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The Berbice Gazette

View original Twelve dollars p. annum.
View original KING'S AGENCY.
Mr. A.A. ve raCOURT, Principal Agent for
the Crown Property in South Ameriéa, will on Mon-
day the 4th Oct., at 9 o’clock in the morning, at his
domicifium in. town at Mr. Wa. Scnotr’s, dispose
by Tenders of the following Bills of Exchange, viz:
£50.—£ 60.—£ 70.—80.—90.— 100.
£110.—£ 120.—# 130. and & 190.
To be drawn by himself on the date as above, at 90
days sight, on Z. Macautay, Esq. the Secretary
to the Commissioners for Managing the Crown Pro-
perty in South Affferica, &c. London.
Berbice, 23th Sept. 1813.
ees eS ee
To all those whom tt may concern!
THAT in consequence of my leaving this colony,
and of the inability of WAN. Ricuarps, Esq. ocea-
sinned by his much to be lamented disease. | have
th neht it expedient to tuke she situation of Assistant
Ag it. for the Crown Property in this colony, from
tha Gentheman, and in virtue of full powers, for that
urpese, to appoint in lieu ef said W.N. Richards,
Baa. Winriam Brack, Esq. with power tothe said
Wim. Black, Esq. to act as Principal Agent, in cese
of my Absence trom this colony, Incapacity, or
Death .— Berbice, Sept. 25
A. A. pe ta COURT,
Principal Agent for the Crown Property
in South Ametica,
View original (2
4 ‘
TIE undersigned informs all persons whom it may
concern, that he intends to leave the colony soon,
and those that have any business to transact with him,
ar: requested toapply to Saw. Tarrr and Tuomas
Tari, who is authorised to settle all his affairs.
95 Sept. JOHN ‘TAPIN,
View original —_— ———
FOR the Use of the Negroes, attached to the Ci-
vil Government, viz,
ST Negro yu Wels,
S7 Ditto hats,
29 Check shirts,
10 Russia shecting dilto,
15 White linen ditto,
50 Pair of Russia sheeting or duck trowser.
50 Ls of blue salei pores, and
2 Puncheons of rum.
Tenders for the above Articles, (marked, ‘Ten-
der tor Negro Clothing’) will be recetved by the
Subscriber, till 10 o’clock on Monday morning the
27th inst. when they will be opened in prescuce of
Jlis Excellency the Governor, and the lowest Ten-
der, ifapproved of, will be accepted.
Berbice, 11th Sept.
Wa. SCOTT, Commissary.
View original —_
Tk Subscriber being on the eve of departure
from the colony, foc the restoration of his health, re-
quests those Gentlemen to whom he is indebted, by
note of hand or otherwise, to apply to F. Brirtie-
BANK, Esq. for Payment. Any letter directed for
that Gentleman and left at the Vendue Office, will be
Brightou, 18 Sept. SIMON FRASER.
View original WANTED ~
FROM 2-to 300,000 pounds of best quality Co f-
fee, for which colony thoney, or Bills, at 90 days
sight, wiil be given in payment, on delivery.
No smaller quantities than 20 000 lbs. will be pur-
chased.—Apply for particulars io W. Katz, plan-
tation Vryheid, or toJ. Bropverick. plantation Id-
dertown. Sept. 18.
7 HE undersigne d here by Fives Notice, that he ha 1S
removed his Ollice to Lot No. 17. in Ne ‘w Amster-
dam, at a house formerly occupied by Mr. Hl. Lu-
suers, where he purposes attending on busine Ss,
every week. from the Mondays to the Fridays in-
clusively, between the hours of nine aA. m. and three
P. M.—18 Sept.
View original SATURDAY, the 25th of Septen
View original Secretary's Office.
, ' . - . }
Wordt geadverteerd, dat, Lhis is to inform the Pu.
de volgende personen voor. blic, thal the following per-
nemens zyn uil deze Auloniesons erttend quating this Co-
fe vertrekken. lony
A. A. de la Court in 6 weeks from Aug. 14.
Andrew Black in 6 weeks from Sept. 25.
Rk. C. DOWNER, Secy.
View original WORDT hiermede bckendy NOTICE is hereby given,
gemaakt, dat een maand nu\that a month ajler date the
dato de volgende Transpor-| following Transports and
fen en Hipotheeken zullen| Mortguges will be passed,
verleden worden,
21 Aug. B. Lohman will traasport to Peter Mathews
the south back quarter of lout No. 42, New
—— _ B. Lohman will transport to John Croft, 400
feet of land, trom the north back quarter of
lot No. 42, New Amst. adjoining the new cen-
tre road.
Thomas Fraser will transport to Douglas
Reid & Co plantation Ningeley, situated on
the west sea coast of this colony, with Fifty
eight Slaves, and all its appurtenances.
Sept. 4, Widow P. Eggers will transport to J. Vogt
Lot No. 54, situate im the 2d enpulder of this
—— Lewis Cameron qq. LE. S. Fraser, will pass a
mortgage on plantation lol 25, cum anucats,
in favor of James Fraser.
—— Thomas Fraser will transport to J.T. & A:
Douglas & Co. his plantation Kingelly, situ-
ated on the West sea coast of Berbice, as also
the Slaves, and other appurtenances and de-
pendencies. —_«
11 Sept. R. Harper, x. vu. will transport to Wm.
Schalz, 10 rvods of the southern Lack quarter
_ of lot No. 4, New Amsterdam, next ad jouing
the front part belonging tu said R. [arper,
J. A. Hicken, as Executor to the Will of
A. Schliipfer, dee. will Gransport to Win.
Schulz, the back halfof Lot No. 33 and the
back ha fof lot No. 34, in New Amsterdam.
—-—— Joh. vanden Broek will pass a Mortgas to
be vested on plantation Deutichem, in favor
of Alex. Brano and W. Strack, of London,
in trust for A. Gy. Melne.
——— Hlizabeth Beonett will transport to Renn Set-
the Nine roods and nine feet of Land, situate
on the southern half of Lot No. 8, fiom the
middle road.
Sept. 1S J. A. Micken qq. the estate of A Schiiipfer,
dec., will transport to the free Negro woman,
Sara van Schlapter, a quarter of lot No. 33,
and a quarter of Jot No. J, with the buildings
onthe last mentioned, both extending from
the new centre road towards the front quarters
of the same lots. :
Sept. 25. Hf. Staal will pass trarisports of the follow-
ing parts of the back half of lot No. 13, in
New Amst. viz.—T'o Claus Fransen & Adam
Rollets, LS roods ;—to Jos. Tarrell, 6 ditto ;
to the free children Frederica & Jacob, 81 do.
and to Antjs Cornelisse and her two mulatto
children, 24! roods.
R. C. DOWNER, Secy,
—_—_—_—_—_— —_——— SS
View original WHEREAS the following persons have addressed
themselves to the Hon. Court of Policy and Criminal
Justice, of the colony Berbice, at their Sessions of
the 26th July, 1813, for Letters of Manumission.
The mulatto woman Molly Lagar, assisted by A.
I’. Fischer, for herself.
H. Luthers for the Sambo woman Massy.
Notice whereof is hereby given to those whom it
may concern, and who may wish tooppose the grant
of said Letters of Manumission, that they may ad-
dress themselves in writing to the undersigned Secre-
tary of the Colony, previous to the ensuing Sessions
of the Hon. Court, when a final disposition will be
made on the aforesaid Petitions.
Berbice, 27th July. R.C. DOWNER, Sec.
View original
View original Vendue Office.
Public Vendues.
On Wednesday the 29th inst. will be sold at Pin.
‘Hogsty, by order of Wm. Fraser,—920 head of cate
ile, and from 60 to 70 sheep.
By the Vendue Master in commission, 10a 15
head of cattle, in good condition. —
, D. C. CAMERON, Dep. Vendue Master.
On Thursday the 30th inst. will be sold at plantation’
Brighton, by order of the Hon, Simon Fraser, Household
Furniture, viz,—A handsume side board, a do. claw fuvte
ed breakfast table, a dining tab e with D ends for 24 peo.
ple, chairs, sophas, card tables, bcdsteads, a wardrobe
with drawers, chests of drawers with a weiting desk in
each, ladies’ dressing tables, cloth se eens, boot & shue
rocks, (all solid mahogany.——A handsume saun wood
desk with drawers, metresses, bulsters, counlirpanes,
carpet and oil cluths, a case of plate complete fur 12 peo.
ple, 2 sets tea services with tea and cofiee urus, 4 beef
steak dishes, bottle slides, porter mugs, owndlestichs, &c.
(all plated ).—A handsome sett of blue table ware, a do,
do. but glass, shades, &c.—A collection of booke.—And
lastly from 5U to 60 head of fine cattle including 24 oxen
aud 100 sheep, 3 horses for saddle or draught, a chaise,
a billiard table complete, &e.
D. C. CAMERON Dop. Vendue Master.
(692.060 CO SS ee
View original —_—_——_—_see eee Oo :|. Own::0Q[QGKrKC | —
On Wednesday the 4th Octob. wil be sold at the
Vendue ollice, by order of A. A. de la Court, Liq.
A collection of English and French books, a case of
mathematical instruments, by Dolland; a blue table
service for 2t people, sophas, a bedstead with ma.
(resses bolster and pillows, a three branched patent
lamp, complete, a silver watch, wine, spices, medi-
cines, wax and tallow eandles, yellow and Windsor
wap, hammocks, &c.
>y order of H. Staal, Esq. qq. J. H. Pooliman, the
northern back quarter of lot No. 24, first emp der,
extending from the middle read to the bie. dam bee
hint! the land of Dr. Liot, at 3 months ered.t.
On the same day.— provisions, dry goods, soap,
candles, wine, rum, gin, brandy, &c.
D. C. CAMERON, Dep. Vendue Master.
———— ——_—— ~~
View original ——
‘On Wednesday the 6th October next, will be sould at
the Vendue Oilice, by order of the llon. George Munro
and and Robt. Douglas, Esquires, Pin, SCOTLAND,
situate on the west bank of the river Berbice, consisting
of two lots of land of 500 acres each, with 30 Negrues.
(the Acre money warranted paid), the terms will be made
favorable to an approved purchaser, and which may be
Knewn by application to the Vendue oflice.
On the same day, by order of Messrs. Derrick & Rose
as Curators to the Last Will aud Testament of Alexander
Mi’ KRemmie, dec. some fine pulk cows and calves, a gold
watch, wearing apparel, &c.
D. C. CAMERON, Dep. Vendue Master.

View original TO-BE SOLD.
(I ith or without about 50 Negroes),
Being Lot No. 9 on the West Corentyn coast of Berbice,
and known on the general Chard as } of Lots
No. 7; 3, & 9.
The healthy and very desirable situation of this pro.
perty, arewell known, no lauds within the colony, being
better adapted for the growth of Cotton, besides allurding
abundance of good Plantain Land.
Its present cultivation consist of 318 Acres in fine bear.
ing Cotton, Plantains and Groand Provision: all in exe
cellent order.—To an approved purchaser, liberal terms
will be given.
Should this property not be disposed of by privafe
Sale, before the lst Jaly next 1813, it will besold at Pu.
blic Sale.
Application to be made iu the meantime, to Mr. [ugh
Rose, on the Estate, or to
Day of Sale fixed.
On Monday the Ist of November next, at the Vendue
Office’? by order of Messrs. Evau & A n@us Praser, as theres
into specially authorised. will be sold by Public Sale the
Plantation “ROSH HALE, Courantine coast, Berbice,
Situated and described as above, witn all its Slaves and
every thing attached, agreeably to an Juyentory to be
seen al this Oilice.
View original
View original Perms of Paymett—For Land, Cultivation and Buitd.
tagse—on satisfactory security being given by the Pur-
chaser,—1 2 & 3 years by equal Annual Iustalments, with
Interest. lor the Negroes.
Approved Bills of Exchange, ov delivery at 12, 18,
and 24 months sight,—or as an encouragement to a Pur-
chaser, who may be desirous of taking the whole of the
Property, as it at present stands, say theland and negroes
together, the terms of payment will be extended to 1, 2,
and 3, years onsecurity being given to the satisfaction of
Messrs. Evan & Angus Fraser.
D.C. CAMERON Dep. Vendue Master.
View original NOTIFICATION.
BY Order of the [fonorable Court of Civil Justice
of the colony Berbice,—Notice is hereby given :
That the Roll Courts to be held previous to the en-
suing October Sessions, will take place on Monday
the 27th September, and Monday the 11th October,
181$.—Information whereof is made public, that
those concerned, nay govern themselves according-
ly. By command of the Court.
i. C. DOWNER, Secy.
A Russian Grammar and
ANY person having such in his possession, may
obtain a liberal price; on application at this Office.
25 Sept.
A red Cow, black round his eyes. —Those who can
' give information of the same, to this Office, will, be-
sides expences, handsomely be rewarded.—Q5 Sept.
View original NU LICK,
AJ.F. those who may have any claims against the
Estate of Amex. Me vt imtr, dee. will please to
render inth: sane fo eifier of the undersigned, and
those indebled to said) Estate fo make payment ac.
cording! oP IOs. DRERRICK.
ll Se ‘pt. W. ROS, Executors.
—~ —— - ———- —
Lfas for Sale, on Tot No.7,
SMOAK LE salmon in butter in tin cases, gin per
pipe, stomach biiters, creme de noyean, a la venille,
marlick, (inollook), music trou: different authors for
the pk ano fi le, setts of pin no forte strenes, foolscap
anh st pap er, salt in bartels, building lime j in do.,
M rcouba suull in bottles, indigo or blue, green tea
in canisters, buch razor, trunk locks, Dutch quills,
do. green peas, do. pickled satteyses, ladies straw
bonnetts, Port wine—Also Qain’s universal hydoro-
metre and scales. which is cortain, with easy and ex-
pedition the real strenght of brandy, rum, arak, gin,
or any other spirits, will make trom alcohol to water,
and the specific gravity, concentration, expension,
aml comparative valre of cach strenght, at anv de-
gree, hot, which has not been hitherto done, (with
only fur weiv welo Ms. | | Sept.
WHEREAS no statements have been sent in to
the said Committee of the following lands in the
town of Vew Amsterdam, the proprietors whereot
are unknown, vez
Lot No, 22—1-4 feet of the northern back quarter,
fronting centre eoad.
Do. do. 22— 9 roods between the land of F. B. Ader
and J. ‘1. . Matthews.
Do. do, 22—1-16th lol of the southern back Ledth,
fronting the back dain,
Do. do. 25—back half.
Do. do. S7—northern back 1e$th and southern half
from frout to back.
Do. de. 43—the whale lot.
Do. do. t4—the northern back 1-4th.
Do. dv. 15—the vorthern half from front to back.
Notice is hereby siven, to all whom it may con-
cern, that conformable to (he Publication of the Ho-
norable Court of Policy, bearing date 16th of August
last past, the satd several pieces of land, or such as
of which no returns are af that time given in, will be
exposed and sold at public sale immediately after
this advertisement shall have appeared three times
in the Berbice and Deme ary Crazettes.
By commaud of the Committee,
New Amsterdam, S0th dug Ist3.
BOOKS and LOOSE PAPERS bound to any _pat-
tern, Old Books and Records re-bound, &c. &c.
Apply at this Printiyg Oflice.—Sept. A.
FOR SALE—At this Otlice—Blank Bills ot Ex-
change, Bills of Lading, and the Manner of Procee-
dings, before the Court of Civil Justice of this Co-
lony, Foolsea p Paper, aud blank books of any size.
View original ZL ES
Wis Lavcellency Major-Giveral Murray having
received the following Letice from the Governor of
Martinigue—the same is communicated to the tuha-
bitants of this Government for their information, and
strongly recommended to their scrious consideration.
King’s House, Berbice, ith Sept. 1813.
By Iis Excellency’s Command.
Tuos. C. EMERY, Act Gov. Sec’y.
“Fort Royal, Martinique, Aug. 12, 1813.”
“This Island having suffered most severely, by a
dreadful Hurricane, on the 23d ultimo, by which 42
vessels belonging to the Island, or connected with ifs
Trade have been lost; many Sugar works and other
Buildings thrown down, or otherwise materially da-
maged : the Cane and other plantations ‘essentially
injured ; and what is most melancholy! the plan-
fains and manioc, on which at least Ninety ‘Thous-
and persons depend as their daily bread, almost to-
tally destroyed; the object of this letter is to inform
your Excellency of the distressed state of the Colony,
with the hope that it may encourage the Merchants
within your Goyernment, to come to our relief with
Provisions and Lumber.”’
**f have the honor to be,
‘Your Exccllency’s most obedt
bumble servant.
“(Signed) “CH. WALE.”
His Excellency Major-Gen. Murray,
or Odicer Administering the Govern-
went of Berbice.
aaa © -%- 6 Ce
> nT 9 -
Wee lay before our Readers, an Extract from the
Barbados Mercury of the Tth Sepl. respecting leu-
ropean politics.
Barbados, Mereury Office, Tth Sept. 3 pr. a.
As we were going to Press, the Princess Elisabeth
Packet (No. 2.) came to anchor SI days from Pal-
mouth, with the Second Mail for July.—From oral
information, we understand, that she is not the bear-
er of any intelligence ofthatimportance which would
authorize our delaying this publication, until the
London Papers are delivered at the Post Olfice, but
it is stated that measures bad gone to take command
of the French troops tn Italy.—Soult is appointed to
that army, which was uncer the orders of Suchet.—
field Marshal Wellington had taken a fortified con-
vent, and afterwards meved to Catalonia. —The Earl
of Aburdeen was about to proceed to join the Con-
vress Of Bellegireat Ministers. —Parliament was pro-
rogued on the 22d July, aud was to meet again on
the Wd Aug.—The Chichester Packet from these
Islands had arrived at Falmouth.—Commodore Rod-
gers was crutsing with his flect in the North Seas, se-
veral vessels had been dispatched in quest. of bim.—
The Galatea frigate is appointed convoy for vessels
tothe West Indies that were preparing to juin others
at Falmouth.
A motion was made previous to the breaking up of
Parliament, to lay an additional duty of 6d per tb.
on American cotton, and carned by a majority af 4.
With regard to produce, accounts by this Mail
are by no means favorable —The Jamaica and wind-
ward Island feet had stocked the market with 28,000
puncheons of rum, and 124,000 hhds. of Sugar. Sales
of Sugar have been received at 73 | Rum, at 4 | Cot-
ton 22d., Coffee, no sale whatever nor expected;
while matters in the North remain unsettled.
The Armestice between the French aud the Allied
armies in the North of Gerinany, is reported to haye
been extended.
Letters state, the Colonies Demerary, Berbice, and
Surinam, were to be given tothe Russians.
The Berbice Mail Boat was waiting in Barbados
the arrival of the Ist Angust Mail.
The Guiana Packet for July, had been arrested at
Falmouth, for debt, and the Mail for the Southern
colonies would be forwarded by the Chichester Pac-
ket, now daily looked for.
View original MROM tur Sv. VINCENT GCAZETIP
of Juni. 26.
Locuncap, 2% Frexcu axn Grant.
(Continued from our last. )

—Immediately after this suspension, Mr. Lochhead was
Strougly pressed by some of his fricnds to make some
coucession by way of apology; they said that the Governor
was highly irritated at Che mannes in which he (the Piaintiff)
had written to hin; but that bis siolence was merely fem.
porary, and they were confident he would accept of the
slightest apology, provided only an apology was made. ‘I he
Piainull yielded to this; but, alter one or two attempts, this
also failed, as it was required of him to retract a letter w lich,
as Superintendant of the Botanic Garden, he had thought
it his duty to write to the $ ‘cretary at War; and this he
would not consent to do, and there the matter rested.—-( The
correspondence was here read boteéwn the Plaintiil aad His
l.acellency of his Secretary, as also the letter to the Secre-
tary at War therein a luded to)—What could have been the
vilensive part of that letter, was not difficult to say.—hivery
person might see that it was the mentioning, the barcly sug.
gesting that the old Barrack ground adjacent to the Gar.
den, which had been late.y in possession of His Ex ‘ellency,
and of which the tesiporary possession had been by him yi.
ven to two other Ge tlemen, would in all probability be
atafutur pertud wanted for the use of the estal'ishaent,
vr coukl even now be rendered Publicly us fil as a small
Spice Plaaiation, &c.—This was touching a ten ler points
it was trac, indecd, that the Colony supposed it had a
claiw upon this sand for public benefit, but as tu the
foundation of that claim could not now be laid hold ol, it
had tacitly fallen into the hands of bis Iexcellency, and
yet Che Plaintil dared to mention it, its present disposal,
aud the way i¢ might be rendered beneficial, not to hime
self but to his country. There now followed two letters
which he was sorry his clieut should have ever written:
they were by much tuo apologctc (one to the Right Ion.
the Secretary at War, the other to his Eaxccllenucy, both
of date Tish Feb.); but the Gentlemen of the Jury should
attow how tacy were obtained.—'l hey, Were written at
t e request of his Eacellency’s Sceretary, onder his own
mpection, and in the assurance given by that Genileman,
Chiat he had uel a aoubt they would be sitisfactory to his
AeeYency 3 and then far copies were delivered to him
hy the Piainua, an the full coufidence, that they would
pul anend to ad sortol diinrence, Strange to tell, these
leltors, writtes om Guswweanner and delivered in this con.
fidence, altiu’ tt was alinost unthediately after determined
‘tu superscde vir. Joochhead, Llis Kxcellency Dever re.
turned Chem to Mir. Warner, nor has the Plaintiff ever
seen them sioced Whether any or what use might have
been inade «fi them he could not say. Here at least, on
the reception of such apologies, it was to be supposed,
that eminity, Chat even revenge had goue to its utmost exe
tent; that ale. Locthead having been reduced to. the sie
(ualiow Of an apolopst, Nay, almost a supplicant, the rod
vf power would relent, and commiseration touch the heart
even Of despotism itself. Mr. Warner even who appears
ed as a deputed confidant, had said it was enough. **?'Jig
excellent to have a Giane’s streugth, but tyrauous to use
ithke a Giant’? But vain are all such hopes; thé victim
was to be first prostrated, aud then immolated. Perses
culion had not yet satisfied its lust. The place, the pene
Sion, were the objects, What signified the National Inc
sntuNion? (the ouly Botanical one belonging to the ( rown
on this side of the Athautuc).—What the Herhal of Lin.
teus or his Disciple 2—The Hesperian fruits, (he Golden
Prpptirs, were the ultimate objects in view. Whie these
were held Ly the Plaintitl, his fault was without apology,
atguement, or expiation. His apology was indeed poc-
keted, but his dismassal was determined on, and superse.
ded he was accordingly. —Let us now consider a litte this
Superseding business, Was this also authorssed or Sance
tioned by the Privy Council? f£ am sure, coutinued the
Counsel, that could never be. I know many of the Gene
(lemen of the Council too well, evcr to believe that. the
could sanction cither that, or the appointment of Mr.
Grant to the Garden, ‘These Gentlemen know too well
the extent of power granted by his Majesty’s instructions
as to the suspension of Civilians in the service of Govern.
ment. A Patcntee, for instance, can only be mulcted
thereby of half his pay they know also that in the army,
such proceedings as those azainst his client never could
take place. An oflicier under an arrest loses neither pay,
quarters, nor rations, before heis tricd by a Court-Mar.
tial, 1 canuot therefore believe, that this act was the ree
sult of their advice: itis almost equally difficult to sup.
pose without a proof, that the suspension was even sanc.
lioned by their authority, or that any part of this colour.
able and shifting eouduct could attach to them, and [
cannot believe, that the Privy Council should have so
implicated themselves, to be made the mere tools. of the
obloquy ouly, without any participation in the patronage
and power Ifere the Counsel thought it necessary to
advert to his own conduct, and clear himself from the il.
liberal charges made against him, for fomenting and SUPe
porting what they chose to call the contumacy of the
P.amtiff. He never was called upon by the Plaintiff un.
til the 16th; in the interim, he saw the Defendant,
French, and warned him of the folly and the consequences
of what he was about to do, and saw not his client until
the 18th and 19th. ‘I'he Plaintiff was turned out on the
20th;—this day happened to be Saturday, and he received
orders to have the houseempty for Mr. Grant,s reception
on Monday morning: such was the complete spirit of
malice that governed all the proceedings in the present case,
—The Lord,s day was graciously given him wherein to
remove his family, furniture, bouks, &c. That day which
belongs even to slaves, that day which is to be kept sacred
View original to God, and no work but those of necessity and mercy,
had certainly becu made a day of necessity to the Plaintin;
but, if his pursucrs allowed it as aday of mercy on their
part, well might it 1 of them, that their tender mercies,
like those of the wicked, werecrucl! They had provided no
retreat for the houscless strangers, but as far as the mandate
of “‘little bricf authority’? would go, they might have
been obliged to seck such shelter as nature gives to the
wild beasts of the ficld.—But it was not so. ‘To theeter-
nal honor of tiie habitants of St. Viucent, almost ever)
house was opened to them, and every assistance rendered
which generous huspitality could bestow.—The Learned
Connsel said, ‘* hat ovce more he rook the opportuniry
of advising Mr, Brenci tu take care to get himself indem-
nifled, for that he, for his part, should not sufler the
Plaintifi to waut the Pencil of the Laws of his Country,
and,” added he, ‘tif the ¢ be integrity, honor, delicacy ,
propicty, justice, or equity lett, with tho-e who persuad.
ed the Defendant to act as he had done, [ hope, I tenst,
and Lam contident, they will feel themselves bound to in
demnify him.” Mr. Warner was then sworn to prove
the handwriting of his Wacelleney, and ackuowledged his
own as Secretary to the papers furming thei> part of the
correspondence, which he did; and also, that the two
last, written by the P.aintitt (dated the Lith Fcb.), were
written at his request, met with his approval, and that
he had considered them as perfectly satisfactury.— Fvi-
dence was then called, to prove the act of expulsion : this
was done by the evidence of the Constable, whom Mr.
French took with him for that purpose, and by that of
Mr. Barber, the Assistant in the Garden, who was pre.
sent at the time it took place. The Manager of the Es.
tate adjoining the Gaiden was also called upon, and gave
evidence, that for sonic firewood Mer. Lochhead had per-
mitted him to take from the Garden, for the use of said
Estate, Mr. Louchhead fad never received or expected any
persoual benelit, aud that at was junked up and carried
away by the Vegroes aud caltleol the Estate. ‘The Coun.
sel then stated, that hore he should close his case, unless
the Court meant (as he had heard) to insist upon it to the
Jury, that the Detendant, Mr. French, was acting in
his judicial capacity as a Magistrate, of which he now
dentanded the GO) muon of the Court. The Chief Justice
said, certainty he sould so charge the Jury, for thought
the action was net agaist either of the Defendants as Ma.
gistrates, nor had ater of them justificd as such, Mr.
French might, under the g.neral issue, from the evidence
produced by th PiaiGi, choose and had a right to jus.
tify as a Megistrate acting under the authority of Sir
Charles Brisbane.—** Then,” said the Counsel for the
Plaintiff, ‘Sunder this declaration of the Judec, | gave in
evidence, the mulece sory dion Mer. French as caulionary,
had he choseu to ple val btis Comuission as a J ustice of the
Peace, though L wall not hold himself bound by the Re
cord to consider hin Louud in any other capacity than
that of a private genucman., ‘This notice was as fuilows:
(In the King’s Bench and Common Plas.”
“SIR,—Please to take notice, that in one Caleuder Month from
this date, I shel! ble a Devlarauion in Uros-pass against vou, at the
suitof Wm. lavcbhead, beg. for having torcibly turned dim out of
the dwelling house, appotted for his residence, as Supermiendant
of us Ma jest: s Sbeotantce Gardoa uf this Island,
“arch &, dolls. Hi. VP. REANE,
Cowtndy ofl. yor lhe Pf.
“The ion. J French, sg.”
Mr. Calder was thea sworn, who proved the delivery
of the above notice. ‘This beimg given any as the Cours
had demanded ut, the Plarutei’s Counsel recapitulated the
evidence, and statcd to the Jury, that they ought wot tu
consider this case, as an individual cause, but as one ol
universal consequence; # gruss Violation of the Law by
power in one instance night be followed up by oiler en,
croachments, till our boasted freedoia shoulda dwanidle a.
way into vothing. fle euterad mito a comp insu between
the inquisitorial proceedings im the Present Case, with che
open, manly, legitimate practice of buglish Jarmeprudence.
Here every thing bad been carried on tn tie dark. ‘Thc
Plaintiff now before them, had never been inforined cithe:
of the crime he was charged with, or bis accusers; haw
never been openly confronted with the latter, wor called
upon to justify himself agaist the charge of Whe lures ;
but ina manner which all Bogish Law, civil and milita.
ry, hold in utter abhorrence, the first part of the process
avainst him is condemnation sac execution,—lIt may per-
haps, be staicd by the Counsel for the Defendants, that
this cause ought not to have been bruugle on, till the dee
trrmination of Ministers bad been reecived upon the sub.
ject; allow me therefore to state tu you, Gentlemen, that
there is a complete distinction between the responsibility
of Officers to those who appointed them, and their re.
ponsibility to the Laws of the Land as subjects” The
Learned Counsel then explained and fortified this distinet.
ion, by referring tothe case of ‘*Fabrigas and Mostyn;”
and the more recent case of Capt. Bligh and Col. John.
gon, from which he read several Guotations, concludin
egencrally, that in too many instances, those who had been
seni to trans-marine settlements, as the Representatives
ef Majesty, had not acted conformably to the dignity,
the purity, the justice, or the moderation Of their dele.
gated authority ; but at the convenient distance, also (a>
they had for the time conceived) the impunity of some
thousand leagues of ocean had assumed a disposition un.
known to the Sovereign himself.—As a wholesome avti-
dote however to any arbitrary assumption, the inestima.
ble blessing of Britons, the trial by Jury, had likewise
crossed the Atlantic, and by the result in this crseit would
be seen whether the spirit of Britons, as it is said of their
Bull-dogs, degenerated by transinigration and the change
of clima-e, or whether it remained wherever their flag was
displayed, the unalicnable, immutiable, hereditary Palla.
dium of their Laws, their Liberty, and Queir Country, —
View original On the part of the Defendants, the Attorney General res.
ted his defence as fo Mr. Prenchs toledy, ou the informa.
lity of the notice. —That it wasnot agreable to the 24th
of George IL. requiring that se name of the Plaintiff's
Attorney should be endurs.d theron, with his place of
abode ; and the specific cause of action contained therein
—he therefore moved a nonsuit. As to Mr. Grant, that
there was nv evideuce, but valy that of his boing present
at the expulsion of the PlaintitimThe Counsel tor the
Plaintitl replied, that he had heard it geucraliy rumoured,
that he was to be canght by acob-web, and hung by a
silk-worm, before he came into Court;—he was however
forewarned, forearmed ; he insisted upou it, that vo no-
lice was necessary in the case, nor airy evidence of such
notice to the Jury, because the Defendant, Jam, Frencn,
had not thought proper to picad a justification as a Ma-
gisirate, so as to put it on the record, aud as he had not
been sued in that capacity, the Jury could not view him
in auy Other light, than that of a private geuticman on y,
in the pleadings; but supposing that the notice were ne-
cessary, and could be calicd fur in Court as on the re-
cord, le shewed from authority, ‘*that, provided the no-
dice were suflicient lo have enabled the Ecfendant to make
a tender under the Statuc, it was goud toevery purpose,’
and this had been proved to be the case. As to the én.
dorscment, the writing in either upon the face or upon the
back of the paper, is equally an endorsement, and the
folding of the paper can make no diflerence. Warh res.
peet tu the name of the place of abode which the words ot
the Statute required. A litteral compliance compliance
with that was proper and necersary in a metropolis such
as Loudon, and iu any other Jarge city or town, butin
viher places where there was bo name or designation of
the person’s residence it was Hopossible, avd therefore
the meaning of the Statute conld never require it —Such
was exactly his (the Counsel) lice, bt had uo name, like
many hundreds of others in the West Indies, it was not
In any Street, at Was not in any Strect, it was not even in
atowul he was the only person of his name in whe bsiand
and the Defendant Knew and met with lam every day. Inu
every respect Cicreture, as far as it possibly could be
made applicab e, Cie Statute had been fully complied with.
Vhe notice was given in evidence by him, ev/u, because
the Court insisted upon it; fur he should oot otherwise
have ollered it, having served it wieteiy as cautionary in
case the Defendant had thought proper to shelier his pro.
ceeding under his Magisterial capacity ; which he hud not
done, but stood as any other indiviaual, solely on theme.
rits and tssue. Only one observation on the real intrinsic
inerits of the case, on the part of the Deleudants was
brought forward by Mr. Windsor, one of their Counsel ;
-—tlis was that of the Hetanic’ Garden belonging to His
Majesty, the Governor, or the King’s Representative,
had a right to dispossess the Plaiscst, and therefore, an
that point of view, Mr. Preuch did nothing improper in
vbeying the orders of his Excellency : Uns plea was how
ever overtuled.—The Chiet Judge then gave his charge
tu the Jury. Heins:sied that iuforinaiity of the notice,
and its nut being literally conformable tu the act of Geo.
11. abovementivoved, was a matter nut tu be gotten over.
Mhe Act of Parliament was eaact and percmptory , aud the
Jury coalé not but for the Defendants—he suid, they
must do so. When he made use of the word musty he
hoped the Jury would know the sense in which he made
us. of tty nud that they were under an uncontroidable ne-~
cogoily, bud thal he did not see how they could do other
iets (han yind Jor the Dejendaats. Lhe Jury then rete.
red, and their verdict wus jor the Plaintig-—Damuges,
£ 750.
aw 20 SOO |C >| MCS 9¢ ——
Whereas, after many and terrible revolutions, the French
nation has adopted anew form of Goverment, and placed
at itshoad the family of Bonaparte, the chief of which fa-
Witty has Been iivested with the hinperial Tide: Now, in
vider Co prevent all doabtand uncertainties, with respect to
theinterual security of France, under the new regiune, the
same shall be fully cecoguised by all (he powers of lLurope,
with the proviso, thatthe tithe of [ayperor shall net be une
derstoud te CUlLVe) any further or othes pre-cminecuce among
crowned heads, than was formerly enjoyed by the French
Monarch; and moreover, the Coustituuion of the French
Imperial Government aud the Order of the Succession esta.
blished by the Constitutiona: Act, shall be guaranteed by
the parties to the present Creaty.
It being preesupposed, thac Great.Britain, in conformity
with her repeated declarations ol or" ’ general peace,
will accede to such arragencuis, as siall iwatilesUy tend to
establish the same on a secure basis, it is liereby proposed,
she shall cede to Frauce the coluaics of Martinique Defea-
da, Mariegalante, St. Lucie, and ‘Tobago, in the West Ln-
dies ; Ceylon, and the Maur ius, in the Bastern Ocean: Sue
rinam and Cayenne, on the continent of South America ;
aud the Islands of Goree and St. Louis, on the coast of Afri-
and whereas the annexation of certain neighbouring ter-
ritorics has at various times been adopted by the greater
powers of Europe with a view to their own security, and
tu the grevention of coafutious and disorders in their imme.
dia‘e neighbourhvod, but such anneaations have occasioned
new and unexpected dangers, both from the dissatisfaction
of the inhabitants of theStates so annexed, and also from
the alarms entertained by other Powers, it is hereby agreed,
that the annexation of Holland and of various parts of Italy,
Germany, and Switzerland to France, and also Various
parts of Poland to Russia, Prussia and Austria, the same
not having been etfected by right of conquest in open and
lawful war, but being rather justified by tempory mo-
tives, which mouves will, in theevent of the proposed peace
View original
View original cease to operate, shall henceforward be at an end, and the
said territorics shall be arranged as hereinafter provided.
It is proposed’ that the Swiss Cantons, including the ter-
ritory of Geneva, &c now annexed to France, shall remain
under the protection of that Empire ; and that the French
i;mperor shall bear the title of Protector of the Helvetic
And whereas the French Emperor has often heretofore
declared, that, for the security and repose of Europe,
after his own decease the Crowns of France and Italy
Should not remain on the same head ; now, for the greater
assurance of such tranquillity, it shall be provided, that
the said seperation shall toke place immediately, aod that
he shall raise any Prince of his family, and particularly
Joseph, now claiming to be King of Spain ; in the event
of his abandoning such claim, to the throne of Italy. Fur.
ther, that Joachim, King of Naples, and Felix, Prince of
Lucca and Piombino, shall be guaianteed in the possession
of their respective Sovereignties ; and that the Fmperor of
France shall name Soveregus, under the title of Princes or
Dukes, to the independant governments of Genoa, Cortica,
Dalmatia, and Regusa : that the house of Bourbon shail
be restored tothe kingdom of Etruria, and the Pope. to
the government of the Powtitical State ; and that all the
said Sovereigns, together with the Kings of Sicily and Sardi.
nia, shallform a Confederacy to be termed, the Ltalian
Confederacy ; of which the Kimperor of Austria, under
the titleof Emperor of Rome, shall be the Protector ; the
different Princes of the Conf. deracy being bound to furnish
their contingents to him for defensive war, on principles
and in proportions to be hereafter agreed on : and lastly,
that the district of Istria, with the ports of ‘Tricste aud
Fiume, shall be ceded to Austria in full Soverciguly,
In order to disturb as litde as possitle the repose of
Germany, alithe Princes of the Confederation of the
Rhine shall retain their present possessions, with the
exception of the King of Westphaha, and shali be joined
by the Hanseatic Ciwues, and Ilollaud under the dominion
of King Leuis: and the whole, bearing the vamo of the
Germanic Confederacy, shall be placed under the protection
of the Kivg of Prussia, with the tithe of Emperor. The
present kingdom of Westphalia shall be divided, part being
given to the King of Sweden aud part toaPrince, or Princes,
(oO pe nominuted by Great Britain; it bu understood that
the future Sovercigas shall accede to the Germanic Confede.
racy, as far as relates to those torritories,
‘The Emperor of Russia shall become Protector of the
Polish Confederacy, consisting of four Archdukcdoms,
namely, Lithaania, Galicia. Danizic, and Warsaw ; to
the first of which, Prince shall be nominated by Russia ;
to the 2d, by Austria 3 tu che Sd, I’eussia; to the 4th, by
The Emperor of Russia shall also be Protector of the Joni.
a or Septinsular Confederacy, and shall occupy Corfu, Ina
return, he shall cede to Sweden the district of Warsa and
Uleaborg ; and forthe remainder of Finland, Sweden shall
be endenuutied cither in Westphalia, or by exchanging part
of the Westphalian territory with the D keol Mecklen.s
burg. [tis understuod that Sweden shall desist from her
views on Norway, im consequince of these sessions.
The independence aud itegi ty of the Spanish and Por.
tuguese Monarchi’s to be guaraniccd by all the contract.
ing powers, and King Ferdinand to be reestablished on his
Great Britain to occupy Ma'ta, and the mediation of
the contracting powers to be offered for the settlement of
her disputes with America.
DIED). On No. 75, Corentyn, Mr. Nic. van Hat-
tem, an Inhabitant lor 20 years in this colo-
Andon the West coast No. 6, Mr.....
View original NEESER OF
PROM the Subscriber, a Negro man named Pitt,
he was hired to Pin. Roxbro’hall, from’where he has
set off, and has since passed the Canje Ferry. Any
person who willapprchend said Negro, and lodge
him in the harracks, or send him to the subscriber,
on plantation Mara, will be handsomely rewarded.
View original To be Sold by the Subscriber,
BEST PERUVIAN BARK, in packages of 33-Ibs.
at f 10 per !b.—immediate payment.
New Ainsterdam, Scpt. 3, 1813.
THE undersigned is wishful of disposing of the
Negro woman Franky, nowabsent 15 months. —An
person therctore willing to purchase her, will apply
to Mrs. Eliza Bennett, of this colony ; or, in George
Town, Demerary, to
View original 4
The Undersigned keeps his Office at the House of
Joun Wourr, Esq. where (hase indebted to him in
his late capacity as Acting Vendue-Master, are re-
quested ® come forward with payment.
Berbice, Sd Sept, 1813. | G. BONE,
View original
View original Marshal's Office.
Summons by Edict:
. BY virtue of authority zranted by the TTonorable
Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, under date of
17th August 1818, given upon a petition presented
to said Court, by D. Carnecis, Proprietor of plan-
tation Last Lothian.
I, the undersigned, First Marshal of the Courts
within this colony, and at the instance of D. Carne-
rie aforesaid.
Summon by Edicts
All known and unknown Creditors against afore-
named D. Carnegie, to appear before Commissaries
of the Hon. Court of Civil Justice of this colony, on
Monday the 11th October, IS13, and following days,
(if need) for the purposing of hearing the proposals
of D. Carnegie, by virtueof above specified appo-
infment, so as to enable the Commissaries to make
a report of the proceedings of the meeting of credi-
fors, and for acquiring the Court’s confirmation and
and appointment on what may be agreed to, and
found by them to be correet.
This summons by edict being made known to the
public, by beat of drum, as customary.
Berbice, 24th Sept. ISTS.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshat.
Cee el
Sronmons by Edict.
BY virtue of an appointinent, granted by the
Hon. Court of Civil Justice of this colony, ander
date 2ist August, ISfS, given upon a petition pre-
sented to said Court, by Hf. B. Inauis.
I the undersiened First Marshal of the Honorable
Couris within this colony, and at the instauce of said
Ht. B. Inglis,
Summon by Edict :
All known and unknown creditors against the afore
said H. 03. Inglis, to appear before the Commissaries
of the Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, on Mon-
day the 1ith October 1813 and following days, (if
ned) for the purpose of there hearing the proposals
to be inade by I. B. Inglis, by virtue of above ap-
pointment, as weil as to enable the Commissaries to
make a report of the proceedings of this neeting of
creditors, and for acquiring the Court’s conforma.
tion ved appointment on what may be agreed to and
found by them to be correct,
This samnmon by edict made known to the Public
by beat of drum ay customary—Berbice, 22d Septbr.
K. FRANCKEN, Dirst Marshal.
‘ e
Sumimons by Edict.
BY virtue ofan Extract of the Minutes of the
Proceedings of the Court of dustice, of this colony,
dated 4th Audust. [She
J the undersigned, birst) Marshal of the Hon'ble
Courts of this colony, in the name and behalf of R.
C. Downer and W. Lerr, in quality as Curators
tothe Estate of \. M. van pen Lanpr, dec., do
hereby, tor the third tine,
Summon by Edict:
All known and unknown creditors against the Fs-
tate of A. M. van der Lande, to appear before the
next ensuing Roll Court, to be held on Monday the
27th Sept. IS15, and follow ing days, in order to ren-
der their claims tn due form.
Wheres after the expiration of the fourth Edictal
Summons, will be proceeded against the non-appear-
ers according to biw.
Berbice, lvih Sept. 1813.
KO FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
View original ~_- —_———
‘ q °
Suminons by Edict.
BY virtne of an extract from the minutes of the
proceedings vl the Court of Rolls of Civil Justice,
of this colony, uncer date of Ath August, 1813, gi-
ven in the cause of R. CC, Downer, forself and J.
W. Heytuever, as Curators to the Estate of the
Widow H. A. Bakker, versus, all known and un-
known Crediturs of the Estate of J. C. Broekener,
Widow H. A. Bakker.
[ tie undersigued, First Marshal of the Hon’ble
Courts of this colony, and at the request of R.C.
Downer, for self and J. W. Heytmeyer, in their ca-
pacity, aforesaid, for the third lime,

Summon by edict :
All known and unknown creditors against the Estate
of J. UC. Broekenea, Widow I]. A. akker; to ap-
pear before the next ensuing Court of Rolls, at their
Session to be held on Monday the 27th Sept. and
following days, in order to render their claims in due
W hereas after the expiration of the fourth Sum-
mons, will be procceded against the non-appcearers,
according to Law.
Berbice, 17th Sept. 1813.
K. ERANCKEN, First Marshal.
View original Summons by Edict.
BY virtue of anextryct of the minutes of the Court
of Rolls of Civil Justi@¢ of this colony, dated 4th
August, IS13. !
I the undersigned, First Marshal of the Honorable
Courts of this colony, in the name aad behalf of W.
Lawson and W. Kewrry, Curators to the Estate
of the late Gwyn Jones, dec., do hereby for che
third time, :
Summon by Edict:
All known and unkvewn Creditors against the Es-
fates of Gwyn and Aletta Jones, to appear before the
Hon. Court of Civil Justice, at their sessions of the
ordinary Court of Rolls, to be held on Monday the
27th Sept. 1813, and following days, in order to ren-
der their claims in due form.
W hereas after the expiration of the fourth Sum-
mons, will be proceeded against the non-appearers,
according to Law.
Berbice, 17th Sept. 1813.
K.PRANCKEN, First Marshal.
View original Summons by Edict.
By virtue of an Extract of the Miautes of the Court
of Rolls of Civil Justice of this colony, dated the 4th
August 18153.
! the undersigned, First Marshal of both the Ifon.
Courts of this colony., in the name and behalt of P.
PAaiRBAIRN, gq. interim Sequestrator to the Estate
of James Fraser, for self and in that quality for
all other Representatives of that Estate, do hereby,
for the third time,
Summon by Edict:
All persons having demands against te Estate of
the dec. James Fraser, to appear beiore the nexten-
suing Court of Rolls, al the ssssions to be held on
Monday the 27Uh Sept. 15ly, and following days, an
order tu render their claims in due form.
Whereas atficr the expiration of the fourth sum-
‘mons, will be proceeded against the non-sppearers,
according to haa “Ww.
berbice, 17th Sept. 1813.
K. FRAN cKEN, First Marshal.
Summons by kdict.
BY virtue ofan Extrac. of the Minutes of the
Court of Rolls, of this colony,-cated dah Aug. ISi5.
1 the undersigned First Marshal of the Courts 01
this colony, in the name and behalf of Liowas Ca-
MERON, qq. LK. S. Fraser, do hereby tur die third
Summpa by Edict:
All known and unknown creditors, and claimants,
onthe proceeds ol the colton Estate lommins a part
of Plantation No. 25, and sold by Execution ; io ap-
pear before the next ensuing Court of Rolls, to be
held on Monday the 27th Sept. ISt3, and following
days, in order tu reader their claims in due tori,
Whereas after the expiration of (he fourth Sum-
mons, willbe proceeded against the non-appearers,
according to Law.
Berbice, [7th Sept. 1813.
RK. FRANCHKEN, Ist Marshal.
ee _—_ — — eee ee eee
Summons & y Lidiets
BY virtue of an appointment granted by the Ton-
orable Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, nnader
date of 25tb Aug. 1512, upon a petition pieseated
by Mm. Janes, weapacity as Curator over the ss-
tale of Jchn Donaldson, dec.
Tine undersigned First \irshal of both the Hon.
Courts of this colony, and at the request of aluresaid
Wm. Innes, in capacity aforesaid,
Summon by Edict :
All known and unknown claimants against the Estate
of Jolin Donaldson, dee. to appear before the Court
of Civil Justice of this colony, at their session, to be
held in the month of October, IS13, say highleen
hundred and thirteen, there to give in their claims
against said estate, and further to proceed according
to Law.
This summons by edict made known to the Public
by bess of drum, from the Court house of this colony,
and further dealt with conformable to custom.
Berbice, 2d July, Isty.
FRANCKEN, First Marshal.”
View original NOTICE
IS hereby given to the Public, that the Execution
Sale of Plantation Hogstye, which was appointed
to take place this day, is postponed until the 29th
inst. on account of the Bomemry Newspapers in
which the Advertisement of said Saie was inserted,
not having arrived in due time within this colony.
Berbice, 2d September, 1813,
K. FRAN€KEN, Ist Exp/.
View original SALE sy EXECUTION.
Fourth Proclamation.
WHEREAS I the undersigned, by authority ob-
tained from Ilis Excellency R. Gorpon, Governor
View original Cencral of the colony Berbice, and its Dependené
cis, &c. Ke. &Kc.
U pon a Petition of 1m. Gordon, as together with
Broan Fraser and Angus Fraser, the Surviving At-
formics, jotatly and severally, for. Donald McLeod,
of Geanies, in the county of Ross, North Britain,
versus, James Craufurd, MelLeod, and: John Be-
thure, under date of 17th April 1813, has on the
29th Apriland 16th Aug. ISIS, taken in Execution
and put under Seguestration. the Cotton Estate
situate on the Corentyn coast of this colony, with all
its Slaves, Buildings, Cultivation, &c.—As also the
Lower half of Lot No. 80, Corentine river, the pro-
perty of abovenamed J. Craufurd, McLeod, and J.
Bethune, alof which properties an Inventory is to
be seen at the Marshal’s Office.
Be it therefore knowu, that 1 the undersigned in-
(end to Sell, afterthe expiration of One year and Six
week, from the 16th August, IS13. the abovenamed
cotton Estate Geanies, and the Lower half of Lot
No. 80, cum anaexis.
W hoever should think to have any right. action
or interest on the abovementioned Estates,, and wish-
es (ooppose the Sale thereof, let such person address
themselves to the Marshal’s oflice, dec ivitay their
reason for such opposition in due time and torm, as
[ hereby give notice that L will receive opposition
trom every one thereunto qualified, appoint them a
day to have his or her claims heard b. tore the Court,
and further act thereon accor ling to Law.
This 4th proclamation published by beat of drum
according to Custom. Berbice, 12 Sept. 1813.
K.. Francnen, First Marshal.
Fourth Proclamation.
BY virtue of a Writ of Execution, granted by
His Execetlency .. Munray, Brigadier Gener tl,
and Acting Governor of the colony Berbice and its
Dependencies, &e. &c. &c.
Upon a petition of Jno. Douglasand Cilhert Ro-
bertson, Execators to the last Willand Testament
of Jos. Cliff, dec.—versus, Peter Fairbairn, the Ate
torney for Jas. Maewell, of the Island Barbados.
Be it therefore Known, that T the undersigned have
caused to be taken in’ Exeeation, at the instance of
suid J. Douglas and G. Rebertson, in their aforesaid
capacity, the Cofton Estate
situate on the West sea coast of this colony, the proe
perty ol the Estate of das. Maxwell, dec. with all its
cultivation, buildings, slaves, &c. conformable to an
Inventory formed thereof, and lying at the Marshal's
Office forthe taspection of those whom it may con-
Which said cotton Estate Britannia, enm ANNEX IS,
l the undersigned intend to sell, atier the CN pA
thon of one wear amd six weeks, frou the Gth Auwrust,
S13, coulormable to the Regulations of the Court
of (Uvil Justice of this colony, dated jst Jamiory,
IS!0, respecting the Sale of Estates by Execution
in this colony, in order to recover from the pres
coeds of said sale such sum of money as wheretore
(he said plantation Britannia, has been taken in Exe.
Phas 4th Proclamation published by beat of dram
as customary. Berbice, 29 Aug. ISIS.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
$$$ $$
View original SALE sy EXECUTION,
bourth Proclamation
BY virtue ofa Writ of Execution, eranted by His
Iexcellency Joun Murray, Brigadier General, and
Acting Governor in and over the colony of Berbice
and its dependencies, Vice Admiral, and President
in all Courts and Colleges within the same,
ac. XC. &c.
Upon a Petition of John Layfield qq. John Dod-
son & Co. of Lancaster, versus, George Munro, un-
der date of 26th January, 1813.
Be it therefore known, that I the undersigned have
caused to be taken in Execution, at the instance of
said J. Layfield qq. J). Dodson & Co. of Lancaster,
The Cotton Estate No. 21.
situate on the Corentine coast, the property of said
G. Munro, with all its Cultivation, Buildings, Slaves
and further Appurtenances, and Dependencies there-
to belonging, and specified in the Inventory thereof
lying at the Marshal’s Office for the inspection of
(hose whom it may concern.
Which said Cotton Estate No. 21, cum annexis,
l the undersigned intend to Sell, after the eXxpira-
Lion of one year and six weeks, from the 2d August,
I813, conformable to the Regulations of the Court
of Civil Justice, dated Ist January 1810, respecting
the Sale of Estates by Execution in this colony, in
order to recover from the proceeds of said sale, such
sum of money as wherefore the said Estate No. 2]
have been taken in Execution.
This 4th Proclamation published by beat of drum
according to custum. Berbice, 29 Aue. 1813.
; K. FRANCKEN, Iirs¢ Marshal.
View original =
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25 September 1813