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The Berbice Gazette

View original BERBICL.
King’s House, 21st Jam. 1815.
THE Licutenant Governor experiencing great Ir-
reguarity and Confusion for the want of dae atlen-
tion to the Order of the respertive the Hlonorebte the
Courts of Policy, Criminal and Cilil Justice. NOW
DIRECTS, that the some be re-published, and strict-
ly complied with, by all parties; and Notified thar
no petition will be received as therem mentioned af-
ter the time specified by the same Order, unless in
eases of Periculam in Mora, which must be made
manifestly to appear.
By commend,
lr. WHILE, Goy. Sec.
—$—$——— - e———_—
View original NOTIFICATION.
The ITonorable Courts of Policy, Criminal and
Civil Justice of tlhe Colony Lerbice
jist aving observed that many persons presenting
Petitions to the aforesaid Courts, frequently deviale
from the generol order, given out in this respect, un-
der date of 22 Nov: mber 1S05, whereby ali Petitions
were required ta be delivered into the President's
Office, within a certain period previous fo their sil-
tings, NOW ORDER, and require, all persons
who have Petitions to resent to the Court of Policy,
Criminal, or Civil .nstice, to render in the seme to
His Excellency the Goveroor, as President, JS hours
revious to the siVing of that Court to which such
Peiition is adchessed : as otherwte Petitions will not
be Noticods except in cies of perieulim in nioid.
Court House, leerbice, Sth July, ISI4.
By command,
R.C. DOWNER, Sraretury.
eqqule. «oer [= 86 J it 2... — ess SF eR
View original ll . ¥
—_— — - ——_—— ——_— — —_—
Perbice, Qbst Sannary, 1815,
TITTE pressinz Demands arrinst this Office, makes
it necessary to colicct in the Taxes, Cucany of which
are long due )—\ re mn cherie eives notice, that
he positively will Ccccthoul respect (9 persoi s¢) lm!
over tothe Marshal, on the To! L cbruary next, every
outstanding A¢ cunt to be sued ter.
The Acconn!s are now ready forG ridin ry and Ex-
traordinary Tfead-money, Jndividuol, year ISI4,
and must be paid ina! his month,
DANIBLALLT, Den. Ree. Gen.
Que er es ee. ee se a” aw Ss ~STe
View original — SS SRS SB US i uw —_T 2
FOR SALE—Plantation GOLSPIE, b
the Eastern half of Lot No. 44, Corcutya cons, §
Roods facade, and empoaldercd about i Rood
deep; having a Canal extending the tall depth tron
front to back, and the whole p: recily secured by
proper Dains,- Trenches, &c. with a cultivation of
120 acres of Cotton and 20 acres of Plintatos; alse
biree Ficlds of old cottoa which has bec for sonny
firme under salt waters and 50 acres of excellent
Plantain Land ready to yl: int.
There is a confortable Dwe ing Wouse 4 feet by
20, Tately built of best materials, a tirge hardwood
colton Lovic aod other necessary Build lines; inevery
respect, requisite for a colfon property 5 and the rea-
ring of Catile tor Which the sitwatien is inferior to
none inthe colons. It being the intention of the
Advertiser to quit the colony. A great sacrifise will
be made to an approved Purchaser, with or without
about 30 very valnable Slaves C88 ot which are prune
men. Hundred head of a very superior breed of
horned Caltle, and 200 fine Sheep; and if re quired,
long credit will be given, on guod secarity, fora
considerable partofthe purchase-money. For fur-
ther particulars apply to the undersigned on the pre-
NB. Should the above property not be sold by pri-
vate hargain previous to the Ist of May next, it
will then be sold at public sale, without reserve.
THE Subscriber informs the Public, bh he shall
take such steps as the Law allows him, against all
Horses, Goats, Oxcn, &c. he finds straying in his
remises, Wm. WOODGATE.
91 Jan. Lt. Col. Commandant.
View original ' BY PRIVATE SALE to be Disposed of,
the following prime Nesioos, (the whole tog. ther in
one Lot) on very roasoitodbe berms, toanapproved
Purchaser, vizs—S Carpcower Negroes, 3 House boys,
a capable man Cook, a Washer womaa with ebil-
dren, one ditto with bobild, and 3 capable tlouse
women, one of whom bas a child.
Ifthe whole is aotsold betore the 15th of next
month, they wii be pucat publre Veodue. For tur-
ther particulars ap) ly tothe Sub caiber on Plant.
Cruisbary, where the Negros are to ~ SCCM.
21 January. J. oA. HICK EN.
aes eee eee ee =
ERATA.—In last weel.’s Newspaper, ry in the Adver-
tiscment ol Penders tor codice, of plantas
tion Nortberaud, stanus, lowest offer,
Miuist be ) Mish gl Cb tr
TENDERS for %0 to 25,000 nor unds first
quality Cottee, tle growth oi Pa nib ation Aoilberadd,
will be recerved at the Seen Livi) "sy Ghice ys at this co-
lony, ual Wedua.scay the Yota inst. when tbe bigh-
ce@ oifer, Hap) moved ol, with be aecepicd— payment
lobe made im cash, and dhe ec flee toa ve deliawwicd on
the Lastate. C.. PULLS, R
Y | Jin. J. VAN DEN ROE ‘ a
—_—_—- — —
NO'TICE, suck c per bo. sashaveany demands
against the Lite ao nix Ssw Stalb Co. Nikire, are
requested to scod coe sae ta tor examoation, to the
voudersigned, aud these tidebted ty come turward
With immediate poy nical.
21 Jan. | -BONT®& Co.
—_—~- —
View original a —— ee = = oe
——_—_- ——- — — —_——"e eo _- _
FOR SALw—-_o,tuuv Los. who, ana CUCU
Lbs. broken Couree fou Phaiuion a wedetyh.—And
9,000 Lbs. whole and 7,600 Lbs. brotcu Coltce from
Plantation Ph c/ecles cn. Aad <0 reand bles Cotton
from Plagiation ae irlows 6 Sacples to be seer at
the house of Afr. tley vo Jy Now hosiv nda, where
Tenders will bo recewwod aa Wednesday neat the
2th inst. when the bi hosted yt approved, vill
be accepted.— blic Cou ane only be takow fom
(he Estates, and the prycicut muos be cash on delve
cry.——J muary 21.
View original —_—_—_—eera eo SS ei—eE*e ee Ct
> «&' a / \
LOK SALE Dy tire Xe abl sibver,—Frert. Cier-
ry and Madeia wines tro booties and cCtsas, brown
} o
SLOUT, Pours Ure pe i pathy potatoes, JIXCS SUap UN
Candles [rom CO be [sce dard, Foal deuasta siicet-
(here pouuien di bry mle
yv | e/ lid. \V l Ye NOL!
' _@ ‘ ‘ 7
BUN Ser sslb,—cV Viaics of: Cotton, from bP]
OQzyverwael, Pounders for the sanre wilt be rece ved
at take house ot To. van LKoossuin, New Amsterdam.
‘ :
i. \ AN ILLS Wy GY: 1V01 scll and
2d abit. \V Z, aq-
Ca- G. PAUTLLS mesente rd te koop, een
Kediy Oruer, bnidende atduss—"De Directeur van
Vhintaris Ieeces Lest, eeheve ateleveren oan den
Pheer Gs. Prachsy of Oider, Micr de bic d ponden ho fe,
Ty, zynde ti restitude van Seht cuiz ad ponden door
vo meOde Leer Panels velecud aon det lantvete Bue
ses Lust, op een Order van dato to December (S12,
7ynde de | rys der hofty thins zoo veel hoger, )yitar-
ond het Op ae lholite as ccs ‘hdl.
Doibice, 18 Anwustus, ISié.
(zeteehend) L. van ROSSUM.
Zeege ponden koffy 4000. oe
NO'TICE ts hereby given to all those who
may be inclined to purchase from George Pauels the
Coflee Order tor 4000 pounds; that the same was
made and given by the undersigned to the said Geo.
Panels, bona fide, and in pps ‘tion that his Ac-
counts as Curator to the Boedel Buse-were correct ;
that on carcfully examining the said Geo. Pauels’s
Accounts, the undersigned found) sev®ral) Errors,
and Omissions, A Statement whereof, he the un-
dersigned, has already submitted to and is now be-
fore the Hlonorable the Court of Civil Justice for de-
cision. ‘Phat itis to be hoped that no person will
yield G. Panels any facility insnegociating the un-
dersigned’s Order, obtained as loresitid, as alter
this public notice, the undersigned shall consider
himself catithed and in duty bound (o contest the va-
lidity of the oh Order forthe want of good consi-
deration.—1-4 Jan, L. van ROSSUM, ge
View original —-— >
This is to inform the Public, that the following pere
tons intend quitting this Colony.
If. Beekman and Servants, in 6 weeks from Dec. 24.
J. If. Tilhemeycer, in 6 weeks from do.
Rn. C. DOWNER, Secy.
View original - :
NOTICE ts hereby given, thata month after date the
following Transports and Mortgages wild be pussed,
Dec. 31. Jolin Fraser will transport to Lewis Came-
ron, 25 roods and 6 feets of Lot No. 12, situate
tn the first empolder of this town, being the north
quarter front part of said lof.
Jan. 7. J. A. Eicken, qq. the Estate of I]. C. Bran
des, will (ransport to K. Francken, the Lots No.
A0 & 47, second enrpolder, with all the buildings
having belonzed thereto on the day of purchase.
—— Ke. biancken will transport to O, W. Lantse
Hicer, the dront half of Lot No. 46, second ems
polder, with all the buildings thereupo-.
Jan. 21. Mumes Praser will transport (o Alex. Praser
Lot No. 42 West cozst, commonly called Sea-
field, with 47 slaves.
Alexander Procer will mortgage to Jas. Fraser,
half of said Lot with one halt of all Slaves noygy
attached thereto, insecurity of the balance cue
fo Jas. Vraser of the purchase of the whole of
wiidl Lot with 47 slaves.
— Alex. Froser will transport to Alex. Simpson
(he other half of said Lot No. 49, with half of
all slaves, stock, boat, appurtenances and dee
——_—_— _—. — —_ —
. T+ oe -
View original
-_- — — » 2 —.- -.————- oa
Berbice, 10th January, 1815.
Ricr, Corrrr, Muscovano Sucar, VineGaRy,
urn Woon, Cannirs, Lame oir,
and Cotton Wick.
PERSONS desirous of entering into Contracts,
from the 25th January instant, fo the 2tth December
following, for supplying any or all of the above arti-
c! os, of the best quality, yand insuch quantitics asmay
from time to time be required, subject to the approve
al of a Board of Survey, on delivery, al the C ome
urissariat or Quarter. and Barrack-Stores, Fort S
\ndrew, are hereby informed, that Tenders, in Tris
niicate, will be received at this Office until Mond: vy
(he 25d inst. at 10 0’olock in the morning; The pri-
ces to be stated in Slerling money ; all packages cone
sidered t@e property of Government and no allows
mice mis «le for them. Mode of payment, cash or a
Government bill at 4 | 8 sterl. per dollar, at the op-
tion of the Subscribers two Securities to be named in
the Tender. It may be necessary to observe, that
should the colony during the above period cease to
he under British donmiaion, the contracts will be ane
IH. WENDY, Dep. Act. Com. Gen.
View original _
Berbice, 10h January, 1815.
SUCII persons as may be willing to enter in‘o
Contracts, for the same period, and on the saine
‘terms as those speeified in the above Advertisement,
fo furnish Six able bodied Negroes and a Cooper, for
the Commissariat Department, and Four Pioneers tor
that ofthe Quarter Master General’s Department; +1
informed, that Sealed ‘Tenders, tn Triplicate, will be
received at this Ollice, until Monday the 28d hist.
[O0’clock in the morning. ‘The names of two pers
as Securities for the one performance o: the cout:
tu be stated in the Tender.
H.HENDY, Dep. Act. Com. Cen.
Berbice, 10th Jam Is 5.
ANY person desirous ef entering intoa Contrict,
from 25! h instant to Che 94th December next, to tur-
nish a Punt with Six Oars, for the Use of this Ie.
partment, will send sealed ‘Fenders in Triph ote te
this Oihee, until Masday the 25d inst. at 10 o'clock
inthe moming, stating in-sterting money the price
perday,. YW. WENDY, Dep. Act. Com. Gea.
“POR SALE, ahardsome dark Bav aadcle
and draft }lorse, warranted sound, and free of vice.—
Apply to the Pianting Offec.—21 Jan.
View original ~
View original ie
View original paraphed, awd noi to be returacd or clven ent of oe
Office, except in cases of pra and concurrentia, after
pronunciitionoal the sentence in those cases, without
an express Order of the Court or Governor.
A true extract, pultished for gencral information,
by order of the Honorable Court of Civil Justice.
Quod Allestor,
Rn. C. DOWNER, Sec.
Bv Order of the Honorable Court of Policy
and Criminal Justice of the Colony ber-
Lt -. &c. AE. QC.
Lv vvbdcrs and Owners of Tas:
——— oo -—
dL ENDERS will be reccived by the undersigne:
uptil Wednesday the fst of Pebruary 1815, for the
flire ol 30 able Necro men, for one calender month,
to be employed at Fort St. Andrew, Berbice, 3 on

such labour as shall be pointed out by the Assist nt
fneimecr; and for which payment will be made by.
the Receiver General. The Tenders mill be epened
i presence of Ilias Excellency the Governor, on the
mloresal date, ind the lowest offer, if satisficlory, ac-
¢ pled.—Seeratary’s Ollice, 2th Jan. 1813.
Dy Con need
R. C2. DOWNER, Secy.
a ee _os ane "ow = ——o
ABSCONDED fiom the Sub ciiber, a IN C-
wro bop named 2. nrv, about Tf yours of vere s !
hasbeen tathe habit ol travelling with the Sabecri-
berto Demerary; all Masters aud Owners of ves-
sels are requested not to haibour or take sad Negro
from the colony, as the Law will be entorecd acarav
su¢ h offen hg
af ti). oT. C;. Sc } \\ ‘i V7,,
,. im | vs ° ,
NOUUTC is —'LTbe undess raed Depa leave te
aVonas ie Publics that Ma. co Schwart., ds rede
tulhoriscd to collect my oustin Wn SC ecowtys, a
well as Noles of iand, aud hire rece apt vl be ot val,
Mt fan, J.P. ERROR.
a - — ee ee eee ee —-~
» '
CUE next? vie eclinc of te vy HIS] Crey
be on Lhursday the 20 le tust. ry tn
pal oe ees ° one cena re
> »
Oo UWVe Toesdiy the Q5th inst. wall be soll at he
re] be ()' 1 Cy DMS, Chie (SC, po! alc sy bri i 1) yer!
averW brryas ( coulis! : dry or ( ods, i \ yelch pane
re media owen ta bord sy idids. wd my yg st Ne
(lou SCR her, Douver and «iin hb Is, | S and
Misch. ‘| stochkiners, I, p PTLD, Cumlowd aiast
. ¢
Cullee Dag liter, some fat one. ac.
D.U Cameron, Dep. Vendue Xavier.
5 r _) . 4) ' : ' ? ,
( } fi dy (ide (ell t. wal! ( 5 OV OFaACT
. ‘ : s r -
anaat he store ob ia. Ate ater, bsg. J of Now 21, cod
hovin bs Ow Squtnbilen Vs) be sold without reserve.
4 . , . - | ’ - . ] °
me Swoae Chine Valo P iri oud HE TEA OY LAL
1] ie, 2 ol} garter ¢ Wy |. Nn . ( . e'; |? ’ OCS,
soem candbes, wonther tnt te atiocs Sy
() (> srocni os els Che, i) a "ce COLL bohecks,
iss wibidd eardhen Veit | ibd. W Ob,
D.C. Caner IN, Dep. demic Master.
— = — —_—_—_ — — __—
Oia Ma way tae e 0 h Hist. wilt be sald ial they ede
dae Othee, by order ov. oh berosord, Eesq. in ana.
lity as Atloricy fo the Ndiministratcix of the !'st O,
the date S. Peres ford, besq.—TVhe holWot lot No. #0

Situated in the east “cost cin a with a dwetlur:
Louse of colony wood, 40 tect long, and 22 ft wide
one and a hate stoay high, 9 nesroes, vin, Dtlhy, a
washer Won ay with her Y children: Bes Vv, i lied
wot, Wilh her child; Ad clay a fi. kl woman 5 a
men, lubcrt, Primo, and Pill, the former is a good
room, the twolattcr fierlal people ; To about 20 head
Ol Callie, a horse, dig OF Cause, bedstead, IE TaSses,
AC. AC —Jenns: t he land payable in 12 m mnths,
necroes in vy 6, and 9 months, other articles in J
mouths. '
D.C.Cameren, Dep. Fendue Master.

View original a@i¢q7
View original The @ub- eriber > fas fniport ad a) the Brg
Wirncuram, from Liverpoalthe fo. low ny Goods,
wisich he will dispose of at reasons c prices by
the Package, at the New Store, elonging ‘es
William Lhe ery, sy. on lot No, vs
Ling fish in boxes, potatoes in hampers, Londow
brown stoulin bottles an L wood bottled pale ale and
cyder, caeriy and rispberry br. tuily p split pease and
4 trl }) ley, tr rem hegs, herrings in hites mn :@tard,
pickle Wd proserves, b st bloom raisins in boxes,
double refined snear, soup in boxes, tresh carden
secus, supCr flaw blion blae ereen and brown broad
‘Touhy: Uper fine cloth co. sy fashion at VOs(s, pantie
' ;
I es an { {) ) ~ ‘ } i “a (CTS strony shor d>5 dress ard
Poop oe e vewsrtead wit a
Ubi GFESs CICLO, Herr ¢ try awsort Gy, printe< COte
tonsand pochet be eT ' cfs. jocconctand cambrick
noustin, plat ls and arittinntas, trishtinen and shecte
- i )
Mir, OcGstcddy Willi hair matirens@s’, bolsters aad nvuse
milo mellsy Tigen and cotton chect< » Indices Straw
venael’s, shoes and slippers, pos! and fooklseny pra pe ry
quire and bound books ar dd vier stationary, paints
waco, spirits turpcatine, earthen wad stone ware ie
cratesand puncheons, black Gzured China, landse; Ape
tte, purple ditto, an assoctiwent of beac Is, a ditte
Cathtrens Coy: » Cordage trom Lto 8 hi ich, an whogany
) ° ' .
. I ible w MOMs (ii ’ brass frowiic and plain
. ” °
Vitlii Sed tachi i. Ps Stoned LESSING DOXCS, ( rilemen 4
lool chests, taahovary chests of drawers, coften ard
. ' ° .
CO) . . 1i) .) al t ob Vi haety O,1 olier af 1¢ Ss.
. . ‘ a find) Tre
wl qc. ‘wx. CRO Le
- = q ar , a 9 I °
NE. Wo. Cro ones that all those who stand ine
Gebted to deen Y former transactions, will
(>) a p\Weasad ee we I tynicul Wilhboul a ‘J sure
(1) gd. c,
’ yy’ yy ey nr TC); v 477°)’ 7' Ep
Lad gsia2 G
4 alle ss a4
err ope ——_—_—--
oY os Ve \; SA ADA,
~ ._
pm Nye Poner tas been establisied in Demes
ryiyy ity » “tik GulaAna Coroxvicrr ane
MoRG! Lown Gazetrre,”’ by Mr. A. Stevenson.
Phe l Le dee wos Issucd ov the Qbinwant. Je
a bohedevery Monday and Friday, afternoon
! othe above P. per, will be recetved ue
ais Qiuceyayaiso tor the Lsseyuere & Jrauevary,
<< «© 2
. | a leery peg tn ot
frisstsoned thot all the Peni: oteatiarics live ree
? } . / > ’
¥ Peck ae ts timed by the Prince 2 be” yent of
4 | | > TE - Ou } le
’ . ; ° . : f . 4 me (}) ;
oO ( Ct @Q? ¢ vy CN" Lf 1S ia fole
lowing, fam Viennai—Cho exe Ilo Maria Douieg
treatin prosperity as in adversity, wil Do scpuratedl
a | .
lrom Napuicom, A ereat plants arc gthg tor ber,
6 }
e does ho ) Ness OF hacia.
A ce Aleamen bate Jy: ar.rved in din rig l from V icrt
ystees thatthe wroatestattontian is pated there to
h Vou. Nv OOM, Tae hives of Rome. There are
(so Coaches amd six piaftendance upon him, one to
Corry hin ta Sehoenbrua, the other to carry him
Nick. ‘Phe carnoreecsaie ornamented with the armg
uf Peance wd tusignia of the Lesion of Honor, Le
isa voy fiae bov, futr complexion, blue cyes, and a
Vory ena tel FPOURTOHAINCe.
hetle.s trom: Vienna says:—Sir Sidney Smith ie
charced with two importiot missions to the Congress
— the Eins in to demand of all the Powers of UCurope
the abolition of the Slave Trade; toe second, to ree
quire measures (o be tuken for the subjection of the
Barbary Pirates, who successively insults all flazs
Bat the Consress tas so much business to attend to
that itis mo word any notice.
Private accounls tron Paris state, that at & late ree
view of the troops near Chat city, oo re were several
fatal occurrences 3 two or tirce men are hilled ; foug
or five bal’s whistied very near where the Duke of
Woellington and the Duke de Berri stood.
In the House of Commons, on the 14th November
Sir G. Warrender moved the vote of seamen for the
service of the year 1$15, observing that it was nog
necessary for kim to enter into any details, as the
War wilu America would reguire that the aun ese
should be xcept up.
View original it was als particular!y desirable that the commerce
of the country should be protected, the enemy's st ip:
be annoyed, and (herefore (he vote would be for 70,
000 seamen. He then moved,—‘‘that 70,000 men be
granted for the service of the year TS lo, inclndine
35000 Ragal Marisies.—Atso Chat sina of 21,07 > 20!
be granted for vacessatthe rate of 2 1. lo. 6! pen
month, for the suid thirteen igenites.
The following evtrrct of a ltetter, published ina
provincia! prin LUND! esoonte fears at the threat-
ened superior! y of rene’ manefactires over thoce
of England :—2n oriuancdy is evidently mahing very
wreal advances towtrds outvindiaz whatever we hay
in Laneashire, nirtienlacty at Penn, Not holf an
Jour «ince [have seen iaa tol op. STAs OelOrVy
as coud tnule yor een beoamodes: the sore from
Brazil cotton. ind frou all t Lean deare, sell it to
thie fubriquane. or pinnafactorers at bite more than
we could da ‘Phey cin weeve it at consider idle fess
on acconnt of the waees being so much lower than
wilh us, paying only 10s. a week, to omen that to
Manchester must bave On. of C6s. 0° There ire in
Rouen 20,000 percone ery loved in the cotton trace,
andin Noanramds cla reve { OM)?
Tl is sfatedin the Co rman Peepers. thafto avoi! all
the diffitullics of Court ctiqnetie, the Souvertsns at
Vienna have acrecd to take preeedoncos according to
their age. Lis Cc iseCucnce Ob Uiis a i ion the M )e
aarchs rant thus :—
1. Theo. ec! Warten urs, born ta U7o#.
2. The vverolf Bavariag born in deo.
ol Th: . aan PYormmoaak, Lown LFS. (OR Jan )
A. The Brapcroe Veancis, bora am 170°, (i2h eb.)
5. The Aise of Pre siag borin 1779.
6. The Baperor \lexan ter, dorm ial 77F
are shout to fake plaice in the Preneh “Viaistry: that
Prriseoy, that


Py) mot, ¢'y ~ Nf veil T OL |" “(0 . {rn} ' ry! er | 1,
M. Dandber. and thafta chanze iwi om ryt!
the financial dopotinent. ble dos sn of trek perl
o! f the adroinistration whieh wos sid to be
to precicitate the notion again into wer, are report a
to have been failed
We find in the Foretan Popere, thot the Altied
@overcigns at Vienna dine ia the Milo use.
Wedid not trent them better im Lowrion —vwarcre the
merc sent lo eap in tie Stable sar l
On the Sd nevs wes ree ived at Honmburol) by cx-
press that the Dict of Nore Tad recosntsed ty
bajestv the King of Sweden for Sovercica
on the 2?! th of last month they Pro lstimaed Charles
the ‘Iwelh hing of Norway.
—_—= . --—-
yy “oe? ,
A I ce but Cu yy 7 EUS EON 0) wre Cc
Nero (alioe.
We come nny fo camost taparfan! qrostion, Ts
thors acy pest reason to believe that Great Britain in-
tended to insist ony ob rer j rlicle than Peace with
the ladians an} sceurtly vor thetr possessions, so that
they mich! be a perorment barrier to secure the Ca-
nidian provers?
Inthe frst conferrence the Britis opened some
gubiects of discussion, on7 of them only, the Indian
territory aud peace they declared a sine qua non or
jn‘is pensrble. Without that, they would make no
peace. Tis in common sense was dechirins that the
others were not indispens) ble. Pthey bad afterwards
without a chance of circumstances brought forward
either of the olhers as indispensable conditions it
would have been decm sd unfair or perfidions.
Our ministers ndraitly with a view to create doubts
asked them whether any of (he other arlicles were
also intended as a sine qua non.
Ifthe British were instructed to make them such,
there was no reason why they should not avow it.
They bad before done sotrankly, when aeked whether
View original the Tndian perce on? Indian boundary were both sire
qua non.—They answered yes.
Batif they had replicd to the other question, that
{hey were nof, it would have been committing thein-
selyes to our Ministers and giving up the questions.
Doras soonas our nevrociators should knovy that they
vere not instructed to insist upon then, they would
lave refused to Viscuss (hem,
The British Ministers warily took the only course
lot totrem. They answered when you have replied
(oour proposed sine qua non it will be time enough fo
(alls ofanothor ts We have been (say they) suflicicatly
exphiett™ and so they were. They stated four sub-
jects of which oue only they declared to be a sine qua
Jnconftyrrnvioref this inthe lost letter of the Brit-
ish) Miisters. afer thoy receircd their new tnstruc-
tious the: roer tothe Tadians peace and teundary
only asa sine qua non,
The other points must therefore be considered only
as sa'yocts offsred for discussion, tu be inodificd, or
wholly conceded eccording as our SLintsters inigbt
press other claims and demands.
With this view of the subject which Lam persiv-
ed is corecet, tt ts alryost unecessary to discuss the
other proposidons., It ie wholly uncertain whether
every one of then: would not have given up. It ts
prob:ble they world have becn modified ta such
away as to meet our vicws, tatcrests, feelings and
Jinfer this from the manifest destre of Great Bri-
fain fo mahea peace, a desire most evidently proved
by the terms offered,
Bat as false ramos have gone abroad, an tan im.
pressions is aftempted to be made that (he terms pro-
posed) were degrading to us, such as ‘a conquering
ration only Wi add ] npase Wy) mewcangduer J 1) ‘ople,”’
andas the very Yroposal of eacn fern, eked ie ini
tatended to be insisted on ou sth! | tis LO eX! he in-
Uiernation ofa free people. Jt t. of sone cons quence
'. en : . . ’ 7 : ; ’
ylook at (he terms, Keeping in mind lhowever Cae
y were mere preposals to be wm Vificd or even
, xendon “l,
If Great Britain hed proposed that we should
J >
ore ouc President, if «|
she did not mean to make
(hey sine ere non, stiibat would be a.lrontive.
But were ony of the terms she proposed of this
uifronttiyve cliaracter ?
Tetus take one of which she secmed to make the
er), 1
roc, pee arreeyceiut that we sh ytiatal dea Nish Ou,t
‘epno feet on tbe lakes,
Pothtstusaltins ? Tt it isso it must be because it
ismuusimal—becauss no ereat uation ever sabmitted
ysachoa Chinsee—beenuse tl was a wanton and anne.
‘essary dmouahction of as without benefit to ucr, OF
recourse Ht would be very injurious to us.
Thon the other haad tihas been a comaion stipula-
fion between great and) powerful nattons, when
neither@f tacin wis huamnbted.—It it was reaily iin-
portant and necessary to her security and not impor-
tinforiajnrionstous, Chonsurely itwas not affrontive.
Is Unis true? cance deny it? we who boasted we
could toke Canada ta four months. She has beeu
gue netetbour there for SO years. Wave we ever
fel or expericneed danger tious her?
Vhe reasons slo asstened are honorable to us.
They admit our rising ereatuess, our formidable
power they expressa fearofus. Is this desrading ?
surely not. But it was solemnly true that we are
dangerous neighbours to her, and this war as prov-
ed it.
W hat she demands is only that we should do what
we did before the war. For 25 years wo had not a
ship of war on either lake; we had only the misera-
ble fortress of Niagara, (iniserable I call it from per-
sonal observation) with a feeble garrison of 70 men.
—As to Miahilimehinack and Detroit, [ presume no
man will call them fortresses though they had the
name of forts. | 3
But is it not frue also that in twelve months we
became masiers of al! tue leokes ? and under good and.
View original eficient rulers we coulddoitin six. fis idle tosiy
(hat anition of 7 naillions of people are afriid of be-
tng uuarmed ona frontier against a colony, a sca‘-
tered colony of 250,000 Frenehmen. Great Orifain
never did, and in case of an honest peace, never will
maintain a force in these provinces of more than
3,600 men.
If then we can never be afraid of her: if her sab-
rect have had dreadful cause to be afraid of our irrup-
tions, is there any thing so degrading in adutitting
that she ouvht to be afraid, and is afraid of us? And
therefore that we will keep no force ready to pounce
dlown upon her unsuspecting colonists.
To those who wish when we have a peace that $¢
may be durable, | yould add one word more. If we
mamtain a force on the lakes Brilatn) must do so too.
From the irritations, the remembrance of past wrangs,
the bitter spirit resulting from the late predatory war
on the frontier, collisions and quarrels must be im-
evitable. Our peace may be disturbed as soon as it
tsmade. If we haveno force Britain will soon with
draw hers. But f add there is little doubt, ifour
Ministers had iact (ie British offers ina spirit of cone
cilintion, this article would have been modified tu a
mutual demolition of torts and disivantling of ships.
There rematus but ore other question. Is this an
unusual stipulition? Have not nitions offen demands
ed, and great powerful proud nations, unsubdued,
unconquered, perfectly equal, offen granted such
conditions for the sake of anoiding futare quarrels 2
When men are quarrelliins, the first and most rae
(ional sympton of reconciliation is to lay aside wea
pons of offence.
Woby maintus any foree on the Jakes whon cither
they nor we wave kept any of consequcnee for £0
years ?
Louis XTV. by the treaty of Utreeht, then even at
(he moment the most powerful sovereizn in & trope
asrreol to demolish (he forl(ifications ot Minn! irk {o
quiet the fears of the Faghish and Dutch. He dd
co, ‘Phe same stipulations was repeated in the treaty
of Nix a Chapelle and of Paris in 1792. In this late
ter treaty Louis NV. added a still more extrao. Jiny-
Ty Co. dition, he agreed to demolish the forts on the
land side. Great Britain dictated (aat peace. By
the aid of the brave people of Massachusetts and
Connecticut she had conguered the Canadas, aud
hunibled Spain by taking the Island of Cubs. Yee
even Drilatn stipulated to case the fears of Spiin, to
demolish a// her fortificationsin the Bay of Honduras,
Yous the conqueror did this. His “lost Christian
Majesty the King of France also agreed not to erect
fortifications or keep troops in certain parts of his
East India possessions. FT could multiply in (hese
examples without number.
These are enouch becanse they relate fo the tivo
ereatest powers in the world, and one o, them too this
very enciy then a congucror.
Is it derogatory fo us to arree to that which these
nations even in success agreed to? did Tsay agree ta
it? itis doubtful whether it would have been insisted
ons but ifit had been it would have promoted and
perpetuated peace. The truth is, such a deynand is
complimeutary to usas it provesa dread oF our po. ear.
The Emperor of Russia and the King of Prussiz
have heen at Aspern, where the Archduke Charl:s
showed them the ficld on which the great battle was
fought, May Qf and 99, 1809.
The Spaniards are punishing the Mahoncse for
their atéachment to the English, by tmposing heavy
burthens, 11 sail of the line are now in Port Mabon
to block the harbour up.
Orders have been issued to our flees on the Ame-
rican coast, to destroy everP vessel that the captures
Ing Commanders may not deem of sufficient value le
send into por.
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OS2 64ULU Llsis His Westig OF 2 SLi 0)
View original will roccive opposition from every one thereinto qua-
. lie iby law, appoint them adey to have his on fier
atm heard before the Court, and furtheract ticrcon
as the Law cine (s.
This 4th proclam: oon published as customary.
Berbice, the Sth January, (S45.
h.. FRANCAEN, Virst Marshal.
. -_ LS
—_— ee — —-——
Dy the subscriber the foilowing fresh Duich
provisions, lately imported, for cash :—
New herring in kegs,
Dutier in ditto,
Sweet milk cheese in boxes,
hatammer ditto,
oe oes in larese hampers.
\ lite wine Vinegar in JUES.
Choice FR bine in boxes contains Y£ bottles,
sinoke Pobacco in sn il cases,
Very poo. dereen tes, dc.
14 Jan. JG. 0. THIENSM AL
Py den onderecteckende de v leende onlanes
aang<orachte versche bHollandscue provasicu,
YOO: C4582 :—
Nicuwe haring in vaatycs,
boter th dito,
Lovte methsche kavs in hisjesy
boda re
Zceumscheen Vijosche acudar pelea
Wy eroole Rianden.
Fecr roc Wile Ww AY acyl oan [' Ny
Beste Rhynsche Wii by Kisten van Vb bo cls,
Extra good eochorvene rook ‘Pabeh aa hi JLry
kena guece erocne hee
14 Jan. Jo. PL PENSMIA,
SS —_ — _ —
NO TICE — 1 hie l ( st CQ fF ( Cslts ls
Pries ds and (ne difleorent “di: } a) Wi 4 \ (itae
’ . | . .
ved Room in the J | I (Nt /9 ‘YU SC ‘ ‘ é cS ond C
alongside with as tutte Gceloy as possible. in orden
that no doubt I be enfeortarred os hier by ine whole
ty leave here with he jirst eonvos.
yurvsve ‘tyr
). CIN( 1A] Se
4 Jan. e Ti
ee ee oe
INDI tac Fy
IS hereby, that Nur. A. Kersetner hos pst his ce.
neral power of Atoracy on the Subseaber, to col-
lect all ouftsiandine Gout as CGeous ad (hoon :
counts for dclivercd bres d and biscutl, he reiore the
Subsenber informs bool whodtmay concern, to come
forwards with payinent, bein ofnervise tia tho ne-
Cessity (oO sue for the sume s sob further dee in
that Mir. WKerschner not) can ulve | neced CFCauil lol
bread, ec. as tobe paid every mouth,
}-! Jan. J e bb. Al Pl, Qe
NOTIC As LO ( ate tu a ¢ ‘
O* Pruiday the 70h instant will be dis: oced o
: : : } ‘ f . J
Ol le Creditors of Vhartahon €fiflon and J. wel
: q ’ . f ,
bo. g th CHC hotise ol ob, SD dase, (pe vil t \
Linsterdaim, 20 a C0 bales Cotton. And at the some
thine, by Order or the | Oo ble Courtol Civil dus.
- ’ ‘ 7 . . . , , !
Wed, tive { PCCHLTOUS Of SN edd fosla Coal ia bi. ADPe Atle I; )
' l ~ . i . 1 : > . e..
Will choose two anio: .~ 'iem, as Locir ALE PVCSE ds |
tives, duiimg the Prastes tip. bd Jan. fe
— , ‘ -
XA TU _N su itWJ /
TOR 40 sqnige bales of clean Cotton, from Piantt
endallsy will be received Dy the Sul scribers. a.
ire dno. Crofts, New Mimoatciaam, until Wednes-
‘ay the 25th Januaey, wiea the highest, i ap prov-
cd ol, will be uccy pled.
J. TAPIN, for self and
I} Jan, J M’CAMON, Scquesters.
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21 January 1815