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The Berbice Gazette

View original a
BY the Honorable Court of Policy and Crim-
inal Justice, of the Colony Berbice.
The following Extract of the Sate of such
Negroes as were capturcd in the Bush-Ex-
pedition, in the year 1809 and I810, is made
for the information of those whom the same
may concern.
Extract of Sale by Public Vendue, per order of
Grorce Munro and Simon Fraser, Esquires, as
Agents for the Colony of Berbice, and payable in
two equal payment, at six and twelve months, in
Cash.— Demerary, 9th June 1812.
View original re LD
Proprietors Negroes. Purchasers | Amount
K. K. Austin Kit J. Barnwell J 700-
Io. Bruin Sinaw 690-
Du. Nickeby Odwin 520-
Do. Flora J... Blair 5-10
Heatheete & Co. | Ned llenschelius 760-
Do. Abigael Barnweil 1100-
br. Rollings Bachius Odwin 730-
de Vry Cully Sinaw 425-
Do. Dunean Narjes 1050-
Morris Renn & Rebecca | Pin. Blairmont 2250-
Do. Pope J. Knight 1010-
Do. Oliver Barnwell 1440-
Do. Minge K night 1240-
Do. Nelson. Do. 1540-
Do. Able Narjes | SSU-
Do. Prank Mrost 1U60-
Do. Silly Narjes 390-
Do, Dutchess Sinaw 1030-
Po. Fovorite2ehiid, | Odwin 110Q0-
Pin. Nagtee. Amsterdam Do. 710-
Hague breaerick Adarns O:0-
Do. Dolland Narjes 1030-
Do. Anthon Adaus 720-
Do. America Bacon 1010-
Threlfall Dovelman Odwiy SbU-
Tulloh David Adams 9330-
Fairbaira Ciauthey fraser | 1U0v-
Do. Mousa Do. 4s9U-
Do. Quaceo Ciittens SYU-
Do. Cutly Adams 330-
Do. Quamjna Do. 1U0.0-
Plu. Herstelling. | Feekco Bre terick ; '220-
Do. Adaiu Vo. ~5U-
Do. Peter } Do. | GUU-
Do. Andries Do. 550-
Blair Marsh vander Wagt v10-
Unknown Johnson Brodeticl 710-
Jas. Fraser. Lydia Henschelius 1000-
Katz Mahomed Nurse | NUU-
Do. Daphoes 2 child: | Adaios lsuv-
Simon, Sally
Fairbairn Mingo Narjes 1130-
Blair Mentor Heascuelius d<0-
Do. Sandy van Roode 470-
Do. Saba Nurse 900-
Do. Aspatia Cash l-
S. Fraser Hugh Gahan 990-
Do. Hannah 2 child: | Odwina 2190-
Do. Phebe Prost l4lo-
Do. Sylvia It. Praser 11) 10-
van den Broek, | Sophia & child Odw in 1550-
Do. Rosannah il. Fraser b40-
Do. Mary & child lD. Mackay Jold-
Do. Simotis vanden brook 1000-
Austin Damon Narjes | 1000-
Do. Pegg iubbard 1z3o-
Herlin Harry Odwin 1O30-
Fairbairn Quamina Pogenburgh 9z0-
Bacher. Janua ry Arrens . , 335-
Dr. Schwiers Louisa Do. 410-
Katz Molly Hubbard 1 030-
Do. Africa Euston 9x0.
Vendue Charges, including al) Oflices. (f 2310-16 —
Paid, bringing up Negroes fr. Pomeroop. ,, 660-
Hire of Schooner aud other eacedeuts 15384-
Netproceeds, f 51731 14
By command of the Court.
R. C. DOWNER, Secy.
ee ee ee
To allthose whom it may concern, be it known:
THAT I have thought proper to appoint and ful-
ly to constitute W. Scorr and F. Niconay, Esgqrs.
jointly or severally, to collect the money due the
Winkel Department, since my Agency ; in conse-
quence of which appointment, a receipt of either
these Gentlemen will, for such claims be valid to
all intents and purposes.—1 Ith Feb.
A. A. pe LA COURT, Principal Agent
for the Crown.Property in South America.
View original
View original
View original Bersice AericutruraL &
A PREMIUM of One Ffundred Pounds yterlinad
will be paid by this Society, to the Inventor and
Erector of a Gmning Machine, in workmanship and
durability satisfactory to a Committee of the said So-.
ciety, and which shall Ginn One thousaud weight of
Cotton per day, and require only ‘Ten female Ne-
grocs, and two Mules for this purpose, and shall not
exceed the Expence of Three hundred pounds sterl.,
to place it completed on any Estate on this coast.
Berbice, 27th Jan.
-—————— ee wm CO Ot
Berbice, 6th February; 1813.
ANY person willing to furnish abont ‘Siz thou-
View original ee ese se
'sand weight of Rice, of a good and wholesome qua
lity, tor the use of His Majesty’s Troops in this co-
lony, to be delivered in tierces or burrels, and in
good condition, the packages to be considered the
property of Government ; are requested to send in to
‘this Office, Tenders, marked ‘Tenders for Rive,”
until the 25th inst., at 10 o’clock in the morning,
when they will be opened, and the offer, or offers,
most ad vantagegus to Government, will be accepted.
JAMES B. BUHOT, D. Assist. Com. Gen.
View original OFFICE or ORDNANCE.
Berbice, 12th January, 1813.
ANY person willing tosupply the Royal Engineer
Department with three Coopers and ten Masons, for
some weeks, will please send sealed Tenders to Licut.
Downie, Assistant Engineer, in this colony, till
Wednesday the 17th inst. HENRY ST. HILL.
Ordnance Storckecper.
View original Th KOOP
DEN endergeteckende presenteerd te koop + n
Woodnhuis, staande op de voorgrond van: plantave
No. 32 aan de west kust dezer kolo + 5 zvidde 30) ++
ten lang en 22 breed, staande op cipiere blokken, éne
verdicping hoog, gemaakt van de beste materiale ,
eeklapboord, gedekt met wallaba schaaltjvs, en nict
meer dan 5 jaren oud, is zeer geschikt om een familie
le recipieren,
De konditien waarop men het huis verkoopt, zyn
te bevragen by den Heer K. Francxen, aan deze
stad: by den Heer Monenaar, plantaye Qover-
wagt; of by P.van VOORST,
NB. Enige meubelen zyn met het voormelde huis
te koop.—20 Feb.
TILL subseriber offers for Sale his Dwelling House
situated in front of plantation No, $2, west coast
this colony, being 30 fect long and 22 broad, raised
on ereen hard blocks, one story high, has been wade
of the best materials, clapboarded and covered with
wallaba shingles, no more than 5 years old, will an-
swer well for the reception oi a family.
Terms may be known on applying to K. Frayc-
KEN, Esq. New Amsterdam; to Mr. Monenaar,
plantation Onverwagt; orto
20 Feb. P. van VOORST.
NB. Some furniture may be had with the house.
——— Ee,
View original Ue,
ALLE dic iets te pretenderen hebben, vite ver.
schuldigd zyn, aan de bocdel nu wylen den Heer M,
Scuaapr, Cz., gelicven hier van opgave en betaling
te doen aan
20 Feb. P. rer REENHORST,
Del. Executeur.
- On the Sd February last.
~ DRIFTE?D from plantation Lust tot Rust, a Flot
of Crabwood, the number of feet is marked on each
plank, ‘on the above raft were 100 Slabs. Any per-
son who can give information of the same, will re-
ceive from the subscriber a reward of f 50.
20 Feb. I’. L. MOSSET.
View original |
THIRTY square bales of Cotton, payable in cash
on delivery, from plantation Kendall’s, for which
‘Fenders will be received by the undersigned, at the
Store of Mr. Crort, where the cotton can Le seen,
until the Ist of March ensuing, when the highest of.
fer, if approved of, will be accepted.
20 Feb. J. McCAMON,
THIRTY bales of Cotton will be ready for deliv.
ery from planiation Kilmorack, on the 10th o. March
next; tenders will be received by the Sequestrators
of said estate, until that day, at W.Scort’s, .-sq.,
New Amsterdam, and the highest offer, if approved
willbe accepted.
20 Keb. Wa. GORDON, qq.
View original FOR SALE,
A fine large Tent Boat (sixoars) about 24 treet kecl
by 6} feet beam, aud built of the best materials, also
Mora Planks 2! & J4 inches thick, crab wood sta Ves,
&c.—13 Feb. PERLS BONNEY & Co.
View original » WANTED.
AN of f 20,000 or £50,000. for which good
so Sutity will be given, payable with Interest in Six
or Nine months.—A pply to
20 Feb. Titos. C. EME .
ew ee 2.
‘ilk Public are requested to t take Notic e, that the
C‘onvoys, for the present year, are arranged to sail
(rom Demerary at the following periods :
Aprilat the Full Moon.
June atthe Full Moon.
July atthe Tull Moon.
The tr. id ‘from Demerary will be joined at Grenada
by the ships of that Island, from whence they will
proceed to the pl ice of ceneral re ndez ‘Z VOUS.
View original - BY orderof His Excellency the Governor, No-
tice ishereby given: That the next ordinary Sessions
ot the Hlon. Court of Civil Justice, appointed to be
held on Monday the 19th April, is; on account of the
intervening Holidays, prorogued and appointed to
take place on Monday the 26th April.
King’s sTeuse; Berbice, (8th Keb.
By Wis Uacellency’s command.
Ta. C. EMERY, Gov. Sec.
View original Ee SOE eee
MIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased to!
appoint Tuomas ©. Emery, esq. Government Se-
cretary of this Colony.
King’s House, Berbice, this 1st Veb. 1813.
View original Mord! ecadzertccrd, dat This is to inform the Pur
dé volgende personen voor. blic, thal the following per-
nemens zyn uit deze Kolonic sons énlend quilling this Co-
le vertrckken. funy
J. Rawlinson per Westbury, from Feb. 8.
Th. Harvey in 6 weeks from Feb. 4.
Wim. Lfenery in 6 weeks from Feb. 20.
R.C. DOWNER, Scey.
Secretary's Office.
WORDT hiermede hekend NOTICE is hereby given,
gomaakt, dat cen maand na\thal a month after date the
duty de volgende Transpor.| following Transports and
ten en Hipothectken zullen| Mortgages will be passed.
verleden worden, .
16 Jan. C. Sehwiers will transport to Jas. MeTudoe
the northern front quarter of lot no. 39, in the
2! empolder of New Amst? and the buildings
R. Jones and G. Robertson, as Executors to
wath. Benny, will pass a transport of lut no. 7
east baum, Canje, to Isaac Farley.
—— J. Dather, & 1. CO. Spiingenberg, as atlornies
fo J. M. van Vioten, will pass (ranspert in
favorof Robert Liste and A. Shiwks, of Jot
no. 74, westworentyu coast,
23 Jan NV. Katz will transrert to Magdalena Ger-
hin, the castern back quarter of lot no. 52, Qd
empolder New Amst. from the new centre
rood tothe bach dam.
——— \. Krieger and J. Hf. Schlarliorst, will trans-
port to TH. Staal, the northern halfof lot no.
lo, situate within the firstempolder of New
Amsterdam, as also of the buildings thereon,
Jan. 90. J. van den Brock as representative to the
estate of A. Donzcl, dec., will transport to
Wim. aud Geo. Munro, the Corentyn coast
lot. No. 3.
—— Wm. and Geo. Munro will (AB ort the
same lot, less 3 toods, to Robt. Douglas.
\nd to Messrs. Colin and Donald’ McRea,
the said S roods of land adjoining lot No. 2
Feb. 6. J. Zimmerman will transport to R. Bell, 15
roods of land of the lower back quarter of lot
no. 19, tw this town.
—— M.S. Bemett will transport to If. Welch,
the Salfof lot no. 10 Canje.
—— M.S. Bennett will transport to the free La
Rose, the } of lot no. 13, Canje.
13 Feb. Js. Fraser will ransport to E. 8. Fraser, lot
no. 28, on the west sea coast of Berbice.
-——— ds». Fraser will transport to Colin McKenzic,
(he western half of lot 29 west coast Berbice.
Js. Fraser will transport to Wm. Fraser, lot
50 west coast Berbice.
Ths. Law will (ransport to Wm. Fraser the
northern half of lot 20, tirstempolder New A.
View original Y
Whereas the following persons have addressed
themselves to the Hon. Court of Policy and Criminal
Justice ofthe colony Berbice, at their session of the
Ath and oth January 1813, for Letters of Manumis-
O. W. Lantsneer for the Mulatio girl Polly
NA Mutuer, free mulatto, for the Sambo girl
View original Notice thereof is hereby given toe those whom if
may concern, and who may ‘@ ta, oppose the grant-
ing of the said Letters of MM¥pumission, that they
may address themselves in wriling to the unde:sivn-
ed, Secretary of the colony, previous to the ensuing
Session of the flou. Court, whena final disposition
will be made on the aluresaid condition.
berbice, 6th January, 1813.
R. C, DOWNER) Secy.
View original Vendue Office.
On Thursday 25 Feb. will be sold at the Vendue Office
by order of the Executors boedel H. W. Nictseh,—ma-
hogany tables, sophas with covers, candlesticks, shades,
&c. Levant, French, and other water pots, a large do.
casks, a clock, a gold & silver watch, do. glasses,a mi-
crosce pe, cotton hammocks, &c. a pnut 30 by 9 feet, a
6 oars boat, a new chaise with harness complete, 3 saddle
and 3 drawn horses, 4 riding muils, cows, goats, sheep,
THRELFALL, Venduemr.
View original On Monday Ist March, will be sold on the West coast,
at a place to be made known before the day of sale,—30
prime young milk cows and heifers, aud 40 sheep, from
plantation Richland,
Wa. THRELFALL, Vendue Master.
View original es
On Monday \9th April, 1813, will be sold at the Ven
due office, by virtue of an appointment obtained faom
the Hon. Court of Civil Justice of this Colony, by Jos.
Halland A. Krieger Esquires, Curators to the Estate
of the late Sohn Sawyer.
Tico thirds of Lot No. 71, Courantine coast, with the
slaves (\8 in number ), buildings, cultivation, §c. as per
Inventory to be seen at the Vendue office.
View original MYNE geliefde Echtgenote, Manta Gatiwez,
wierd my op heden in den blovijende ouderdom yan
24 jaren, na ene genoeglyke Echtverb: yan ruim 2
Jaren, door den Dood in het Kraambed ontrukt, zy
yerloste op den 24 Jan. na vele moeilykheid, vaucen
welgeschapen Zoon, die benevens cen nog ouschul-
dig Dochtertjc, van nog geen 2 jaren, my overbly ti
het verlies van hunne geliefde Mocder te betreuren,
] bob. A. Ci. CALM heh.
View original AT EES SA ae A
THE undersigned begs leave to inform the Public,
that he has again undertaken the management of the
Berbice Ferry, and pledges himself nothing shall be
wanting to render it as comfortable and expeditious
as possible.
At the same time he requesis, his Friends will come
provided with the means he is determined not to
give any ercdil, having already suffered so mucli
through his former indulgence.
‘Those who are desirous of becoming yearly Sub-
scribers, will be pleased (o apply as early as_ possi-
ble to make their agreements, and it is expected the
‘annual subscription will be paid in advance.
13 Jan. G. C. R. REUSS.
NB. At the particular request of Messrs. Katz and
Broderick, he also kives notice, that from this
day hencejormaid, they will not ailow any
boats or peuts to land on their Estates, and
thal they have given strict orders to their
Watchmen, to destroy and hinder boats of
every description that allempt to land on them.
View original SS OE
Loading at Demerary,
yite ‘Ihe fine new ship Castle
(Burthen 446 Tons.)
ls now ready to receive her cargo on board, and will
sail with the first conyoy that may be appointed af-
ther the 10th of March. For freight or passage (ha-
ving eleganftaccommodation) apply to
View original FOR LIVERPOOL.
gate ‘The well known Snow Any,
For freight or passage apply to said Master, or
13 Jan. Jno. CROFT.
View original — i a =
wih: With convoy the brig-Ulysses,
James Brien, Master,
Burthen 207 tons, coppered copper fastned, and
stands A. 1. at Lloyds. Vor freight or passage, ap-
ply to W. Duncan.—Jan. 30.—or Jno. CROFT.
View original
View original SIMIMNER
NEW AMSTERDAM, Feb. 20th 1812.
. *
No European news—and altho’ we have received four
days later inteliigence from Barlados, (lo the 6th inst.)
nothing new has transpired from that quarter,
Melancholy Accident.—Capt. W. Langley and Mr. F.
Dobbrapski, with two sailors, left town’ on Tuesday
morning last, and proceeded up the river.—They called
a€ plantation Farm, which they left at about half past 11
o'clock ; and nothing further was heard of them til!
Thursday evening, when the body of Capt. Laugley was
picked up in front of plantation Klein Pouderoyen, and
inferred yesterday afternoon with the greatest respect.
The body of Mr. Dobbrauski, we understand, has been
found oft plantation Little Rachel.
The Governor and Court of the Colony Demerary, has
issucd a proclamation, for the keeping in good order the
ire Eugines for George Town, and have tiominated pro-
per persons for that purpose, as Engineers and A SSistants,
Who are exempted from attending Militia Duty; by that
proclamation it is further ordercd, that every Inhabitant
of the town shall be obliged to provide himself, at his
owu expence, with two leathern buckets.
—= a
Barbagos, Feb. 2.—'Vhe standard of Independence has
once more heen unfurled on the Spanish Main, an expe.
dition for Chat purpose having been pris ately undertaken
by some creole Spaniards who had sought refuge at ‘Trini.
dad after the plans of Miranda had failed; and, having
sailed from one of the stsader Islands iu the Bocas with.
out the knowledge of the Government of Trinidad, they
made a descent at a weekly defended place called Guiria,
with success, haviog citected their landing aud gained pos.
session with the loss of only danéen. It has not been as.
cerfained who is at the head of this enterprise; but it is
strongly suspected that one of the former ringleaders, at
present residing in ‘Trinidad, is concerned. The number
of men that composed this armament was viry limitedy
Consisting, it is said, of net more than 200 or 250. Since
they have gained their point, the communication by laun.
ches, which had for some time been interrupted, had res
commenced with ‘Prinidad, at which Island many sup plics
had been received from Guiria. Martial Law has been
proclaimed at Trinidad, and an investigation is taking
place, in order tu discover those who have had any con.
cermin the expedition: several persons have been appre.
heuded upon suspicion.
Copy of a Letter of the Spanish Secretary of State to
the Ambassader of His Britannic Majesty, containing a
copy ofthe Decree of the Cort Ss, appointing Lord Well.
iuglon to the Chicf Command of the Armies of the Pen.
**Mos7t Excriient str.—lI have the honour to inform
your Excellency, that the General and Extraordmar
Cortes, wishing to improve the glorious successes of thie
allicd army, with a view to put an end to the calamities of
war, which bear heavy upon the nation, considering that
nothing can contribute more eflectually to the attaimment
of so interesting an object, than the placing of all the t oops
in the Peninsula under the direction of one Commander,
in order that there may be unity in the plans and opera.
tions of the alliedforces ; and setting the highest value ou
the distinguished talents aud eminent services of the Duke
of Civdad Rodrigo, Captain-General of the National
Armies, have decreed in a seeret fitting that during the co.
operation of the Allied forees he shall be invested with the
command in chief of them all ; exercising it conformably
to the general ordinances, with this differetuce only, that
whatever is enacted in Art 6, Title 1, Treatise 7, of the
same shall be extended toall the Provinces of the Peninsue
la ;—that illustrious Commander corresponding with the
Spanish Government through the office of the Secretary of
War. :
The Regency of the Kingdom has directed me to request
your Iixcelleucy wil lave the goodness to transmit this
important communication to the Duke of Ciudad Rodrigo,
with as little delay as possible ; he being persuaded that this
meritorious Commander will see, in the above mentioned
determination of the Cortes, a most solemn and authentic
testimony of the national gratitude for the eminent servis
ces which he has rendered Spain, as also of the great con.
fidence to which he has entitled himself by the uncommon
talents and military virtues for which he is conspicuous :
and by the unlimited zeal with which he devotes them to
the furtherance of the common cause.” ,
His Hihness is anxious to hear of the Duke of Ciudad
Rodrigo having accepted the above-mentioned situation ;
that being officially informed of it, he may direct the pub-
lication of the resolution of the Cortes, by which his Lord
ship is invested with the saine.
I beg your Excellency will admit of the sincere assur-
ances of my high consideration and respect.—May God,
Cadiz, Sept. 25. Taxacio pe La Pezuera.
Answer of the Duke of Ciudad Rodrigo, to the Ambas-
sador of his Britannic Majesty, zho had communicated
the foregoing Resloution and Litter to his Lordship.
View original
View original Most Excellent Sir,—I have had the honour to reccive
your letter of the 25th of September, inclosing another to
the same datg from Don Ignacio dela Pezuela, by which I
learn, that the General and [.xtraordinary Cortes have been
pleased to direct, that the command of all the Spanish forces
be conferred on ine: for which signal proof of confidence,
on the part of the Congress and Government, [ request your
Excellency.wi!! express my deep-felt gratitude to the Secre-
tary of State.
I most anxiously wish to do whatever lies in my power,
to promote and obtain the laadable object of the Spanish
Nation, in their just contest with France: and 1 feet na
reluctance to undertake the new task and responsibility ine
separable from the exercise of the command of the Spanish
armies but I cannot announce my acceptance ofthe honour
conferred upon me by the Cortes and Government, with.
outthe previous permission of his Royal Ilighness the
Prince Regent, to whom 1 will immediately apply for this
I am theless concerned at this delay, as having long been
in the habit of confidentially communicating with the Gene-
rals atthe head of the Spanish armies on the geueral objcets
I had in view in the operations of the Anglo-Portuguese
under my commanth; suggesting, al the same time, such
measures as they might adopt to eficctually co-operate
with me, 1 have constantly found them attentive to those
suggestions, and received from them whatever assistance
they could give; and accordingly, Lam convinced they
will continue to do so; although Ldo not immediately as.
sume the chief command. J, therefore, believe, that no
inconvenience can resul! from my applying to [lis Royal
Highness the Prince Regent previous to entering upon the
honourable trust conferred upon me by the Cortes.
This token of confidence ow their part, and that of Ge.
vernment, and the terms inwhich it has been communicat.
cd to me, are a inost flaticiing proof of those Authoritics,
being persuaded, that, in the command of the other two
Members of the Alliance, with which T had before been
invested, [ have dote whatever lay in my power to pro-
mote the common cause of the allied nations. [ deem it
thereforancediess to make any protestetions on this point:
and hope that in the new and more exalted situation in
which [ shall shortly be placed as Commander in Chief of
the armies of all the aliiesin the Peninsula, | shal! not only
be supported, but succeed in impressing the Spanish Go.
vernment, Cortes, and Nation with a firm belief, that all
my measures will have for their sole object the furtherance
of dhe common cause in which they are all so carnestly
engaged. [have the honour, &e.
Villa-Toro, Oct. 2, 1812.
To His Excellency Sir Hl, Wellesley, K. B. &c.
Nov. 24.—Upon the recommendation of the Duke of
Ciudad Rodrigo, the Regency hes conferred the command
of the 2d, 3d, and 4th armicson Scuor Castanos, with the
title of Genera! in Chic! of the forces of the South,
The Consignments to this country from France, have
oflate been much more thau usual ‘Those eupposed to be
for the account of the Prince of Benevento (M. Talley rand)
are stated by report to be very great indeed ; amounting
to above 200,000!. sterling! Of course notonly the books
(which we understand are atthe Customehouse,) but pice
tures, with other cu ivsities, aud diamonds and plate, are
among the-properly so cousigned.
Licences for a limited trade with France are expeeted
to be issued in a few days. he Members of the Board
of Trade met on Saturday to prescribe the from of them.
Letters from Bourdeaux, Coblentz, Maestricht, Nancy
and Chalons-upon-Marne, state, that the remaining con-
scripts of the yerr 1813, have beea called out to join the
corps to which they were attached. Many of these young
men are not More (han siateen of seventeen years of age.
A handsome gould snuff. box, of the yaluc of 1000 guineas,
beautifully ename!led, with au elegané portrait of his Mae
jesty, tastefully set round with beilliants, is to be sent to
Russia, as a present from his Royal Highness the Prince
Regent to the Eimperor Alexander.
Mr. Russell, the American Charge d’ Affaires, sailed
from Plymouth on his return to the United States on the
30th September, [t is now well known, that before he
sailed hemade two officia) pucs/ic overtures to this Govern-
ment, which were rejected, and the answer to the fatter
of which, as his w/téimutum, there can be no doubt, he tuok
home himself. ‘fhe vessel in which he sailed (the Juark),
had not arrived out at the date of the President's Message,
and it is thus presumptive, next toa posifive certainty, that)
the last overture made by him, is the identical one alluded
fo by the President, as that, the result of which had not then’
Nuremberg, Nov. 30.—Accounts from Vienna state,
that the Austrian auxiliary corps in Polaud is about to
receive considerable reinforcements. Several regiments are
preparing to march, amongst which are the regimenis of
of Strauch, and those composing the garrison of Vienna.
Inspruck, Nov. 24.—We expect here, in the beginning
of next month, considerable corps of French, Italien, and
Neapolitan troops, who will march through Germany on
their way to join the Grand Army.
Vienna, Nov. 26.—We receive very interesting advices
from Turkey. It appears that the Ottoman Empire is
still very far from adopting measures of peace.—All the
Turkish troops are still upon the war establishment. They
are distributed from Nissa and Widdin to the coast of the
Black Sea, the head-quarters being at Schumla. Reinforce.
mé¢nts are constantly joining this army. It is now mani-
fest that there is no longer, any intention of an expedition.
View original ee
against Servia. If is consequently inferred that the Cabi-
net of Constantinopigeis not yet reconciled to Russia, and
that if designs to assembie its army in order, if necessary ,
to support ils claims agaist the Court of Petersburgh. The®
are repairing and placiug in the best state of defence the
fortresses along the banks of the Dauube.
Smolensk, Nov. 11.—A French officer found, on the
Lith Sept. on the field of battie at Moj isk, a Russian
who had both his legs carried away, and who had remained
in that state for 17 days, feeding oa the Lish of a horse,
which had been killed beside him.
It is an observation of PLurarcu. **That those Gene...
rals who have been the greatest warriors, and have equally
been distinguished furenergy and penetration, had all lost
one eye: such as Puinir, Anticgonus, IlANNiBAL, and
Servortus.”’ ‘To tis curious catalogue, we may now add,
Nexzsou and Kutusorr.
The celebrated French Panter David and. M. Denon,
avantageously known by his splendid work on Egypt,
have been created Barons of the Freuch Empire,
Mr. Lambert, the American, who, in 1311, took pos-
session of the Island of ‘Tristan d@’ Acuna, in the. Southern
Ocean, has recently applied to the Governor of the Cape
of Good Hope, for the patronage and assistance of the
British Government and Waste India Company. bis Agent
at the Cape has declared, that he would endeavour to af.
ford refreshments to whatever vessels might pass in that
track of the seas; anu that who never the sanction of the
British Government sicald be known, the necessary as.
sistance being given hi.., he wouid most solemnly deciare
himself allicd to that Government; and by permission,
display the Engish flag o% the Island, roeerving, how.
ever, always to himocif the Govcruorship, provided au
equivalent could not be agreed wpou.—Lord Caledon had
granted to his Agent a small vessel, to carry from the
Cape five industrious famiites, who had requested leave to
emigrate thither; also a fow blach cattle, sheep, goats,
&c. with such other sinall necessaries as might couduce to
the growth and production of the Isiand,
Antwerp, Oct. 27.—The courage and generosity of a
young woman, who subsututed herself for her brother,
a conscript in 1806, and who has Just returned from the
army, covered with honourable wounds, is wow the sub.!
ject of much conversation here. The story is true and
the particulars deserve tobe known,
Virginia Chesquiere, born at Delemont, department of
the North, district of Lille, finding that her brother, who
was ordered to march, was not ta a condition to support
(he fatigues of war, aud that he was inclined to continue
his studies, obtained from her parents permission to depart
for hin, They were twins, and very much resembled eaci
other, She presented herself at the depot im the clothes
of lier brother, and was sent to the 27th regiment of th
line, in witich she has served six years. She was raised to
the rank of serjeant ai the battle of Wagram, for having
saved the life of her captain, who fell into the Danabe,
and was in danger of peishing. At the battle of the od
of May, near Lasbon, where the Duke of Abrantes com.
manded, her Colonel being surrounded by the enemy, she
demanded six men whom she could depend upon, with
whom she proceeded to ats succour ; notwithstanding a gun.
shot wound which she received in her left arm, she succeed.
ed in saving him, besides making two insurgent officers pri-
souers, She alsy received ou tins oceasion a wound from
a bayonet in the left side, was carried to the hospital of
Almeida, and thenceto that of Burgos, where she was cur-
ed of her wound without her sca beg discovered ; but an
ness has since betrayed if, and she has just passed by
the cily of Courtray, to go to her depot, to receive the
recompense due tu her vaiour, and to be decorated by the
hand of the Colonel whom she saved with the henourable
insivwia duc to the brave,
——— 7 —eeeeeoer— el
N R The Sale of Cattle and Sheep, from
Pin. Richland, onthe \st of March,
will be held on that plantation.
By order John Davis qq- a house with out build-
ing, in this town, formerly the propaty of Joseph
Wm. THRELPALL, Venduemr.
View original TO BE SOLD.
THE Plantation ROSE HALL, (with or without
about 50 Negroes,) being lot No. 9, of the West
Corentyn coast of Berbice, and known on the gene-
ral chart, as } of Lots No. 7, 8, and 9.
The healthy and very desirable situation of this
proporty, are well known-no lands within the colony,
being better adapted for the growth of Cotton, besides
affording abundance of good Plantain Land
Its present cultivation consists of 318 Acres in fine
bearing Cotton, Plantains and Ground Provision ;
all in excellent order. ‘To an approved purchaser,
liberal terms will be given. ;
Should this property not be disposed of by Private
Sale, before the Ist of July next, 1813, it will be. sold
at Public Sale.
Application to be made in the meantime, to Mr.
HuGH nose, onthe state, or to
Berbice, Jan. 16. ANGUS FRASER
View original a
Tarr Subscribers have Imported by the Ava,
Capt. Branp, from London, and the IWestbu-
ry Capt. Sincxrarr, from Liverpool, the fol-
lowing assortment, which they will Sell for
Cash or Produce.
Prime mess beef & pork in 4 barrels.
Double rose butter in firkins.
London particular Madeira in pipes.
Old Port, sherry, Champaigne, & claret.
Hoffmans cherry & raspberry ratafia.
Old Jamaica & colony rum, & cogniac br.
London draft & bottled porter.
Hams, stock fish, Edam cheese, role pens.
Fish sauces & sallad oil.
Hyson tea & refind sugar.
Raisins & currants.
Mustard, blackpepper & spices.
Soap & candles.
Tin sauce pans, tea & fish kettles, coffee
boilers & wateringpans.
Horn lanthorns, knives & forks. __
wove, foolscap, pot, and post paper,quills,
waters, pencils, blank quire books, cards,
fine peri knives, red and black ink pow-
der & ink stands.
An elegant secretary & book case.
Walter Scott’s works with Westall’s plates
Sir Wm. Jones’s woiks.
Robertson's, shakespears, & Pondar’s do.
Moore’s travels in France, & Pope’s homer.
Dryden’s virgil, & Johnson's live.
Pratt’s gleanings, & walker’s atlas.
Solas, card tables & chairs.
Mahogany might table chests of drawers.
Portable writing slesks & dressing cases.
Port olio’s, cabinets & back gamon boxes.
Day & night telescopes.
A complete assortment glass ware.
fnverness cotton & coffee bagging.
Flaxen Osnaburgs & cotton checks.
India white & biue salempores.
Micanus & Romal hkis.
Manchester, Madras, do. and gentlemen
coloured bordered do.
Jaconet, cambric & figured muslins.
Musquitto netting,
Striped nankeen & Russia sheeting.
Tiucia jeans, Trish linen & Frenclieambric.
London printed cambrics.
Ladies and gentl. silk & leather gloves.
Ditto boots & shoes.
Servant’s glazed hats & children’s do.
Black, blue, green, scarlet sup., fine broad
cloths & kersyineres.
Welch flannel! & shalloons.
Bombaz., black cambric, crape & florentine
Gentl. and ladies black & white filk stock’s,
Jiadies elegant silk shawls.
Thread lace, foolings, threads & tapes.
Gentl, half stookings, pantal. silk waistc’.
Black, blue & coloured sewing silks.
Negro hats & jackets, paints & oil.
Brushes of all kind, single & double bridles
Thread horse netts, chaise & horse whips.
Window glass 14X.10, pullus, weight, cord
Sheet lead, pat shot, & gun powder.
Lnglish glue, a compl. asso-tment of toys.
Bricks, lime, coals, shovels & hoes.
Carpenter tools, & oats in puncheons,
Salt in Gierces and barrels. &c.—
NB. Bulletree, crab plank, and kakarelli timber,
will also be taken in payment.
——_——_- = -
View original yD. C. CAMERON & Co. ,
Maze Imported the following articles per ship Tra-
veller, via Demerary, and other recent arrivals,
which they offer for Sale at very moderate prices,
Jor immediate payment :
Pale ale in botiles, London porter in do, Gloster
cheese, Cumberland hams, beet & pork in 4 barrels,
liyson fea in cannisters, white wine vinegar in jars,
Irish linen, Hessian London boots, walking & dress
shoes, cotton socks, printed calicoes, chintz, Madras
hkfs, blue pullicate do, Russia and imitation sheet.
ing, cotton hammocks, Welch flannel, super fine
black coats, do. colouced coatees, do. round jackets,
black silk waistcoats, gentlemen’s black silk hats,
India jean & jeanct, Princess cord, tweeled cotton
sheeting, umbrellas, parasols, cotton & coffee bag-
ging, stationary assorted, glasware, double distilled
rum, block tin dish covers, do. tureens, do. fish and
camp kettles, do. coffee pots, Japaned tea and coffee
do, do. waiters, Cook’s lanthorns, shower baths, gilt
and white coflin furniture, tar in barrels, stock locks,
crabwooud boards, a few casks Newfoundland cod-
fish, and sundry other articles. 30 Jan.
View original FOR SALE.
PIFTEEN rodsof Land, the whole breadth, of
lot no 6, situate between the house occupied by Dr.
Wryuie and Mr. Burmesren’s, it will be sold in
one or more lots to suit’ purchasers.—For particulars
30 Jan. apply to D. C. CAMERON
View original Marshals Office.
Second Proclamation.
BY virtue of three Writs of Execution, granted
by His Excellency Rozert Gorvoy, Governor
(seneral in and over the Colony of Berbice and its
dependencies, Vice-Admiral, and President of all
Courts and Colleges within the same, &c. &c. &c.
Under date of 15th Feb. and 2d March, 1812, upon
three petitions presented for that purpose by G. Paw-
e/s, the other by G. Paucls, qq. J. & J. Saportas,
and the last one by J. B. Rules all versus J. JV.
Be it therefore known that I the undersigned have
caused to be taken in Execution, the Coffee Estate
called ? Esperance, situated in this river, with all!
its Cultivation, Slaves, Buildings, and further Ap-
yurtenances thereto belonging, the property of said
5. W. Heytmeyer.
Which said coffee estate ’ Esperance with all its
cultivation, buildings, slaves, and other appurten-
ances and dependencies, all conformable to an [n-
ventory formed thereof, and now lying at the Mar-
shal’s Oftice, for the inspection of those whom it may
{ the undersigned intend to sell, after the expira-
tion of one year and six weeks, from the lath Octob.
1812, conformable to the Regulations of the Court
of Civil Justice, dated Ist January 1810, respecting
the Sale of Estates by Execution in this colony, in
order to recover from the proceeds of the sale of said
stato PV Esperance, such sums of money as where-
fore the sane has been taken in execution.
This 2nd Proclamation published by beat of drum
according to custum.,
Berbice, i4th Feb. 1813.
RK. FRANCKEN, Firsé Marshal.
woe <n
Second Proc amation,
vrfueofa Writ of Execution eranted by Tis
y Yorertr Corepox, Governor General
colony Verbiee and its Dependencies, Vice-
oniral, aud Prosutent in all Courts and Colleges
within th® same, &c. &c. &c.
Uponapetiion of P. Sytiorr, as the general and
special Attorney of W. Kise and Park Benga-
MIN, to their capyeity as Curators to the estate-of
PF. By von, dec. versus, the Proprietor or Proprie-
tors, Representative or Representatives, of planta-_
tion @Bcst Bower, under date of 27th July, ISL.
Be it therefore hiown, that the undersigned have
eoused to be taken in Execution, the abovenamed
estate Best Bower, with all its slaves, and further ap-
purtenances thereto belonging.
Which said estate Best Bower, cam annecis, and
conformable toan Inventory formed thereofiand now
lying at the Marshal’s Oitice for the inspection of
those wdom if may CONCET!,
I the undersizned intend to sell, after the expira-
tion of one year and six weeks, trom the month No-
vember IS{ 2, comormable to the Regulatious of the
Court of Civil Justice of this colony, dated ist Ja-
nuwy ISO, respecting the Sale of istates by Exe-
culion in this colony, in order to recover from the
proceeds of said sale such sum of money as where-
lore tire said estate Best Bower, cum annexis, has
been taken in Execution, cum expences.
This 2ncdl prog aviation pablished by beat of drum
as Customary. Berbice, 4th Feb: 1813.
K. FRANCKEN, First Mashal.
Second Proclamation.
BY virtue ofa Writ of Execution, granted by His
Excellency Joun Murray, Brigadier General, and
Acting Governor in and over the colony of Berbice
and its dependencies, Vice Admiral, and President
in all Courts and Colleges within the same,
ac. &c. &c.
Granted upon a petition presented for that purpose
by Wim. Lawson, versus, Geo. Baird, Th. White,
aml Sam. Ifiles, wider date of 10th Aug. 1819.
Be it therefore known, that I the undersigned have
caused to be taken in xecution the Cotton Estate
No. 35, situate on the Corentyn coast, Berbice, with
all its Cultivation, Buildings, Slaves, and further
Appurtenances, and Dependencies thereto belonging
the joint property of said G. Baird, Th. White, and
S. Liles.
Which said cotton estate No. 35, situate on the
Corentine coast, with all its cultivation, buildings,
slaves, and further ap- and dependencies, conform-
able to an Inventory thereof, lying at the Marshal’s
Office for the inspection of those whom it may con-
I the undersigned intend to Sell, after the expira-
tion of one year and six weeks, from the 5th Dee.
1812, conformable to the Regulations ot the Court
of Civil Justice, dated Ist January 1810, respecting
the Sale of Estates by Execution in this colony, in
ow — 7
View original ‘order to recover froin the proceeds*of said sale such :
sum of money as wherefore th id plantation No.
35, Corentine, has been taken in exccution.
p This 2nd proclamation published py beat of drum
as customary. Berbice, 14th Feb. ISto
K. PRANCKEN, Ficit f Larshal.
— Oss —— an ~ eel
View original Summons by Lidics.
3Y virtue of an appointment eranted by the Hon-
orable Court of Civil Justice of this colony, at their
Session of the 26th January 1813, upon a petition of
W. Leacu and W. Fraser, in their capacity as
appainted Curators of the estate of J. Stosie, dec.
1 the undersigned, First Marshal of both the [lon
Courts of this colony, and at the request of said W.
Leach and W. Fraser, in their aforesaid capacity.
Summon by Edict :
All known and unknown creditors against the es-
tate of John Stobie, deceased, to appear in person,
or by power of attorney, before the bar of the Court
of Civil Justice of this colony, at their session to be
held in the month of January, in the year one thou-
‘sand cight hundred and fourteen, (say 1814), there
to render their claims against said estate of J. Stobie,
dec., to verify the same, and if need to hear the ob-
jections made against such claims, and further to
procect! according to law in such cases.
This summons by edict ts published by beat of
drum, as customary. Berbice, 10th Feb.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
Summons by Edict:
BY virtue of an Appointment, given. by tle Court
Civil Justice, under date of 26th Oct. IS12, granted
upon a petition presented by B. J. Schwiers and A.
Thornborrow, in their capacity as the two eldest Or-
phan Masters, (Weesmeesteren), and in that capa-
city Executors appointed by the Last Will of 47.7.
I the undersigned, First Marshal of both Courts
of this colony, and at the request of aforesaid B. J.
Schwiers and A. ‘Thornborrow, in said capacity.
Summon by dict :
All known and unknown creditors against the ese
late of Hl. M. Grau, dec. to appear in person or by
Representatives before the Court of Civil Justice,
at their Session which willbe held in the month Ce-
tober, ISIS, there to give in their claims agaiust said
estate, to verity the same, and further to procerd
according (0 law, on pain to all those who retain in
default, of being for ever debarred their right of
This summon by edict made known to the Public
by beat of drum from the Court House of this colony.
Berbice, 8th Feb. i813.
K. Francxen, First Marshal.
— eee tt = — —
—— -
View original é
TILE undersigned having entered into a Copart-
nership with IH. Staax, Esq., for the conducting of
Law business; requests those who are indebted to
him for Expenditures and Fees in Suits entrusted to
him, previous to the abovementioned engagewent,
focome forward with immediate payment. He will
fake colton at one stiver, and coffee at a half stiver
above the market price, provided delivered in all
next month. — In case no attention is paid to this, he
will be obliged to resort to legal measures for the re-
covery of the same, as he is anxious to bring his old
concern to a speedy close. G Keb.
Al the Store of J. B. RULE:
HTams, potatoes in hampers, fine sallad oil, tobac-
cv, dress and Planters strong shoes, Russia sheeting, ,
spirits turpentine, ce.
6 Feb. J. B. RULE.
- *- - — ee C|
——— --
View original NOTICE
ALL persons having any claims or demands against
the state of H. W. Brannes, dec., are hereby re-
quested to render the same, properly attested, to the
first undersigned ; and those indebted, to come for-
ward with payment, in order to close said estate as
svon as possible Hf. LUTITERS, and
FROM the stelling of the Royal Hotel, two small
boats, the property of the undersigned; whoever
will give information of the same, that they may be
recovered, shall receive the usual reward from
THE subscribers will dispose of 50 round bales of
Cotton, from plantation No. 1 Corentyn coast, and
receive Tenders for the same, addressed to them, at
Wm. Threlfall’s, Esq., New Amst. until Monday
the 22d instant, when the highest offer, or offers,
will be accepted of—terms of payment, colony bills.
13 Feb. Sequestrators.
View original THE subscribers will dispose of 40 round bales of
Cotton, from plantation ‘Tain, and receive Tenders
for the same, addressed to (Lem, at the House of W,
“hrelfall, sq. New Amst., until Monday the 22d
inst. when the highest offer, or offers, if approved
of, will be accepted—terins of payment, colony bills.
IS Feb. Sequestrators,
———_—_ rr
View original ee
A gang of 20 Negroes, beng 16 men, 3 women,
and one boy ; by the year. Apply to
J. VAN DEN Broek, qq.
13 Feb, G. PAUELS, qq. and
B. J. SCH WLERS, qq.
View original —-.
The subscriber has the following articles remains
ing of his importation by the Anna, fr. Lond:
NAILS from 6d. to 20d., shovels, hoes, cutlasses,
cotton knives, American felling axes, stay bars and
staples, hook, eye and HL hinges, brasswere coffee
‘scives insets, paint & oils, soap, candles, butter in
half firkins, loaf sugar, Negro hats, blankets, shirts,
and trowsers, Osnaburghs, cotton and coffee bagving
coffee bags, Gentlemens super fine beaver and Lee-
horn hats, and blue pantaloons, London made sad«
dles and bridles, Irish linen, long lawn, cotton shirt-
ing, India white and yellow nankcens, striped ging-
hams,. Russia sheeting, and a few pipes Oxo Lon-
DON Parricurar Maprira Wir.
Which he will scll very cheap, to close sales, and
willtake coffee or cotton, at the highest market price.
13 Feb. Cus. KYTE.
View original Le
ALLE de genen die iets te pretenderen heeft van
wylen den Ucer 1. W. Nretscu, of van Plantagiéin
Nientwe Hoop, etn Gacd Banannen Land, gclieven
Hunne pretention intcleveren aan de ondergetecken-
dens; en mede de genen die verschuldigd zyn aan
de voorn, boedel of plantagien, hetzy voor obligatien
acceptation, of openstaande rekeningen, worden
vriendelyk verzogt dezelve te komen voldoen, ten
clade in staat gesteld te worden dezelve boedel tot lie
quiditeit te brengen. Wed. H. W. Nietsen,
6 Feb. en J. ©. SPANGENBERG,
Del. Exec. en Execcutrise ‘Test.
—_—_—_—... = LE
LIST of unclaimed Letters remaining in the Post Office,
which, tf not called for, will be forthwith returned
lo Europe.
Gartrum (FE. 2. |Cifkins (T. \McPherson CW.
Bisset (A. 2. lleytmeyer (J. W. Pickening (J.
Bennet (Jas. Welmers (J. Price (hi.
Crawfurd (captd!.|Mart (Anna R. |Pissmirken(miss BE
Collier (R. Herbert (N. Ryan (John,
Corsis (F. L. Hall (iniss C. ituse (miss Isab. .
Cohen (de heer — jtlar€ (G. Robertson (W,
Carter (J. HM. llewich (John. — |Rose (W,
Colebeck (J. 2. [Llenery (John. — [odenbach (Mr.
Dunlop (Jas. Hall (Jus. ass CW.
Kgan (Wm. \J ohnson (Esq. Schlapfer (A.
Elliut (Jos. ‘Kimmis (iI. Shanks (Jam.
Karl (miss M. IK cuny (TP. Shaw (if,
‘-boral (Chs. ‘King (W. C. Schmidt (J. P.
Fleming (Th. Livyd (John. Sutherland (W.
Kraser (miss B. A. Leisner J. A. Smith (Mrs. M. T.
Findlater (D. 2. |Lewis Manor qq-\Tudd (capt. R.
Mrench (miss A. | of Long (‘Th. C.|White (G.
Grade (C. McKenzie (Jas. |Wheatland (R.
Grade (W. Meredith R. Whitehall John,
Galez(L. F. Meclmmey, A. Woollward ( miss.
Callie (Jas. McPherson, (Jas.| Young (W,
Goring (J. McKid (John,
Geimon (C, FE. Mahler (D.
50 Jan. Ws. SCOTT, Dep. Postmr. Gen
View original NOTICE.
Tur Crrorrors of tre Esrare op
HENRY CROFT, Deceased.
Are requested to render a Statement of their rese
pective claims, within one month from date, to ene
able the Subsriber to bring the affairs of that Estate
toa final close.+-30 Jan.—E. THEOBALD, Cur.
View original ———— ———— —
THLE Subscriber gives hereby Notice: That in
cousequence of the late, and very expensive repairs
done to his Stelling in front of No. 16 in New Amst.
he can in future not allow any goods to be shipped,
or landed from or at the said Siclling without pay-
ment being made for the same, at the rate as pera
List of Charges to be scen at his store.
Ile also begs leave to acquaint his Friends, that,
in consequence of the dissolution of the Firm of Krre-
GER & Scnvaruorst, the Domicil’s Citandi et E.r-
ecutandi, chosen at their late house, which now is
sold, are annulled, and that he must decline receiy-
ing any documents from the Marshal’s or other Offi-
ces, on account of the same, after the last day of Fe-
bruary next.—30 Jan. J. H. SCHLARHORST.
£2 A
View original arene nnn StS
Published every Saturday at 4 o’clock, p. m.
View original

20 February 1813