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The Berbice Gazette

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Berbice, Usih June, Ista.
Pensons willing to furnish a small Punt, forthe
Quarter Master Generals Departinent, are hereby
invitcd (osend sealed Penders ta Priplicate to this
office, on or before Tuesday the 2sth instant, at 10
, o'clock inthe morning. The Puntto be subject to
he approval of the Dep. Assit. Qr. Master General,
and from wirows any dusthoe particulier auay be ob-
fl. WENDY, Dep. Act. Com. Gen.
View original em
Berhice, June IS.
Mr. A. A. DELTA Covar, Priveipal veeot tor the
Swill on shone Wwounext the
diovw eal £ G90 storbin gs. «
three Soore tt For the
Piroperisy ios
such amcant. a unite
Cc of,— Ten ir
Crown Property “th inst.
fz ‘Vac cunayv, Esq,.
riya ter
; s jor the Crown
i ‘ Thee
riod at SI days sight, and to
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rc) tor and approy-
Le ¢ \ ived ue his Oikee, at 10
\ it!
Ocloch ta the mio. aus
~~ ——-- —_—
View original - aS ee e - OO—
Tost, Wistlti iso Stolen. on Weediesday morning
» Cloth Woate a. Vs oly hoo, bes with acribban
mie be wo. red for sale, it Is
— oO
an hey Srv] d]ic
reqaes! V chiat at dat y be S10) ped.
lt Jury .
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This és to inform the Public, that the following per-
sous intend quilling this Colony,
A. Wrieger with the June or July cony oy.
C. Vole ‘naar ind weeks trom 2> May.
J. 0. Schoilevauyer tor Barbados by the first opport-
Job. Papin ant two servunts, Harlequin and Wil-
lem, Mi V WCC AS | ‘ June.
. (2. C. DOWNER, Secy.
NO PIC Ke ch ely eizon, oe amonth after date the
follarci ce 77) cresadat Wortrages will be pussed.
June Woe Lobbuny wil‘ reusportto M.. Vattray, the
neszrots: Gea we eed, San, Sai uly, ama
Plarryy and Cie said SY. lathiay, Will af the same
ies cechle a firstinort cree ia favor of the said
Wo. Lobban, onthe ae roes above named. and
OG) the followtas negeccs, viz. George. W ilhiam,
Bon, oui WS, at Ta mn \ ’
W Neliultz Will Hansport to Thos. C. Emery,
(wo hal lots of land, in the 2.) enmpokler of this
town, from th» méldle road. to (he backduain,
hnownas No. S3and No. 34.
June 1. Geo. Bagot will transport to Demerary G-
necro slaves, names to be seen at thise fiice.
June 18. J. van den Brock. as the Attorney of the
Hetrs of Aimé Danze 1, dec. will tra sport to ds,
Fraser, {uc tots No. 3 aud 6, siiuate in Canje
seme ementeiencenimemrtnstnatternttnreemceemeen cepmenep
View original _——
On Wednesday the 221 instant, will be seld hy
order of Messrs. G. Bone & Co., London brown
Moufin hhds., Madeira wine in bottles and pines,
notifoos ti bampers, mould candles, and a few bar-
rely of flour.
On the some dav, linen, bk s., checks, Osnaburehs,
fee and cotton bageing, (oe ttcanisters, loaf soar,
peor and power pre dove py, boot and mock in hall bare
mle oa few erates of eartheawire, coffee bavs—also
O Trees of suit. NC, ,
MIso oon the sue diy, will sold at the Vendue
Oliices ty or lor of Sarsh Craan, the premise: belongs.
ing foher Children, beine 6 roods of lot No. 8. situ-
ated between the house ‘of Miers. Bakker, and Miss.
Mlibe Butcher, with the buildings thereon, in goed
il j lif.
D.C. CAMERON Dep. Wendue Master.
On Monday the dth Jaly, will be sold on plan-
‘afton Bellevue, by order of BJ. Schwiers, sq. qq.
household furniture, consisting in dining tables with
Nends, a patent do. card tables, side board, chairs,
sophas. wardrobes, cuest of drawers, book ¢ ases, bed.
feuds vith asatresses and pillows, bison stands, look-
Ing wlasses, pictures, globe limps, a French clock
with whass case,a table service of China, a desert do..
wlassware, condlesticks, boftlestunds, waiters, knives
ad forks, spoons, orzan with 6 barrels, an oil cloth
22 feet, by L7, celestial and terrestrial globes, a pen-
niduplex, a pheoton with bariess, a collection of
bouks, XC.
The Sale will commence at 11 o'clock precisely.
D.C. CAMERON, Dep. Vendue Mastr.
-— —_——~ + -———
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requested to come wit) bey Daye
View original MARSHAL's OF FICE.
BY virtue of an Extract from the Minntes of the
Honorable Court of Civil Justice of this colony,
dated 20th May, 1814, given in the cause entith
van & Anecus Irase Tr, as partners of the Horse of
Cominerce at Gliseow, trading under the Ft . and
style of Campbells Fraser & Co. Plaintiffs in OP posi-
lion, versus, the Sale in Eevee ation of Plantition kil-
morac i in favor of John bE: ayficld, ws Attorney of
Thos. Cudaeon, of Stoke Newington, near London,
Me fendant :
Notice is hereby given, thot the Sale of sid Plin-
fatian Wibvorseh, situate on the Corcatine eqast of
his colony. the property of Simen Fraser, with Al
Ws culdvatonsslives, build’nes, &e. wilh vow tove
plice on Wedacsday the [oi ot July, P84, on ne
Whoever should think to have any right, ection,
or interest, on aforesail plantation Kilner! , cum
annegis, and wishes to Gppose the Jxecut:s oo Sale
thereel, tel such persons wduress thesuscelves to the
Marsha’s Oflice ot this co! ONY y declaring Clr Gass
us torso doine in dae tine and fore. as b here ‘by
rive nolicce, that 1 wil nm ceive opp: >i a bronrevery
tafermedtate person, Appoit thera diy to have his
or her claim heard before the Court, and furtacer act
thereon as the law dircets.
Berbice, 17th Jane, IS14.
K FRANCKEN. Pirect Marshal.
View original ree ee et
SS Se lCl
BY virtne of an Wxtract from the Minutes of the
Court of Polly of Civil Justice ef this colony, dated
the Tih of June, TSEL, given in the cause entitled
Win. Leach md Woo. Peaser, Curators (o the sure
rendered Leiate of Wey wood & Taylor, Plaintiffs,
versus, all Known ant unt nown ec editors of the str-
rendered stat: of Hey good & Tylor, Detendants.
T the undersiened, lirst Marshal of the Courts
within this colony,
~ Suininion, for the third time, hy Edict:
A‘) hnown and uokeown creditors of the .urrend-
ered estite of Hey wood & Taylor, to appear at the
Court of Reals, on Tuesday the 28th of June, 1814,
and folloy coe dhoys, for the purpose of theirs rend: re
ing (heir clauns, to verify the same, and further to
praceer As the law directs,
This Od Suminon by Edict published as customa-
ry.—welice, 17th June, IST#.
K.P RAS CKEN. l¥rct Varsha’,
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View original EEE ——— -- —
Xx: o's Tlous , 17th Jrine, 181 4.
The Lieutenant Governor has directed the followin
copy of the Supplement tothe London Gazette, of Purse
day the 26 April L8lj, to be pubsished for general Lufur-
By Command,
rr. W HITE, Gov. Sec.
Dorcign-Ofice, April 27, 1814.
A Disnateh Yeon fr ‘ccived at this Oflice from Vis.
count Castleseatby Tits al tajesty’ 8 Principal Seerckiry of
State for Bo, ny Aviat. dated Paris, April the Gd
IST-Ay stat, that. wordship had on that day signcd,
on the partoof Phe tierce Mage ty, a Convention dora
Suspension of Jiostilhis wih biance, by Sea aud Land.
Se ae Oe ee —S
View original The excellence of « letter, addresscd from the Treasue
(Chambers, tu Le. Ty I r g2utei 2190 cry
In Sttrinam, of Vine jullowing Is a Copy. vives OCCueH
sion for conzratul MW instcad Nitoeht— dhe i to.
prieiors and othets witerested in those befales,y lhwe
furcod under the control of a Commission, cannot bute.
fuice that the Koyal prerogative without wry iocferesuce t
ParlVament, hav-in this instance been exerted, aud t
bis viesty “s Clemency aud wisdom have becn ext
in y those USages, Mv hich the Colonists o ;
have deplored, any plea of necessity should Lave ints -
td MWHOn | and wein comniou with His Ni aj (y S ait
in { Ci)
and lo,al subjects wnitein a scntiment of Joy on the bes
ation ofalh ente f vO,.erty lu Surinani, Tom thee | Sadie
nient of a Commission.
Sir, 2oth Apiul, 1814.
Tam commanded by the Terds Commissioners of IE
Majesty's Trcasury, to 2 ( you that the Event
which have recently occurscd t rope have rendercd it
Li valy inportant thatas hie ie la should take
j lace in Carrying ite eect ihe wisncs of the Sovercigu
Prince of the Ivetmerlan sinicated to This Miajes-
ty’s Goverunent thro’ Tt Noiderhness’s Anibassador
here, for Che immdiate ik lun ob all the Sequestered
Properties, Moutes, and sailects, coming nuder your Cone
trol by virtue of your Comosion. And my Lords ar
thercfore pleased to dire you, wi as little d aay US POs.
sible after the receipt of this communication, to de menu
all the Propertioy, Moutes, bonds, and Sccurstices of eves
ry description, aad other Plic« s, which you may have tae
ken under your Control by virtue of your Commission,
Into the hands of your Co. Administrators and CosAgent
for the said Properties duly registered and admitted as such
by the Laws and Customs of the Colony ; or to such
oilicr Person or Persous as may, according to such Laws
and Customs, have due and legal Power and Authorirs
from the Proprictors to acceyt the Delivery of such Pro-
nertics, Monics, Bonds, Securities, and Pilects. And J
#m commanded by their Lordships, furtber to direct yon,
tomakeup your Accounts with as little delay as possible,
and to transmit the same, in Duplicate, and by dillcient
Conveyances, to the Commissiuners for the Management ot!
(hese Propertics, in London, and at the same time to dee
liver a Copy of the Account of cach separate Property,
&ce. to the Co-Administrator or Co-Azcut, or other Pere
son or Persons to whom yeu shalt make restitution there.
of, as aforesaid, in order that they may have an opportu.
nity of submitting to the Commissioners, in Lncland, ally
Observations which may occur te them upon the said Ac.
counts. Iam, &c.
J. BENT, Esq.
C OL SAY E THE KING, Our Maslere
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View original canQionary forires. This refusal was accomraniad by the
delivery of a contreeprojce from hin, which was founded
upon that unwise Declaration issued at Franckfort toe
wards the close of last year, by which the Allies expres.
sed their readiness to make peace with him, Icaving bim
master of a larger extent of territory than France ever
knew under the reign of her Kings. To this contresprojzet,
Which, as our readers sec, rejects the priuciple of the an.
cient limits, the Allics of course would, and perbaps did,
give a decisive negative. And this m Ly be considered as the
‘dusv of the depriciation of the funds on Saturday, which
depriciation still co-vtinues. Bence, though the report, of
Saturday of the actual rupture of the Negotiation was ine
correct, et it appears chat such a bac or obstacle has
fakeu place, as to render such an event probable. The
Mportint occurrences of the south would bea furthes
Obstacle to treaty,
We searcely remen hic any period ta which the opinions
and even the jpasrder is Oi ty , Ubite Were More divided than
uC (he present Woment. Ale. buke, who added to his
cloqucuce an usu T kKnowled se of human nature, and a
SUACILY ( ingt by the habit of keenly obs Irving and

Pion thy veuie TAR, has observed bit bits Wotks, that
the public aiva and judgement im Kuelaud are nearly
solely formu by the News rpers, and that the pr is
the trac public waster. ‘Elis as so truce, that the pretcut
livision of the poouiar mind, Upon the subject of peace
with Bonaparte, covres oudent exactly am number and
degtec with the ditereat opmions expressed bs oar daily
pipers, and therdivve to cnitioss (hose ooinious as but to
Criticise tiigoe of the cats ) )* Mors, Io. ‘rE sccuoticd
or thir ‘rsouy Chat we loae wa woreyettts the opimions and
Vie de gadecotls of his own taoor. We shall now Dei thy
CNatille (he COAPIAC bistic adds tictious of the pore ene Par.
licy, at with due hapility co vcoode wate our own delre
berate ~ abd we » a diort aud, our co brmed pre
SUastOns,— ibe fi, t Mg Mot todced in numbers butan
houdness aud venusen oy and to dd tiem credit, im since.
rity and ewvonay ys, OOULDOWSESS WHOS mit dise
tinction Iss thet no Peace wn onttye be made without tle
restoration of the Bourbous—inet these bourhons are the
legiGuiate Sovereigas of beanee. aod that Chem fore itis a
bind of duty to restore tocu. | Pha Piance will never be
aC peace all rootored to (he controul of ia WJ) ala ty. ‘Lhat
Douintap ree wall observe no Prete. “Viat he wants only
auoruterval of breatutns mes woich boace wall eive him;
dod that thes roreshed and rec, feds uo wall rise Like a
taut from nj ep. end with ois rosistless wea On, tite
Con riptto ly wt duait distiuig Che peree of aurape,
Phat France, uudes baw 12, eyo a Nadal y Machine
and Guat twill boue vouy chie aval to fob lim of the
fruits of one veate Woe, vou leave the tree and the root
Of future wiechief—In tis reoresout ttiuny divested of its
CrXCraWdsouce. Chere are two . PQbbiciils—ialaia ly, fest,
nttane Lyourbons are tae le atiarate vercigus of [rat
Md sccondly, Uiet eance aader ta .ourbons \ yul'dd be
loss yorors Chaar Buta art -— 1s le tt we bere to
Asser, Coal it does toe bd soug to ure p oOf liughind
to detorbatucy w roth shite Sovercizas of Prauce,
Poot tho sak oat ayoud. rm. thes mronteace of Gite CV,
\ Ty peo | UVC Oscar eoohodh tbo ahoreditati y right 1) thet
j 1s, bhutaul by the ee Ob tial pcumle ~hy the calani-
OF Pris! une Ol Ge tones. of; any other Cause, aly.
h loeey his theouc, and st apotver either is called in to
ty Or OF fain ty ie then becomes a question with the
( CO.’ Cin Lwhich every menha:arircrht tu put {o himoscif)
Whether itis mute fur tae puosic aod ty uomuty and come
iby cuca anew dynasty, gr tu | cht for the restoration of
hod Aud ab the peeple, upon such cousideration
termoe for tie dew Sbowrchy such new Sove ret Dee
eo dey tit the tasturt a begrtimate Priace.—Tbe people
hove on teaside those whom (he pence dad raised up,
The whole oucstion turns upon escli-evident public poud,
Tits pri does not | evor Tosen the guilt) of those
Who ha bo Asabiot a NirtuGus Prince: th y were
traultors, aul i che case of fo, J tinkuiao murders
Crs. But vwoca a Vrivce (101 brU) what pieaus) das
lust his throne. the simple question fora second generate
on, that is tu say. fou Lavss wot conceraed in the act, is—
What does the puvlc wood now demand?) ‘This is the
languace of the British Constitution s—under this, we sub.
mittel to Willian tac Conqueror, and never wave our.
selves a thouent of tie ff Ny of Tfaro'd. Uuder thi ,
we alternately fought the batues of tae L] yuses Of York
and Tancaster. Under this, we subuntted to Crom
and if his sou iad possessed the abi ities of biinselfy would
have submitted to liny.—-4 rtin, uuder this
Charles, and afterwards expelled James
> We restored
“el his principle, however, is so i portant, thit we are
anxious above all thincs nut to be misunderstood,—and
therefore, tu exvress it simply and fully, it is this: we
are bound by the Jaws of God and Man, to obey, to ree
“verence, and to defead a rizuing Prince—to honor him.
self and bis rights, and to wamicain them (if called upon)
by ourlives, But if any calamity or crimes of others
(in which we have had no concern) has expel'ed (hat
Prince, it then becomes a question of prudence, and on-
ly so far of duty, what tie public goud, present and fue
ture, requires ?—z. c. whciher the restoration of the cx.
pelled family, or submission to thenew order of things ?—
The right of Kings in this case, separatcd from the fact
of possession, is simply—the exigency, which crer w ay
it points, of the public gvod.—The seeond point ef the
argument is, that the Bourbons would be less ambitious
than Bonaparte. We must be allowed to dou bt this, in
the unlimited extent in which it has been put. France
was the bitter enemy of England ander the former sway
of the Bourbons.—ILt was under the Bourbun that we lost
America; and wader the sourbons, to say all ina word,
(hut England aud drance have nevor beca teu ycars lve
on -—_-
Swe =~
View original setier without 2 war.—As the Pourbonists are ihe ay.é
party, the second party is (iat of those who are fur wake
ing peace at all hazards, and express a Generous apprehene
sion Test we should take too much from France. The
have no objection tua peace with Bonaparte. ‘They wish,
however, Bonaparte to be left with a degree of power
which would certainly be tischicvous, and in which, there.
fore, we canuot concur.—Our own humble Opinion, as
we have often expressed it, is for peace, and such a kind
of peace which we are sure might now be procured, If
we might be allowed, in brie!, to state the terins uf it, we
Should have litle besitation in enumerating the follows
ing :—
1. A Dutch Barrier (as in the reign of Aune) to Hol.
lard. —The remainder of the Netherlands to be left te
2. Germany (with this exception of the Netherlands) to
be restored to the stutus ante Ectlim of 1792.
3. Poland to an Austrian Prince (as a balanceto Ruse
sia in Narope).—By no uieans to the Emperor Alexander
or his family,
4. Italy to Murat, or to any sinale Sovercign—with the
exception of Venice and the Beelesins ical Scates -— Vee
nice (oO be restored to its former Gov ramcnt, aad the
States of the Church to the Pope. —Tins would be a bar-
rier agaist France oa the sid: of the Alps, which ltaly
Never caw hes unless possessed by astucle Sovercign,
2. Spain and Portuva!l, tae whole co one Prince, 453 2
Py renncan barcier against brance.
“6. Sponish South America ta the House of Beaganza.
7. The brench Colonics to Ho'lind and Swedeo. Not
onc to France, in order tu check her from any Naval
Pi Ver,
&. Prossia to be increased from Saxony, so as to bo.
come a Rhine Barrier against Prauce.
Lhisis the Peace we want, sad avthiog more noc less.
——- 4 >
Ey ery preparation ismanking 11 Amer ca for the cononest
vf Canada: ands ayaninducen nt tu uter the irmy upory
Mis project, cach recruit is to ceceive 130 dollars upon
Ulistment, and he ts to Be rerucrated fur his services by
wn ailowance of 1G0 acres of Hie Con jicred territory. The
crews OF the Prosideat frigate and two sloops of war had
wlready proceedod for the Lakes, and we are Sorry toad,
that a number of British scamen aad joined them. Whil fy
UOWeVEr, We dre informed of the exertions of the enelny ,
it ts “yralilying to know chat those of the British Govern.
ment keep peace with them; aud we have therefore o Ny
lo hope, that the Battalion of the 9Gth Regt. which hat
some time Desa gnploved in this command with so muact
credit both to the ollicces and racny, as w Tbas the mum-re
GUS Fenforcement that wore about to leave Great Brita: y
by the latest accounts that have been received les » May
roach Canada ia time to miect the inv ides 5y Who will omc.
more be convinced of the impotency of thar threats of
conquest, who opposed by the valuur and diipline of
British troo;
The following is an extract of the instructions that aro
Wow given ty Adnefeau privatecis, upou leaving the
States ;—
‘Phe United States, being anxious to obtain ag many
British prooners as possible, have oflered a large bounty,
say 190 dollars, fur cach man sent in, If vou should be
furtunate enough to take as Many es would make it an
vbject worthly of the expense and risk (having them welb
securcd,) send them to Gic United Siates, and direct the
Prige-waster, in all cases. to report them to the Collector,
and take his receipt fur them.”
pP Just as our Paper waa geing to Press, we have
. @ obtained the following heads of information
stated to have Deen received in Douyrary on Wedue da
last by the schooner Blucktird, from Basbadus, vhere
the Peruxian sloop of war, had usrived after 35 days pas-
Proleininaries of Peace between Great Britain, Frauce,
and the Allicd Powers weve signed on tue 2d May -—The
Plenipotentiasies of the ditterent Powers had In so fi 4
ageced on the objects of the Detinitive Treaty, thatit was
mapected to be ratiicd in O wecks from the date of the
Orders were sent to (he Governor of Surinam to sur.
render the colony toa Dutch force immediately capeeted
(here, “The colonies of Berbice and Demerary, to be ku) t
as atree port for 5 years, or retaincd by the Poglisiias a
Security for that period. Martcnique to be immediately
surrendered Co the French. Great Britain to assist [ca ce
in the veuction of St. Domingo. Sir R. Will, with 10000
British troops had actually sailed from Boulugue for N.
America, Admiral Cochrane was before Baitimere which
had used for an armistice, but rejected—uncunditional
Surrender, and one hours dclideration aloue allowed,
YOU Stand of arms have been sentto America to assist
the Failern States in their attciupt Co threw elf their sub.
section to the Government of the U. States,
Admiral Verheut had surreadered the ‘Lexcl fleet—arnd
lastly, the peace of Amiens was to be the busis ui ine pre-e
scene peace.
—__ —~
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View original FOR SALE
A youne Barbacdiuin Negro, e couplete Tailor ; for
parhiculars apply to Wir. A. Sriewanr, in New Aiue
scerdai, or tu the subsertber.
4 June, Wau. ROBERTSON,
THEE Charter of the Colony Berbice, Manners of
the Proceecdhags, in the Courts of Civil Justice, both
cy the English and Dutch Languages, Blank Bills of
leachange and Lading, Cottee Certificates, a few
Sheet Abnanachs for the present: year, price f 3,
several kinds ot Paper, Quiles, Wavers, &c.
View original List of Run-a-cuy Negroes, wn the olony Stocks s of
Lieneicr, on the 17¢h June, ISL?
Names. | Proprietors | Py whoa bronzht.
higena: ov. | Aapbt nger..
Rosa Pin. Onvegwagt ,Dehnert
Hlercules ldem M-Camon e
Larose li. Mara J. Gouvecnene
Primo stak (Dem.) Costenbader
Siurphy Pin. Herstelling — [Lisgae]
Mars | Miss Laurants |. \danyj
santye “{1Plo. Welgelegen |vanden Brook
Mars itice ‘Pros
Guasius Bellerue White
Thowas Mrs. Beresford Heytmerer
Fraucis B. Sinclair (Der. )! Rule
JL A.DEENERT, Onder Steg,
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View original

18 June 1814