transport of plantation Gibralter, cum annexis
to W. Hobson and the representatives of F.
Jeffery, who will, at the same time, pass a
dnor(gage for the balance of the purchase mo-
——— (.{
Rh. C. DOWNER, See. '
View original WHEREAS the followi IY persons have addressed
thems« Ives to the Hon. Court of Policy and ¢ ‘riminal
Justice ot the colony Berbice, at their Sessions of the
$i January, 1814, tor Letters of Manumission «
J}. G. Jones, for the Negroe woman Alida, the
Negroc woman Louisa, assisted by EvizaBetu
BEeNNBI Ty for herself.
View original
View original
Notice WECICOI LS hereby ‘
may concern, and who may wish to oppose the era
of said i c@ Vanuaimisst y that they may addres
themselves in Writing to the understened Sr rclury of
the colony. pi evious to the e nsuing Sessions of tbe
Hon. Court, when a final di sposition will be made on
the aforesaid Petition. erbice. Jan. PL.
R. C. DOWNER. Nee.
NS EES eat. 2
ivi @ ats eras vii Orn) ]
View original es
On Thursday the 10th instant, will be sold at. the
Vendue Office, to the highest bidders, by the Ven-
ducmaster in commission, a variety of dry geods and
provisions ; gin, rum, brandy, bottled ale, beer, por-
ler, a few pipes and hhds. swperior Madeira wine.—
Also two negroes, the one an excellent house servant,
the other a field neeroe.
D. C. CAMERON, Dep. Vendue Muster,
— —___
View original +__—__—_
On Wednesday the 16th instant, will be sold at
the store of Mssrs. Douglas Reid & Co. the following
articles, viz.—lIrish linen, cotten shirting, calicoes,
vinghams, Britanias, waistcoat patterus, boots, shoes,
beaver and silk hats, children leather caps, sali in
barrels, pease. barly in jugs, rilined sugar, soap,
candles, glassware, beer, porter, sationary, and a
variety of other articles, which will appear ate
(ime of sale.
D.C. CAMERON Dep. Vendue Master.
__oeC CO — —» — — =
View original CO ————— ———— —_—-
On Saturday, the 19th Februaky next, will be
sold on Plantation Whim, by order of the Curators
of the late Thomas Lawrence, dee. 40 head of criole
cattlee beifers and young oxen, also from 30 to 60
head of sheep.
D. C. CAMURON Dep. Vendue Master.
—_— oe
View original —— oe
$$ —
_—— —_——
On Monday, the 2Ist of February next, will be
sold on Plantation Pyvrish, corantyn, by the Veudue
Master in commission, from 40 to 50 head of cattle, of
an exccllent breed, ata credit of 6, O, and 12 months.
D.C. CAMERON, Dep. Vendue Mustr
View original MARSHAL’s OFFICE,
RY virtue of a writ of Execution from his Honor
Jaucs Grant, Major, and Acting Governor of. the
colony Berhice and tis Dependencies, granted pon
a peliiion of John McDonald, Manager of plantation
Roschall, versus the propricior or proprictors, ree
presentative or representatives of plantation Rosehall
in Canje, under date of 20(h August, S813.
I the undersigned intend to sell, at public Execu-
lion Sale, and in presence of two Connecellors, Com-
missaries, and their Secretary, on Wednesday the
loth February 1814, at the Court [fouse of this co-
lony, at LL o'clock inthe forenoon of that day:
Ten head of cattle, viz.—5 cows,—2 oxen,—and
3 calves,—the property of abovenamed plantation
Whoever should think to have any rich, action
or interest, on the above specified cattle, and wishes
fo oppose the sole thercol, let) such person or per-
sons address themselves tome the Marshal. declaring
their reasons for such opposition in’ due time and
forin, as | hereby give notice that 1 will receive oOp-
position from every one thereunto qualified by law,
appoint them a day to have his or her efainy heard
belore the Court, and further act therein as the law
Phis first proclamation male known to the public
by beat of drum as customary.—Derbice, 30th Ja-
nuary, Ist.
Kh. Franecken, First Marshal.
EE ——
View original SALE sy EXECUTION.
BY virtue ofa writ of Execution from his Excel-
lency J. Murray, Major-General, Lieutenavt-Go-
vernor of the colony Berbice and its Dependencies,
granted upon a petition of J. Bakker and D. Leen,
as Guardians of the minor Isaac Thomas Ernst Nagel
versus, the representative or representatives of the
Hstate of M.S. TLuinbert, dec. under date of 7th
December, 1813. ’
I the undersigned intend to sell, at public Execu-
(ion Sale, and in presence of two Councellors, Com-
missarics and their Secretary, on Wednesday, the
loth February 1814, at the Court House of this co-
lony, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon of that day, the
following Negroe Slaves, viz.— Scypio— Harry—
Pierrot—and—Mimi. The property of the Estate
of aforesaid M.S. Humbert, dec. and as such sur-
rendered in execution.
W hoever should think to have any action, interest
or claim, on alorcsaid Negroe Slaves, and wishes to
oppose the sale.thercof, ict such person address them-
selves to me the Marshal, declaring their reason for
such an opposition in due time and form, as I hereby
give notice, that L will receive opposition from every
one thereto duly quallified by law, appoint a day (o
View original
View original have hiscor her claim heard before the Court, and
further det therein as (he Jaw directs. .
This first proclamation made known ofthe public
by beat of dram, and further dealt with according to
custom.—Bberbive, the 20th January, IST.
Nk. FRANCKEN, Fers¢ Marshal.
BY virtue of an appointment from Mis Exc sllency
H.W. Benyrinen, Lieutenant Governor of the colony of
Berbice and tts dependencies, upon a petition of the first
Marshal K. Fraxcwen,y for and én behalf of WOKING
and Park Brensanin, Curelors to the state of Ff,
Bynon, decd. under date of \sih January 1814,.—No-
lice ts hereby given to the public, that 1 the undersigned,
well sell inthe presence of two Counsellors Commissaries
and their Secretary, at Public Execution Sale, by the
guing oul of awac candle, on Monday the 2\s¢ day of
Nebruary, 1814, the Estate called Best Bower, situatcd
un the East coast canal, with all its slaves, buildin oS, SC.
the property of the Estate of J icon Lewis, decd.
Wheoceer should think to have adily right, action or in.
ferest on the abovenamed Eestate Best Bower, and
wishes lu oppose the sale thereof, let such person address
themselves to me firs Marshal, declaring their) reasons
Jor so doing, as 1 hereby give notice thal [will receive
opposition from every one thereon to qualificd, appoints
thema day to have his or her claim heard before the Court,
and further to proceed according to lav.
Th: aforesaid sale is lo take place on the spot.
Berbice, the loth January 1514.
K. FRANCKIEN, Firss Marshal.
For the use of thre Civil Government, viz.
I barrel of Tobacco.
20 pieces of common Calico.
20. mock Madrass handkerchicfs.
156 ells of Osnabrugs.
156 do. of Check.
1 doz..of Hoes.
1 doz. of Cutlasses.
3 pieces of Salempores
9 doz. Kuives.
G falling Axes.
6 Cutlacses.
9 doz. Razors.
© «loz. Scissars.
‘2 doz. Combs.
50 Ib. of Gunpowder.
7) gun Flints.
1 jug of Lamp-oil.
] barrel of Salt.
quires of Foolscap Paper.
bunch of Quills.
105 eallons of Rum.
2 baes of Shot.
Is2! Ih. .of Salt Beef.
I82! Ib. of Flour.
52 Ib. of Rice.
14! Ib. of Sugar.
S Ib. of Coffce.
Tenders for the whole, or any part, of which, will
be received by the subseriber till 10 o'clock, on
Monday morning, the 7th of February, when they
will be opencd in presence of Elis Iexcellency the
Governor, and the lowest Tender, it approved of,
will be accepted.
Berbice, 29th Jan. 1814. Wai. SCOTT, Com.
A young man, who writes a tolerable good hand,
and understands bookkeeping, would prefer a situa-
(ion in a public oftice or would accept of writing by
the job: a letter address’d to A. B. and leftat this
oftice, will be attended to. 5 Feb.
A Carpenter Negroe, named Jack, formerly the
property of captain Warren; the Negroe is well
known in town, he was sold at Vendue on the Oth,
and absented on the } ttl ultimo, any person who gan
arres( hin, and send him to the subscriber, or lodge
him inthe colony goal, shall receive a joe reward—
all persons are cautioned not to harbour him, the law
shall be put in torce against such offender,
dD Feb. J. WYSLOP.
View original FOR SALE
Own Planiation Lewis Manor, from 30 to 40 bales
of cotton, in lots of 10 bales ; Tenders for which wil!
be received at the house of Adam Thornborrow, Esq.
till Monday the 14th instant.—The cash will be re-
quired on delivery.
3 Keb. G. WALROND, for self and
Wa. LEACH, Sequestrators.
View original Te koop by den ondergeteekende, de volvende
Medicynen, als: pulv. cortx peruve opt., ext. cortx
peruve, valeriana, serpent. verg., magnesia ab. obt.,
sem. santoic, liquorita, tarter emilic, pulv. colombo,
puly. jallapa opt., floris sulpher, cremer tartie, puly
specac, spt. ather nitri, gum compher, pulyv. arsinic,
luchin island, Sat. nitri, lig. anodyn hoffman, elx.
vitriol.—Myristice, emp. melilotus, emp vesicator,
emp. diapatma, emp. diach in gum—also veel meer
andere artikelen, te vecl om te noemen
°9 Jan. J. P. BROLR.
View original [> UY VEY FP wy >wgv 79 Al Pr YE.
7 A
exchange, payable in London,
thirty-three thou-
‘yw, {Ol which
Wasntty Pills of
ety days steht, to the amt.of
doutlders, fL. C.. colony paper mone
Venders will be received at this Office, for the whole
r part, until Monday the [ith instant, and the
owest lExchanee, ifapproved, accepted.
By command of the Honorable Court of Police
\. THORNBORROW, Dep. Rec. Gea.
ce, Ist bebruary, | 3] 4.
VIr. AL No pn na COURT, Principal Agent for
tl; | 1 Property ta South America, will on W ed-
nesday the Oth insfant, at LOo' clock in the morning,
at his dom tory in townat Mr. Woe. Scorr’s, dis-
D by ‘| of the folluWine Bills of Iexchanee
ViZ >;
ey ) 70. y,—C(I),— 110.
Jt) bv. CULO. ail lov.
Tobe drawn by hunselfat 90 days rrht. on 7.
vi A \ % [ }. Ut eerctary lot! “ON INISSTONCES
‘Crown Property in South Ame-
View original —rTom
ora. alt UE wee ee ee a oN See re ‘Une eee = = =
_—_—u @ 01.0 a
SY a
J ho mp” ‘ J map hypo or ‘A 4* = Vy ype bo
Meu, are anviously wating for our (com due )
December Mail, as every heart glows with anticipation
of the [ riher succes ful affuers ta Europe, of lie deliver-
nce of Lie toh Te Cond nN nd | om lhe I’rench Puwe r.—
Be thercfore have tl fa our power on 7, fo lay hefore our
Readers, a fer rifling eclracts from thi (ale nex papers.
Price of Produce, on the 23d November, JLondon.
Coilec to 1 tds
Coton 26s. lo 261d,
Rum to 7s. to 9d.
: ') *) ’ ~ i
Vlelicoland, Oct, 24.—Broemen caritulated on the 13th
(9 Tettenboro: thes pees » Consisted of 1500 mets: gt ts
allowed (o veturu to @rance on condition of vot sceving
Por OW yeu.
Ou the } sth, the | Pus hats and Russian entered I

euberg, near bremen, where they look tive Caimion, two
howitzers, and made SOO privonets,
e ® ° ’ we .
Aw bys cda diate Ciba ily’ a As CNPC ‘ A th) the JO 1Lacs oO}
‘ 1 ,) ’ . a . : :
At wppenaagen Cte Raesssan Seerelary of Levation js
expected bach ; and should che dispute respecting ? vith
be adjust@d, a sinclar change may be expected i respect
to the a ibyscatic CalteS.
The Thanseatic cay ilry WOTC ) esterd ty MW ithin one Ger.
man wile and an half of Lubeck.
Walmodcn passed through Berlin on the 7th, onlhis way
to the Crown Prince of Sweden's head quarters.
’ . . ? WY pyas V ° > - f / rh] Y
[; poo al f Ht st “.—The force undes
conunand of Ste J.B. Warran. oa cho Americtu station.
i Jitly la fo. oN Sods foll WS, tte ‘aad tly of (he stity
, * j } 7
the Leeward Islands and Jamica, also under his orders:
» } . . ~ lar co ’
Mleven sath of (he tin (wo Gd sy, ch Autes one 6 Py SNCCT
Ruths one SO, receiving ship; (wo 50's, en flute; twenty-
three frigates; four ditto, cn flute: two store ships:
a . 7 } ye , , , .
seven 20 gun ships; forty stoops and brigs of war; ten
schooners, culters, Xc.
(From the Au Crean Observer.)
66We receive from all parts the most distressing ac.
counts of the effects of the late inundations in JLungary,
Austria. Sifesia,and Poland. None of these recitals how.
ever excite more paintul feelings than an account trans.
mitted from Trentschiu. ‘The river Waag, which runs
hrongh this country, was, in the beginuing of Sept. rais-
ed six fect aboveits usual height by the great rains which
had fallen some days preceding. ‘Lhe banks immediately
gaye vay, and the lands were inundated. A high moun.
tain, which was undermiscd by (he food, suddenly fell in-
to channel of the river, and gave it au impetus which no.
thing could resist. From Zsilina to Szered, upwards of
GO villages, with all their houses, tlocks, aud standing
crops, were washed away. The calamity haying occurred
during the day, many of the inhabitants had time to save
themselves; but, nevertheless, more than twelve hundred
persons perished, besides many thousand cattle, sheep,
and horses. All the bridges upon the Waag were destroy-
ed; so that in particular situations, five days clapsed be.
fore assistancecould be given tothe survivors of this dread.
fulcalamity. 11 thetowns in theneighbourhood of Waag
have been damaged. At Neustadt, about SO houses were
overturned. At this time one half of the extensive district
of T'rentschin is in ruins.
‘Letters from Belgrade mention that there hed been an
View original inundation of the Danube ia ie ncighbourhood of Widdia
during the night of the Lith September. A small Purkish
corps of 2000 men, had océupicd one of the islands, and
thrown up fortilications thereon, They formed part of
the force which was blockading the Servian furtress. In
the middle of the night, while buried ia a profound sleep,
they were surpriscd by the waters, and met with wistant
death. Not one person escaped. Even the island itself
suuk, and disappeared,
‘*fn the middle of August, the Drave fiooded the coun.
(ry in the neighbourhood of Orsatch. By (he conjoiatin-.
fluence of the rains and a high wind, the waters of the ri-
ver were raised to a tremendous height. They sweptaway
six villages, and the suburbs of atuwn. In the latter is
included a minister of the church, who, while intent upon
celebrating divine service, was, with his congregation of
about 2 {tO persons, buried. beneath the ruins of the build.
‘* From Silesla we have accounts equally distressing as
the above. The rivers in that country, swelled by the
heavy rats during three days and nights, became torrents.
They swept away houses, cattle, and the standing crops.
Nothing escaped. Of the inhabitants, above GOOU have
perished, Even the operations of the contending armies
were iinpeded ; bitiat will be some consolation to every
patiiotic German to learn that the rveinof the French une
der Macdonaid was accelerated by these floods. That
they at ouce arrested his prosress, and cut off his retreat;
and tht by presenting (he akernative of death or impri-
sonument to his best troops, they paved the way to the er-
tire Itberation of Prussian Silcsia from the ecruelGies and
exactions of the en my.
Phe teavellers who hase arrived from Poland. declare
that (he bopes of the husbandmen have, in particular dis-
tricts, been blasted, by the Vistulasvising 10 feet. Houses
and cattle have likewise been *troyed; and 1009 lives
lost. Never,’? say they, ‘tdid the harvest promise to be
more abundant, or of better quality. lad the Divine wal!
permitted themtoreagit. Lthas proved otherwise. And
When we reflect upon the state of that co Indiy, during the
Present year with what it was the precedittz, when ex-
hausted by the march of numerous armies, have we not
abuudane cause of consolation 2, We have—we have—auil
let us aot lorzel it.’”
Over flozzing of the Miss! s/on?,—Letters received fram
‘the Uonived States mention, that, in June and July, the rie
ver Missassippi had risen higher thar it had beew kaowi
for 30 years. “Phe conseguenvees had boon dreadful. Phe
water bad burst themounds, anclinund ited Cre « OINUPY on
the west side to (ue distance of 63 miles. ‘Khe beutiful
aad highly cultivated land contiguous to Red river was an
ocean. ‘Phe inhabitants had tled tothe heichts. where they
and their slaves were encainped ; but vast crops, planta.
Gions of sugarecanes, withan immense number of horses,
cattle, sheep, hogs, and deer, were swept away. Mr.
wrinthrop Sargent has lust 500 head of cattle om ny Other
Lhe loss o: neat cate
€ alunc wis estimated at 22.900 head. Pvery little spol
proprictors of land trom J tov 400,
fa bare ground was crowded with avimals. It was not
uncommon to find herds of decors iutermixed with wolves,
iid both, from a sense of danger, equally domesticated.
The waters, at the latest date, had not lowered more than
Wo fect, Pho miasmita arising fron the Stay a@ waters.
mactrid curesses, &e. were become so stronz. that a pesti-
enee Was anticipated. “Phe total loss of property is vari.
ously cscimated: the lowest is eisht millous of dollars ;
the lighest (wenty two.
Invasion is now the order of the day !—Drance is ine
vaded,—saxony is invaded,——and the dottery Offices are
intaded; for the drawing is to begia om Wcduesday next,
and the ¢dvantages are so many, ae prizes so numerous
and the tickets so few, that every persua of sense and
Spirit is pressing into the Offices to purchase. ‘hts As
certainly the season to secure wealth and hapiness, and the
people are fully justified in Gris grand inyessiun of the
termmples of foctune.
The crops of hay and oats have been so abundant in the
Norther Counties, that the price of posting has hoon ree
duced to its former rate, 15d. pee mile: aedia dic Ves.
tern Road it has fallen to Is. 60. per une.
© Puerto-Cavello, Scpt. 9.—The execrabte Yuazola,
Whose atrocities all Venezucla has experienced, aud who
in the night of Che Sist of Aug. ran away froin the Vivzie
of Sclano, was mide prisoncr on the night of the 24 inst.
with his other companions.—This monster, brought in pre-
sence of the General in Chiefs, dreading the well-merited
punishment that awaited him, proposed an exchange for
Co!. Diago Jalon. The Gen. well knew the gnormons
difference there existed between an atrocious niuflerer anal
a champion of liberty ; but, with his accustomed humani-
ty, he proposed the exchange of Zuazola and the other
prisoners. Who could have thought that Monteverde,
notwithstanding his stupidity, would have been so barba-
rous, and so in different to the fate of his accomplices, as
not to accede to the proposal? But soit has turned out.
as will be seen by the following documents, which are
published to the world, that it may be known what Spe.
cics of man he is who governed Venezuela, and the man-
ner in which this despicable, cunning bird, wants to hide
his cowardice, showing, now surrounded by the walls of
a fortress, that firmness which he never had to present him-
self befure Bolivar in the field; and seeing, with th
greatest contempt, the fate of so many men sacrificed to
his ainbition, not to lose the imaginary honour of a con-
queror, which nothing but (he dreadful effects of the carth.
View original quake could liave procuted him.—Zuazola, im consequence
of this determination, received on ageilows the punishment
of his atrocitics.—A bominable monster !--fhiy pame will
be for ever remembered in the annals of Venezucla with
horror; and acry of joy will be echoed from the desolat-
ed Aragua to the remotest parts of America, at hearing
the end of your odious existence—wlose vame cannut be
pronounced without horror.
Oficial Letter from the Major-Gen. of the Republican
Army, lo the Spantsh Chief, D. Domivo Montle-
verile :—
Atfeoier o'clock yesterday evening, the atrocious Zua-
zOla was made prisoner by the troops of the Union,
‘ This man, or monster, beheaded innumerable persons
of both sexes, in the peaceful village of Aragua, in the
province of cumana. He had the brutal Eouduct to cut
off the ears of various prisoners, and send them as a pre-
sent to the Chief of the Diviston to which he belonged—
tormenting, in the most barbarous manner, the prisoners
Who were groaning in the dungeons of La Guayra: so
that for many racsons he should hare been shot immedia-
tcly on being taken, especially as bis cruelties from a
principal part of the motives which have prevailed on us
(o declare ** War of Death.”’,—But the humanity that
characterises us has induced the Genera! in Chief to accede
to the proposition which Zoazoia has tuade hin, whichis,
to be exchanged for Col. Dego Jalon, notwithstandéng thes
ditierence of rank, sentiments, aad circumstances, which
Incomparably distinguish the one fiom the o(her.—The
General also proposes the exchange of four other Spaui-
acds for four American prisoners: because the Chicfs of
Reoublic will never retain Americans in prison, as Zoa.
Z0la supposes, because they are received by us (whoricver
may have been their errors) with demonstra!ton of friend.
ship and unten, which we have proclaimed.-—Au answer
is expected in three hours, past which the proposed ex-
change will not take place—which is only admitted f thie
goodness Of the General of the Army of the Unioi
will be seeu by the letters Linctose.—L am, Sir, &c.
© R. De Unvdixcra, Vajor Gen.
> ao
View original Monday morning, as the British Queen Mergate yacht
was proceeding down the River, a little below Gravesend,
she ran foul of a quarantiue vessel, and in order to cleac
her, some of the erew jumped on board, aud were in can-
Sequence detained, the vessel embargocd, the yellow tlag
hoisted, and there she must continue, with ail her pas.
seagers, ll released by an order from the Admirality.
ftctort Courfesus.—Dr, Busby, whose figure is be.
neath the common, was the other day ironically accosted
ina public coftfee-room, by an Irish Baronet of clossal
stature, with **May TP pass to my seat, O Giant ?”? when
Dr. 8. polite'y making way, replicd—S* Pass, O Pigmy 1”
“QO Sir,” adsed the Baronet, **my expression alluded to
the swe of your intellects? Sand my expression, Si,”
retorted the Doctor, ‘alluded to the size of yours.”
A Grand Climak.—The Emperor of Germany has
joi@d the cause of liberty and humanity—the Granaries
of Hugland are crammed with Golden Grain—and Carter's
Drawers is crammed with prizes from 20,0002 to 207,
which will be distributed next Fri€ay, at No. 8, Chari
Tadfon-Garden.—On Saturday two flashmen, assuming
the aie and appearance of Gentlemen, were brought upin
the custody of Read, Jun, the officer, on a charge ef rob-
boty. They stated their names to be Benjamin Abrams
and David Lovett; and although they were puffed out to
cut what is termed a swell, neither kad a whole shirt on,
and they wore pieces of old rope for suspenders. ‘The
prosecutrix was an jnteresting Jooking young woman:
she stated, that on the preceding night, when the Play was
over at Covent Garden Theatre, she was familiarty accost-
cd by the prisoners, who assumed the airand consequence
of geatlemen, and which, from their appearance, she took
them to be. On coming to the door, she ordered a coach,
and the prisoners offered their services in conducting her
home, which offer she unfortunately accepted. ‘They all
three stepped into the coach, and the coachman was orders
ed to crive to a strect on the other side of Holborn. As
soon as the coach drove off, the men began to pull her
about, and she soon discovered theirintent was to rob hers
she screamed out, cried murder, and made all possible re-
sistance, butto no purpose. ‘They rilled her pockets, and
took a patr of clegant pearl ecar-rings from* her cars by
force, which cost 10/. and thew they atlempted to ellect
theirescupe; but her strugg)es ancl her screams caused
(hem to be apprehendct ygor when the coach stopped op-
posite the Red Lionin Holborn, young Read, the oflicer,
who happened fortunately to be passing, secured thoin,—
The prisoners were committed, and ordered to be brought
‘up again to-morrow.
© DOR or se Bes ee So oe ee ee ee oe ee
View original @ 3B eG EES Bs 41m SS 1 eee! &. 27 We ee 8 eee eee 1a YY ea
\ y A , ~ ’ 1 a
fo Woodcutters and Carpenters.
WANTED a house frame of bullytree wood. 24
fect long by 18 feet wide, two stortes high, viz.—the
first 12 feet, and the second 9 feet. with a aallery of
lO feet, all round the lower stor also the shingle
materials, and wockmanship, required for finishin:
the same asa dwelling house.—Any person willing
to contract for the same on very reasonable te;
may obtain further information and sce (be plan, by
applying to this Printing Otiee. Lt]
Jiep on the 3ist uttimo, on planta ion ff,
Daniel Leen, Esgutre, an old and respectal ein
habitant of this colony.
Own plantation de Voedsler, Mr. Sae NLA ey
of the said estate
View original D
l'o extraordinary nead-~money . , 9 21! | 6)
[‘o ordinary head money eee. see eee | OOSOV o/ 19
lo plantationem MCV ee eee eee. -ee. | 13462) Sil4
lo churchemoue ; re 657G| 1| ]
To weigh-more PSU es ew we ae ee Hee wwe 60137 1 3
Mo road- and canal-money............ 12314! 9114
lo fastlay Ol vessels, . . tee 6689]
To hos) if L-imoucy seanae 61
To winkel department rec... a a 7414/16) 6
dl O veud ue tar rec. on account... . seeec rO49 | LO
lo received for half purchase of schooner
Marrict, from the colony beimerary. 5050!
Lo bills of exchange... to. See ISL33)L! /
fo received on account of the bush ue-
t Ss sold in l’ssequebo se eee SSL LE
Received on thi account from Js. Fraser. 1lS%} Q
lo transient ta . 1SO}L7
0 deposit by order Gen. Viturrav., . | 150)
O paperaemuney borrow ca SCCUTIT 9160
] .) 9594. P13
PT SE ; ~ee SS e Ss at Se eee eeee aee eC = oe 2S
View original BERBICE.
Aiine’s Louse, 2st Fan. 1814.
ORDERED, that the Commamling Officers of
Districts, do forthwith report to the Lieutenant Go-
versor the nuues of the Officers belonging to their
respective companies, together with the dates of their
Commiissiois, asatso the names of the Non-Commis-
sloned Officers, and the mumber of Drummers, and
Rina and Pile, ia cach company.
By command.
FP. Wiilth, Gov. Sec.
~~ ill ~ — -oa— -- — ae -- — 2. -— - = Le
Fust received by the Brig Ann, Capt. Brano,
_ from London, and jor sale by the Subscriber.
ALEMPORES, linen check, printed calicoes, loaf
svear, tea, gentlemen's flessian boots, tob do. ladies’
and children’s do. dew ‘ss shoes , plante rs strong do.
with birch les— ladies’ and childre n’s Shoes, children’s
fashionable leather c@ps, Jadies’ fashionable straw
bonnets, shlis, Gpets, caps, ribbands and dresses of
all kind : knives and forks, pertui: cry, hair brooms.
shoe brushes. bout jacks, &e
99 Jan. M. (RY LINDNER.
View original FOR SALE,
AT moderate prices, for cash, by C. RULACH,
IN COMM ssign—avcca Peas i hegs, wrey peas, (ca
puciner) indo, pearl barley in do., raisins, currents,
almonds, Preach plums, sage, mustard, blorent oil,
spices, brown stoucin casks aud bottles, candles, soap,
and an assortawn( of dry goods, as, ready made
gentlemen cloatis, shoes, ladies do. and a variety of
ladies work baskets and do. boxes with instruments,
patent needles, scissars, perfumeries, &c 22 Jan.
View original = 9 —
Pranration Weymoutiy,
Situate on the West coast of Corentine rive-. and
Known on the general chart of this colony by Lot63,
con(atning OOO acres of lind, with 35 Negroes, 130
acres in fine bearing cotton trees and SO acres in
plantains and cround provision ; dwelling house and
lout, gli Nouse, Nezroe hguses, and other out-
biuddines, and S gins with craks. —Also 34 head ot
cattle, none above O years old, and 130 head of
sheep of a superior breed.—The buildings are situ-
ate on the most healthy spot in the colony, within
50 yards of the sea, which affords an abundance of
fish for the supply of the plantation.—If not dispo-
sed of by private contract before the last day of
March 1814, it will be sold by public sale, on the
said estate, in the month of April next, (timely no-
tice of which will be given) on the following terms :
viz.—The land, buildings, and cultivation, payable
in equal annual instalments of 1, 2,8, & 4 years.
The negroes to be sold in families, payable in ap-
proved bills of exchange, n equal suis, at 9, 1Y,
and 24 mouths sight.——Cattle sheep, plantation
stores, plus, &c. and whatever may be offer’d for
sale, will be payable in Sand 6 months, ig cash or
produce, at cash price.—The plantation, negroes,
catlle, &c. may be seen by applying to Mr.J. Beer,
the Manager, and for further particulars apply to
M. Suatuson, bsg. Berbice 22 Jan.
View original nd ype ncditure of
— tblished Ly ordet
Court of Policy.
By Governor’s Salaries,-—-——~
d a4
View original avy
Civil Otlicers of Government salaries,
hire of the mail boat, &c,
English church, purchase and Wepai:.—
inclusive of
English and Dutch church, salaries to ministers and
J vlsoU I: ole
View original LIUImS, — LIS] ]
— Officers at Fort St. Andrew, allowances. 6355
— Hlire of pioveers, at Fort St. Andrew employed on
fortifications 17725
— Provisions and cloathing of negroes attached to
the King’s housg, and provisions for chain
negroes, —————
View original McHI UTS.
Printing office, for publications, proclamations,
and new money.
Indians, presents fo them.
Militia, paid for gunpowder.——
Ferriages, allowance to keepers of Berbice and
Canie ferry.
——_— —_—_
SIIt| &
View original Vane AUILY -
Post othice, hire of postman,
Schooner Harriet, paid for repairs,
Expences of keeping up public buildings.—-
Bush negroes, soldin Esequebo, paid their owners.
Exahenses of civil suits yet to be recovered .—
Arrears for Dienders cloathing, p2 Donate.——
Arrears for ferry duc the late @Hankar.-
Arrears due from winkel department for coals &c,
Paid overcharge as weigh money.
Paid keeping up road and canal on the east sea
Coast. ————_ —_ -—___________
Bills of exchange issued £ 1413-19-$,—————_
W. Hobson, new account,——HH———
Petty dudes, paid court tees ————-~—~- — ——
Protested bills , per Robsons draft.
Recelver Generals commission on suns paid by hin
Paper money retaried, —
Receiver General's commission on Sf 232230-9-10
received by hiu—————-—________
Balance. ———. -———_ —__ _
—— - ——_
Oll.| 7
1833] 6

I -
15109 lz) 4
yy s
A4| 9
92s] 5
5s /Y) 3
View original ee | I2s|i.| 9
a J 2BII24-2-18
At the instance of Mr. A. Ao pea Court.
By fis Lacellency Henry Wiirsra4aw Bex-
rinck, Esquire, Lieutenant-Governor, and
Commander in Chic f in and over the Settlement
of Berbice with its Dependencivs, and Prosi-
dent in all Courts aud Colleges within the same,
AC. Ac. ae.
To all to xhoin these presents shail come. Grecling !
WHEREAS Mr. ALexaxper ALnAnY pe LA
Court, has exhibited to mea certain Power of At-
torney, dated 2ist July, IS5t2, to him as Assistent
Agent, excercising prov sionaily the Odice of Pring
cipal Agent of the Crown Property in’ this Colony,
from the Cominissioners appointed to Adiiinister the
saine, empowering him in his aforesaid capacity, to
appoint any ft and proper persoa within this Colo-
Ny, toactas Assistant Avent for the said Crown Pro-
perty under him the said A. A. de la Court, during
such Uine as he shouid continue to excercise the said
Othcee of Principal Agent, as ismore fully setiorth in
the said Power, this day exhibited to inc.
AnD Whireas the said A. A. de la Court, has
further produced to me a Substitution or Appoint-
ment frou: him ia his aforesaid capacity, dated the
fOth ot January instant, constituting Jouan Pre-
DERIC OpermMuLben, late of Demerary, now of
berbice, to be Acting Assistant Agent for the s:id
Property, as in the said Deed of Substitution is more
parucularly expressed,
PL IT THEREPORE KNOWN, that the said J. Tk.
Obermatter being so appointed as aforesaid, is con-
sidered and recognised by meto be the Acting As-
sistant Agent of the said Crown Property, and all
persons whom this doth shall or may coacern, are
enjoined to observe the same, and conduct. them-
selves accordingly.
Given at Government Tfouse, Berbice, under my
Hand and Sealat Aris, this t2dh day of January,
(Signed) il. W. BENTINCK.,
By Conaand.
(Signed) Fh. WHITE, Gov. Sec.
View original Importd by the Ama, Capt. Bravo, and jor
sale by the Subscribers at their Store on Lot
Mo. 16—for Cash or Produce.
PRIME mess beefand tongues in half barrels, sides
of bath bacons, Cumberland hams, Gouda and Edam
clicese, ge herrings and butter, smoked tongues,
London Brown stout in bottles and hihds., noyeau,
Hlyson tea, muscadel raisins in boxes, currants and
prumes in jars, Hoffmans preserved apricots and
grecn gages in brandy, nutmegs, mace, black pep-
per, French snuff, spermaceti and mould candles,
yellow and mottled soap, Durham mustard, I’rench
olives, mixed pickles; white, black, blue and green
paint and paint oil in 2+ gallon jugs, gentlemen’s
shoes, boots, coats coatees, vests and trow sets, printed
cassimere and superfine broad cloth, green printed
table cloths from 2 to 12 fect long, printed cloth for.
carpeting, green baize, flannel, white and coloured
calicoes and prints, black bombazette, ginghains,
tapes, thread, linen checks and stripes, Russia duck,
Osnabrugs, cofiee and ectton bagging, hanging paper
aud bordering, white and green canyay for widow
View original \
i \ rt Catlil | i rvoryv !
oo) >
I | ¥\ ; A With ade “EUS i Call Cl ( )
pentnives, fruit corksct snufles feet. y
ors and SLTOPDPS—NOSE A] l tool 1) Cr, 1]
. . § . l i A i
lery, nails from 4dy a®0dy. Ac.
; sé
QI Jan.
View original —r s<e eo
SE, CU -—————_ .
Published ecery Saturday at A o'clock, P. Me
By W. SCHULZ & Co.
Privi ged Government Print
View original POR SALE
A Schooner Boat, 25 feet keel, decked, and will
carry about 70 bars coffee, has only been in use a
few months as a passage box it, with sails and rize ine
complete, will be sold reason: able for prompt pay mt.
99 Jan. apply to J. CLAPITAM.
View original Or
Tue undersigned having been appointed by Ifis
Iixcellency Governor Hl. W. Bextinenk, as Cura-
tor Ad Lites for Mercy Asiny, wife of RL. Mavnere
bearing date Pith Jan. (S814—bereby warns alles fiom
if may concern, that any payment made to aforesaid
Rt. Harper, will not be considered as vatis.
FS .?
View original NOTICE,
From the indiscriminate practise of neighbouring
Estates, supplying themselves with herd wood on
plantation Profit, the subseriber finds that article so
scarce, that there is merely sufficient to supply the
wants of that Estate, he is therefore under the pain-
lul necessity of cautioning all persons, who have been
in the habit of so doing, to desist in future, or other-
wise he wil be obliecd to use harsh measures with
those who persist. To preserve what is yetle ¢; he
now requests, that no persons will send Nesroes to
cut either hard or sort wood.
29 Jan, P. QUIN.
NB This Notice is intended generally.
-_— —_ —$ ——_____ —
View original _ —
THT undersigned having been admitted a Sworn
Bockkeeper in this colony, begs leave to offer his
service in that capacity, to bis iierds and the public
in general,
OO iy,
View original NOTICE.
Aur those who have any demands against the late
Joun Kcr anpsox deceased, are requested to render
(hem into the uncersiened for examination, and those
indebted to come forward with payment immedi-
ately.—29 Jan. ir. GRANT, qq.
-_—_—— _ SS) 0°00” _—I0€0€0C a
View original i
row Plintation Liverpool, on Saturday night
the oth inst. a Negro man named Hope, tormerly
the property of Th. Fraser, dee. of Canje, and pur-
chased by the subscriber on the 6 inst. at public ven-
due, was putup there by Mr. R. Settlex—he is well
known allabout Cante and in Town—it ts said he has
a wife at Goldstone Ulall, and one in Town at Miss
Butchers’. A reward will be given for apprehending
said Negro aud lodging him in the Barrack, all Ma-
sters of vessels are forbid taking him of the colony,
as the Law will be inforced against such offenders.
29 Jan. H. WELCH,
Nb. 1 have been informed that he took passage in
a colony boat, for Lemerary, on Sunday the
25d January.
ee —_—.- ——____ 2
View original PLAN OF A LOTTERY.
Proposed by A. Freury, with permission of his
hacellency J. Granv, Acting Governor of the
Tis Lottery for the part of the half Lot No. 22,
situated with the buildings thereon, between the
premises of Susannah George and L. F. Galleh, im
(he first Impolder of the town of New Amsterdam,
and appraised by W. Grant, Master Carpenter,
lor f 5520.—Is to consist of 53 ‘Tickets of f 66 each,
the winner to take possession of the Lot and buildings
in 6 weeks after, the drawer of the Lottery is bound
to defray the expence of a'Transport.—The precise
day of the drawing, will be announced three times in
the Berbice Gazette.
Mr Freury begs to inform the public, that he has
just recieved from London, a compleat assortment of
different materials and works, for repairing all kinds
of watches and clocks, likewise fresh oil, composed
for the use of watches, glasses, keys and other trinck-
ets, &c. 92 Jan.
View original Thaus ter dezer Drukkery te bekomen, voor Bassa,
Prys f3.
Een Plak-Almanak,
Berckend voor deze Kolonie, voor den jare 1814.
Sheet Almanacks
For the year 1814, for this Coleny,

5 February 1814