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The Berbice Gazette

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View original a
sek ' °
REQUIRED for the Indisns, ahem He
Articles, vizy—
3 Pieers Sak mporesy 75 Gon-fints ba
2 Doz Knives, 1 Jug Lampat
} Darrel Sal
L Do. Falling Axes,
L Do. Cutlasses, 2 Quire Fuolcan-p
9 Po. Ravar oo Quills,
© Do. Scistas, | Y Bars Shet,
2 Po. Combs, 75 Gallonagew Ru
50 Lbs. Cun-powder. An assoitinen’ of Med
For which Tenders will be received by (4
scriber, until Lucs@@y the 11th July, af 106
the mornings when they will be opened in pre
of His Excelieticy O65 oa a and the lowed
a Pprove) of, a@cepted.
Berbice, S July, 155. »
R. McK ENZIF, Ger is .
View original Ber dAS 01 nwa MAnGager 4,"
Swoartyads anngebract, cnyged!t lo
redcohetnde, Ofighicl
cr, Terkel = ee
yo wyns dita ‘Todéwyn in ktsten
tromimeis bankef,” ae nN An-
en per dowzyt,
dere kocken, gedrovel: appelen
kaarsen, patente FE be lam pe
ye er blaanW en groen lal
» geruite@finnens, ge,
spec aarich, kopere z's Cease
ters, &c.—S July
FOR SALBE, twenty hogst@ads of Sucaraic
ten puacheons of Rum, the produee of Piew ation
Herstelling. Venders torthe shove willbe receives
at the house of Da. Lerestam!, ou lot No. {, toma
Toesday the Ptth inst. at ten o’cloek in the mer ag
when the hishestodur, ifapperved, will be as empyie.
ed of.— .Wl,. 6. J. SCHPWHT Ts.
— ———— —_
STRAYED on SPOLEN, (rom Plantation
Palmyrag on last Tuesdity’s tight, aloree bi adit!
Bull, and a brown Cow with a whitespot in ber forme!
heac an the (ops of Goth Rorns cl of ; whee, el
give any infornation of thera, so as to leat to ties
discoyciy, Wilabe huadsomely Te ed. 1
$ July. 3. JETT ERA.
Wo. CRORE has recently impo ted, and for!
Sale at the Sore of J.B. Ruby bey ‘the fllowme,
articles, viz, Beefiand pock inhale barrclsy hams,
flour, pease, Darley, beer, porter, wine, simp, ean-
dies, fipe@aish linen and sheeting, Jaws patent shirt
ing, musquito netting, damash table clots, eing-
hains, calicoes, Hue aad commou cotton cambric, Ro.
mal, linen, cotton and printed hamtherehiefs, gens,
tlemen's cloathing, consisting of Coats, vests, jackets,
trowsers mud pantaloons, black, blue, brown & greca
broad cldthe, siationrry assorted, amongst which are
excellent ledgers, journal, day, cash, and letter
books, gentlemen's tool chests, writing desks, and
shoes, Negro cloating Consisliag of jackets, owscrs,
hats, shirts, laps, &c. &c. aud various ot her articles
which will be soll cheap to close sales.—s July.
—— 0 | rw ee eee 8 6 ea
View original SECRETARY’s OFFICE,
This isto inform the Public, that he following
Persons intend quitling this colony.
Ciilbert Gerdon in 5 weeks from Sd June.
The Widow of W. GB. Liot in do. from do.
Robert Elwis, in 6 wecks from 24 June.
A. A. de da Court, will guit this Colony, Junge.
a CC Ee
Notuc is hereby given, that a month aflere
following Transporrs and Mortgages will be passed
June 17. \W. Ifenery qq. Francis Stewart, will trans.
*f port LO roods of land and the buildings thereon,
situat® on Jot No. 18, horth side, to W. Katz.
— Waodicnery will transport to John M'Cawoa:
iene > ~nl
View original
View original ) Preimove trom u
hundred and eigity-
be seen dt thts Olice?
Maicotia Nicholson ail transport to’ Lewis ¢
ina lut No. 3, firs) ourp
be@reen the nudidke read
het with the basthags ther
if. biome, wall (ra weet
Blues, n.mes (0 Degseci ul Mus
NER, §
. wary
nec they marched tot —Nomntaty
ndaccompanied them. M. Richard Lenoir, Mem-
rof the Legion of fononr, and Chief ofthe Mighth
wrion, was at the head ef the Confederates of Saud!
Moine. The shoutsof Vere f Empereur were heard
» whole way. ,
W hea the zealous Citizens were drawn up in the
art-yard of the Tuilleries, the Emperor mounted
shotse, and the Deputies were permitted to ha,
wuc him. The Bupetor addressed them in a
wech, >” ‘
After this, shouts of Vive le Patrice! Vite la Li-
Met Vive! Lioperear! resennted trom all sides.
i¢ Bin peror gailopped through the ranks, and re-
ewed a large body of regular troops.
Courier Ext vordinary, Sunday Morning.
Secording tole(tersfrom Italy, the Kiag and Queen
Naples and Snite have eaibarked at Aacyna on
ord thregifvizates, Co return to Naples.
It is said that the Prenchitreops ciltered Baste on
e Oth at nicht, it is said alo thot we oceupy Poren-
ay. Butthis wants confirmation.
Mateait of 300) picces of cannon defending the
ghts of Paris, there will be Gud. °
Some thirty brgancds tried to disarm: the Gendar-
erie att. Brice; batt they were-put to flight by
© Chasseurs. of the Line in the environs.
Letters from Venice stata, thabseme English ships
‘War have appeared in the Addriotie, and that a fri-
ite and two brigs have anchored betore Ancona, in
«her towateh Chet porl. 7
On the 7th inst. a agworiot took place at Boar.
aux. A vonng nrinatte pled to tear oil the epan-
Hes of an ollieet vt the garrisoy. Ife was immedi-
ely arrested, : )
They also write from Bonrteans on the T1th, that
ore than 709 young men of the Dyprinent of the
jronde have voluntirify cnrotlcd Chempel ves tur the
wence of their country. °
Gouricr EF ztraordinary, Teesday Morning.
News from Vienna of the 20ch state, that the Con-
ress has disposed of the Kingdom of Naples in favour
f Prince Ferdinand, second son a the King of the
). - Sisiline ble has set outtor Italy,
Cant. J. RAND) Bempectiuily imfomns th
geatlenen loaders ia tue shep (rauthaw, to guinea
longeide with their produce, as suon as poet. ‘)
he will. positively leave wn ee on the J2 instant
; ° } July.
View original TENDERS for 3orouml bales good clea
and 2 bales ot yellow eotton, frou plantation Goe
/ope, Covrentyn-cotst, will bc reeeived afihe bous
of Bb. Ziester, bsq. New Auisterdam, git) ) y
the 10th Jaty next; when they will be epened
the highest uffer, approved, will be acee
On the same day and place, will be sold
the Creditoms of said Estug, 18 bales good el
ton, to the highest bidce:s. 2
Fduly, fer F_BRITTLEBANK, "Ss
ant colt, J. C. SPANGENBRERG,
Sr ee eee
~ STRAY ED on the 12th ult. from pla
Colchester yon (he East-coast canal, tour héad ef Cat
tle, (say) two red cows, a rod calf,and a bla@lieifer
‘wy person taking up the same, or giving sch infor
mation @s may tend to the recover WP therco!, ay il
greatly oblige the subscriber, and any expevces ti
curred thergon, susth be la:aediatcly paid.
View original
View original —!
¥ wT Oz
t eand cloans,
: iJ eltitles W rulls, Whalebone aid
weed .¢ ‘Sy Nhite and coloured figured mus!
Divek: 17 sun ll hd dow cotton
1 ‘agency and satins, ribbons, bead,
rd, runmipgs, cambricksy dimitics,®
wit short white Prevteb hid elov.
gloves; ful! (riingned white Kid ant fowl
PCis, 9 grent vaiictyol Wimmings, Me.
Also, received from London :
ew splendid articles of jewellery, and three j
gold watches, wurranted exe] lit ape $e
> fowne-pripted ean furniture chintz, ci
fo, Hams and ap" ies and genthanen’s Super
pihow, My an P@licate handkerchiefs, ty ks
1 ne flannels, quilting, platillas and brit
Aled calicoes, colton shirting aml shéeti
(| table wleths, broad cloths of different
: He coversyetlee and ¢reen wilh bore
sssand walking shoes, blue aad w!
caclensea'e oil sc Wictin :
ne erchietsSiuvita nt oa Catphric
3 Afow clegant port writify desks :
e CAsCS, candles. a“ : Puritan, strongy:
t , y vag Claret in ahdsT &c.
: Pe ee ©): f, ‘
a j a
ra, 6, Post de et, ok! rum, super!
ry b ° - : . 8, Les, len, “
° =
al Pe
' c Cs
i pl niet see Vinegar, prism rd ag
it bare. ~ tts, and erd@hendo..
ye =, alu yen ity af « ‘)
fo I ety ont eyed, dau Fl )
Sear = tt Ce 2
: Bevbice, SOG Juac, 1815. .
in THE Court of ins Iustice havipsehy $
Fence dated the Sth instant, ole a
on-bis Colony, Known by the Nam@of +Besereny’
twaiz,— erste ling, Nicun WW geles.n, hieli lo
keGlasgow Nillerto:en, oe en, Union, [id
twoergh, Mon Chois’, ard Mat. ty be deliver
ore to the Assignees OMPTuennOie lorcet & C
ow their Represemiative; And fig RProogrier
a . aft
seing with Jovy Ross and _ flewhy (Le
JaPER, Assignees of the Binkeupe F'state of sind Pu
Jeawll Forbes & Cov having Anbstiuted inc to be
cae cy for whe Adiiimistrationwvod the sate stat
a. Vhielbave bein delivered over aceordit gly.
depersom§ who have any CLaigs: agaist Me sant sia
Care h eby regaived to render the same (Ome lal f
Arstore.ol Messrs. Geo. Bone & Co. and 5)! pers:
idelled to the sail Estate, are gr quested io wily
-* ne the amowst of (ho ir debts.
Alex. FRASER, ag.
I July Bonfickls states amd the 4.53
: eSot Turnbull Porb sa Co.
——— a. —— - ¢ = +

. ALLE de genen die iets te vorderoa helt,
». Vande Boedel wylend wh A. vin Gireenevehkliy wo
den vergoct inde fy! van zes wooKea, ta ditto deez
Hane pretentien intcleverca em Betalage te ontve
gen,op de plautagie de 2 alr i, by
dee) AVE &.
ely July, PNecugnr ‘Yostamentni
“OR SALE by the Subser:her, at. bis heu:
ostice Vrs. Maryd@indner’s, afew thousand fect
lionterab-weod iach lumber
R SALE, choiee Londén particular Vi:
: in lroveshic Kis and (uarker Cushy, Pe itgel
OF prescil payient.
4 10 JOBBERS.—W anted@n a coffee Ly
tate, mot tarup the rivers a PoblLe with ay enly 4
tlinty able Negro®s, to div out the trenches and]
Mah the small draining of part ofthat Psfata PY
Yarther information, please, wpply to .
1 21 June, Li. SPWAL.
. &
View original
View original iTItO vy the TFonarable Cony? of
y tad Cereal Justice of the cofony Ber-
a 7) ail fo iohonse these presents may or
comc, grecime! = Be itknown:
“\ EAS a vacency has again occurgd” in the
Policy and Criminat justice, of the Colony
ab), the cl partune from this colony, o!
i rascrand John MW’ Camo, and by reason of
apps _. nt of the bMonorable JI. Katz,
leClined by that Gentlemanf and a nas
heen rose by the Honorable Court
Me iv ta. His Excellency the
or rhs eased to sclect’ Joke Ti: P,
ev ya hit fre idaand Dayid Car-
-» LP beMembers of the @ourt of Policy and
fo tab tust ance Whewolis hereby viven,
tint ihe inte the Colomy mnay. respect those
Geathmenin the Eapacity. ‘
“Becrclary’s Office, her bice. SJ. Fely, IS15. -
: > 7 ty Command, ‘
R.C. DOWNER, secy.
oe ee
* Just Manni % and far Sale on I.o0t No. VW, part
of th congo) the s ship Prinsvan ORANZL, frou
steestea iti consists in p--
GIN ip case Catet, Rinish end Mallaga w res
in ASC: ° br WV llc, wy it ( aT Fr mn woeshe ads, V inetar
a” dagwilie lead, a cod nel rit pe sced oil in jugs,
SW OMY dinck .@platiiies, eheet., Selzer and Pachin-
er pigs, O815 1 puncheons, vant indo. aud in
' “9, My ne St woah “] iyee |, Ld bb. Sic theehe S b..
sca hw tae, butler, sotikroutsentiflower rel pens,
. * . eo . . .
[itu meg —_o S » moGRecl BP negee Orr bes +
> >
° , Y
oie, hei Tels, herring, Salt fish, peas, tiles,
alm brie hs. Miva boards. Aowr in Bedeiasthins bread
; U0, Marrovis ht pols. time vid fopras, Dips >) amd a
Variot\ vf other articlos.
n° , ’ e
606 CTO GE ics wine conwened te the undrr-t
r a fi
wel, cy wd oN Ihe saints reesonable, by Taeer-
gril ies or pathascs. COU. SWAWING.
“! Bote. HW. STAAL.
—————— — _—
- _— —— °
er 1g) ap het Baf No. LS, dc wolletnderin Md: ir.
? ae eC Gs cole Cada hivl CUTE A Can het a chip Dr
J’ ni VM in Onandn, Capt. 2. Warzen, vaaeline
CN 1. kelders, rode ayya. rhinsel: Gi,
1, i isten, brtin ea wil bige in oxhaol-
Om. otha y wiud, Ivmen raw aly, sty Zeb
Cea. elas, Baten, S@iveren Lu: binccer waiter,
Tey ioe sfen, gort ew cogeride garst in vaten onl
PS Sein rrokvierscb, ee ea
Coo. Seine Sais tome a ~ bioem Sool, rolpe MSs)
PoE WP, oi OOM eawons tl sruzyze de Bel ae, Ith?
poloade gingengdos paaling, bamne, labberd tune Oul-:
peynde.s cn eroen erwten, Blaauwe plavatyze -
cfaniwe moppen, Riga declen, peper, scheeps be-*
vont ia waton, meet in das, aychesyis in poten. k tin’
CH Neh, OM Verse hcidene andere ariiachem me er.
Ms puce eeu: Meonecrd aan de ondergecterLerdens.
greg Cou loe tn QttntcMs en pukagies, Fun con Ci
were prus le hoop eanbiccen.
2+ June. C.C. SWAVING.,
i. STAAT. ;
POR SALE. thelot of Land of No {oo With
thedaol ives thao, bec iomwine fo the ssbseriber.-
qi wl lg tw pircel oll erode obeclony tha rd wood?
Sroa@ak seat, witheli ths cutebutldines aece sary
wR th wan ous, &e. An extend credit will be.
“iverto as We Pirc baschs bor further perliculars-"
Apply oral tet LY
atti eo - eet eee eee i
\U We OT Sia NT, —AlIl Persons who}
hive ellfn, G@uahe Te Alex Simpson, Esq. of Sea-
fi /leocet. quested to render ened In for examination :
} ifrusc i 1d c nic / {o nak 3 immecdiate ply me pf ? fo
= Ya. CAME RON, Del. Lxccutors.
ADDY | ie LIS ENMENT AM Persons tidebt-
ediathe B se of the late Win. Duncan, or Win.
iy ae ted fommke immediate payment; and
those Whe have claims, fo render therm in for cxaii-
hation al se (ements to
OH Jane. CHARLES Y TE, ¢ Cutators.
Tiits Subscerber wiforms js Friends and the
Public, that be builds Sehooncers, Punts, Ven!-punts,
Boats, Se. aid Repairs, all upon reasonable ( rms.
91 June. Virst lot, %l empolder,
=e AO ee es ee ee © ee ee
On Thhisrse ‘y the 13th inst. will be sok® by order
v7 (ico. Padels, liso. an a@ecount of those concerned -
‘ reels Py nee WOT do, pork, iC£ do. bacon, 15 hait
PAMeol.s sbe creat, , kegs rolpens, and 4 cases pie-
niet Gish, Deine part « ‘the ear: go ol the-sloop Hep-
Bubsity [ruil sate Ma: it.
View original . :
On the same dag a necro man, womanandch,
the man a carpenters, and (ile wo'nan a goal Willies,
\hoo 2 nevro bern, the prope rfy of the late Firm of
MCKimtosh C ats ron &Co- named Prank & Dawson,
payabie in S & 6 months. :
Also part of Lot No. 27, in town, eens from
(he ‘micelle to the backa i).
Crin & brar dv in cascs, hewrin
Ing and war lime.
D.C. Camenox, D. aster.
On Priday the [4th inst. wl eT. by order of
the Cunaters of ihe Bhat roul TMTate of Gre late Dr.
W. B Lint, on hot Newt, New Amst. a genera!
assortment GF medtitimes, huachold turattare, 2 wa-
ler wats, Fong _ ‘ae
(),) tire s:; iy by Oiite roc f W., hewley, L sq
Shhds. om Le Gu: alee: wh LM choice old \Tadeins
wie, 10 Clos’ acomstenmer. S
1) UC. CAME KON, Dep ANendue Master.
— —_—<—~+ — —
On hucsdiay (Sih ing ba AL be wld by order and
the house of \irs, MY, ner, on lot No. 10, an
tsertmentot dry woods, a in, & carthen ware,
lout sifear, hysow te a, 0h) Waceuain bottles, vatu-
ible portrai@wnd prints, spdtrors. buck class ‘Sy ene
theanens hats, Boots and Shee s. 4 éasks claret, &e.—
Also a Wi une -on Lot Nowl0 trcities the middle road
OO feet lon ® & one Stary Tgeh, with about 240. feet
Of Lind.-- And about 100 f&-het td, being the north
ututer of Lot Né. 10, cytendimy from the middle
ronl tothe backd una, wine! «dl be sold in partels
fo suit purchaAts, dhe two veltable neere women
with thetr «Miliren and 24 Lo #ecero nen. “Berns
of Sevehnont, forthe tayd ; ‘ ;
un) One of i Tivirs of
O11. S; val. app tanto ion Chas
during les awbscnce troumhe
‘ .
Cris (Ire Ps COMMITS Gs Lp Ablaomon ZA Ct fai
» Cll
elle NUS, lr Umlefsion dl, at tre request ‘ole.
Themes FP. J A G]-—Do her ¥ Suninos
mt: Clue the lourta tame, «x st | )
aia 4 S ib Uh pte Cea! i | i (
fawe, ¢ vi bis, tO 4) ua betore the ¢ rh ¢ -
vileus Oi his ¢ LV, Om lot 17 Jaly, 1si5,
} bAYN ! | tt ier ¢« +,
’ a4 ! i 10 A if i.-
i ‘ ul ( je
wf cds of ! ¢ '
i nmons yy feict made known tothe Pu-
it Ly ¢ bj \ the Court Ise ts) Lhds
colony, amd fuct! Cy. VAC COMI y LO Culeigna.
as | ive, tae lo et , i581 J
nm. tL » EN, I rst chal
B ine Of aus rch tie

of 1a int oF » (val he ' Uy
vivo in the cau “lod PL. ol ley
teal ‘ur. » the DRA > wi f+ °
ing) Uc. versue et taal ,
rf mat tbe _ -— ee. ° stu!
re} rSiv7ney, rege OPE > 1m) 4 fers
id] oe) \ yu MmvUTei) THe OK Sha fs C « 1 uf
‘ ie ry : > whi \ ,
toms ers ' Mate ai C.F % . lo
Pi r heiw tine Castert “{ 7 x Cx Wt CuR-
(MEV, CFL. ‘uy ie beta July, is Wy amd to wINe
‘ a, ore to teats ) Giteae «1. ee , ov Vesir ef
ly tid, Mheria th F tie Vets » dleciston, as ip
the pretereut ancl Gh owrieal fick atants 8 B
}o eis oo) sam J ile .
bie dia on by buset made kaown to the pul Lig
bv b (Wee as TF i Tivte® O1 ty Culue
ay, if rth r at it wiell 2ec rt py ocw al.
beta te, (CO Sure, 1S) 5.
KL. PRANCAEN, Pirst Marsh’.
F TiNtiic Oo; an Appoint UTC u t fro ; 17) li x-
Pie y Tt. \\ . i} ‘TIRCH, hae ice Li aoa ile
vicsaor Uf he Coppay Kerk warrant i ‘Tt. Swatt,
Amsterdam, full eareo,
Crrane po—Sloops Merinina, W ycehgel, for Amster.
dam, with 33 bashes and 950 bags
Cullis e.5
C- ar Ce ES Se SSS oa SP
View original Cer swe
Pe os wT »ewes
SatuRnosy, duty s, islo.
[eS a= —
London Papers to the 23th May were received b y
the ship Pilot, but no news by them—war had not
been declared at that time sullit all lo@hed like it.
—The French arexeported to have 400,600 troops
ready fo reccive any evuption iato their country, and
(ree corps of the French army upwards, of 40,000
hat suddenty quitted Valenciennes, in three divie
stous Lo intérce pl, as is supposed, the Prussian troops.
a 99 De
On the 22lon Messare was delivered from His
Roval Highness the Prince Pevent to both llouses
of Parliame t. ‘Phe following 16 vewly a cupy of
bist’ Message :

View original G.P. ?.
Wlis hr yal drichace the Prince Re wend acting in
fhe name ardlon tie behalf of his Majesty, think:> of
Wieht Coinform 8 Faith ful Cammons, thabin conse.
quenceof the recent cvents that hare taken ;
hance, i: direct @rid >a contravention of the”
Tregly ericred into in Paris tat your, for preserzt gs
tre peace of Ruropc. he has judged a necessary to
ener intaengascecnts mith his Allies, jor the pur-
pose of olive such steps as circumstances may
reguircs as aiustthe C@mmon enemy, an’ for prezent-
img such vigeseres @ couldonly have for their object
the destruction of the peace and Wbertics of Europe;
and His Royal Mighames conjident/, expects the
sunport nd ion cutFencd ae flouse of ommions,
in such decasurcs as he may find necessary to take, im
cenjunclion mith lis Allies, against the common en-
gr”: (il thas dinportant and momentons crises.
ae hoyed Llichness has given order that Copics
meer Trcaties into iehich he has enterce with his A]
hes, shall unmediately be laid before the House.
W henthe Message had been delivered in the Honse
of Lords, Bail Grey inguired whether the country was
to be considered tra state of war or peace? The
question was met ina plain, manly, and satisfactory
way by the Karl of Livérpoot. Vis Lordship ob-
served, that indeed hoactot hostility had taken place,
that neither letiers of marque nor orders for an em.
barco had been issued ; but he should deceive their
hordships, ithe did not state that Uits Message, will
the Address which he intended to move upon it, would
if asreal to, from a measure on whieh hostilities
micht, when expedicat, proceed.» In tuct the Mes-
sive wae to be constlercdl as a War Message. ‘Lhe
semtiments Celivered by Lord Castlercagh were of a
Nimilar uafare, and the necessity of war is obvious
from the simpte oonsideralion of the necessit of pres
Venting thercviva! ofthesystem in traince which has
heen so long proved to be the incon itible with the
Lappiness ane scearity of Europe. should not be
Overlooked, thetalthough Louis X VLML is invited by
fim Sth Article of the Treaty coucluded between
the Allied Powers t@ accede tutte conditions, Bng-
land is not fu be niedefstgod as ph deed to phoseciute
the war with @ View ob int posing wy pawtucular Go-
yernment. :
The Address to his Royak Wiehnes the:Prince Re-
gent, moved in (be Bouse of Loids by thes Earl of
Liverpool, was carricd bya majority of 112. Lerd ’
Crengil’e, in a most strennous manner, supported the
neceasety and defended the justice of che warin whiel:
Gircat Dritain was about to be engaged.
or EE Be ee —--
View original a
The advices reecived by th® British Government
from Italy are of the most iitistactory kind. ‘Lhe
fillowing Bullettn was isgned from the Foreign Of
lice :-— ° ‘
“ Foreign Office, May 94, 1915.
“\Tetlers were reccived tat night from Lord
Birohers, dated ‘Tolentino. the 94 inst. which state,
that. tie Austrinn General Gisnebi was thet MOFNiNss
cnvagwed with three Neapolitan divisions inan ac (ion
whieh terminated in (hear foetal diser infiture, andihe
Paneer of the Austrians from Tolentino to. within a
short distance of Macerata.
* by thorapulity witlewhieh Gen. Rianehi bag
‘onductetl his march from Beloona through Floren.
cc and Folighoshewas enabled taroce apy the dircet
‘oad from Ancona to Naples, and there by to tarn the
positions of the Neapoiiten anuy. Muvagoas cone
epuent!y obliged to fieit ab tile, in the hopes of
weurtng lis retreat tothe (rontions of the Neapole-
an States.
*¢ weu. Bianeht, on the 2%) of May, took Wp a po-
ion on the heights in fronwef ‘Tok DUNO, entending
ci weenéthe rivers Chienti on his fieht, and Potenza
m his left, Musatalvanced against him from Ma-
erata with the divisions of Generals Livron, Pigna-
telli, and \mbrasio, and oceupicd the hights about
Moute Milone.
" lacly on the Sd. the Neapolitans attagked the
cenive ang the rightofthe Austr’ sos, commanded by
Genersls Sfoly and Statirent erage but thie attack
having (oiled with loss) the @hole , mts of Murat’s
army were directed against te Austrian left. This
Wiack, mace in three heavy calninns of infantry in
imtss, supportéd be cavalry and ar Ulery, was recei-
ved by au Austrian brigade, direeted by Gen. Bian
chi, who was succeeded, with the assistance of two
eqnadrons ot cavalry, in taking one of the masses and
dispersing the others.
** Soon atter thts failure, Wurat beean his retrea‘ ;
he was pursued with activity Gl! darks; War one
thousand prisoners were taken durin sthatday. Ge.
neral Collier and an Aide-de-camp of Gene Medicis
Were among these. Generals Ambrosio and Campa-
ha were wounded.
* Gen. Niepperg, with his corpsywas in commu
nication with Gen. Bianchi by Nepi.
‘The Neapolitan army retreated by Forme and
* Subsequent letters from Ford Deorshers, dated
Rom, Muy 7, state, that Gen. NMepperg arrived at
View original Monte Cassiano on the Jd gat nigh’, and was ordered
to meet Gen. Biaretiienthedth, at Macerata. A de-
tachment of gerry ot Gen, Nugent, which was
mor ine by Taga, upon Aguila, encountered, on the
1st Manpyte beay of New politans, and deicated itwith:
gre’! Boss «
+ ‘Phe enemy was coumanded by General Mon-'
tint, er upicder stron. post upon the rad bes
tycen Civita Dicale ad Introdora,
however, they were 1am ly ‘at.
attack, conducted by Major Pleuae tw cers and
several privates were taken, and aeonsiferable nuin-
ber threw down their arms ant ersed. ‘Phe pea-
sants of the neighbourhood tagk an active part in
punnit of the Neo politan fagifives. _
* Major Flette after this stecess marched mpon
Aquila, where he arrived on the 2d. ‘The garrison
consisting of 800 men, retired Myo a castle upon his
approach. Onthe 4th they Caprulated, giving up
fen pieces of artillery, with a Aongicterale quantity
of aimunition, and being #Mowed to return to Na-
ples, ander the condition of mot setviag against the
Allics tur the space of one inch.”
View original - e
* ——r =
Paste, May 4.
The following isthe answer ef the Presidcntot the
Diet tv the Duke of Vicenga :— _m -
“ Zurich, May 0.
The camnenication which his Excellency .
Dis‘ ot Vieenz: addressed the undersigned on
of April, and which reached Zurich on the 16th, has
-beow iid befose the Diet.
When Disneeat peace within ilselfshall have ree
cover“ heatmp piness uncdera stable covermnent, gem
nrily te cgnig din Lutope, the sincerest wish of
Switz ti Lowi pew ulitled. Paithfal tothe princi-
ples ont fo he vou, of which the conduét of the Swiss
soldiers recitled totheir coontry, furnish afresh proof
the Gaatons bavchotbe entble to divest themselves of
a lively une@siness, on the acconat of the events and
theif probable coas queers. © 'T secure tts dearest
hiterests, ils ‘Mle cide dce, and itsinternal tranquility
Ag iinslevery “ the confederation has felt, that it
ouelt fo (ake matsnres of precaution and safety, se-
Veral changes have taken place ta its constitution, an-
ciealtropticés hive been restored to it, with a more
favourable gprercatign
* Prof these cireumstences, and the new relations
In which iS laced, Gere results obligations of he-
nour, which @ratiude. apdeven thesinterests of ils
politicabexitence céminan! it toefalfl I caanet
thereture by recog: ising Une existing Government tn
France, follow asyttem opposite to that of all the
Powers of Lurope. ‘Phat loyal and fidelity which
huve aictated its coaduct will continucte regulate
it for (he Tuture.
‘¢Suelt are tha explanation: to which the Wa-
Cersignecamust confiie Nitusell, and which he con.
cludes by bee ging lis Excellenéythe Duke of Viceu-
21 le accept assurinces of his hish consideration,
; President of the Swise Diet.” .
In the nizht of Ghe 29%, near Melay, at the foot 6
Doleberz, Seine musket shot were fired between a po-
trol of Argovians and same Frenchy probabley national
guordsy for these in gencral shit hal aniavesity
towards Switzerland. ‘The patrol, patiinw alone he
s<irts of a wood, heard anoise,and cried “ who goaey
ticie 2” —ts was only answeref by being Grel uped,
1 wostaatly neturmed che fire: and the two parties con-
taacd to fire fon an honpaid anda halt tthe dak,
till at last the French evaey vied the wood. All the
report of et ryali in iahabitantsof the ncigh-
bourhood assembled and took up arms, ‘This affair,
in which we hel not Ge mam wounded, does honour
to the Argovians sind Vaudois, :
tissatd that (ho Gall of the second’ contingent will
be put inmotion, so Ghat, with (he regiments réturn-
ed irom Prilece sha! have on foot an army of 48,000
* Ghent, May 12.
The Jovrnal Universe! of this date, contains under
the head of Ghait, Way 9, a Report upon the state
of France ma le to the King in Council, by Viscount
Chateauhriand, Minister Pleaipotentiarics ffom bts:
Rost Christian Majesty to te Court of Sweden,
a" Report fills sistecn columns of the Journal
aid Supplement This document is decided into heads:
—I. Acts aad Decrees for the laterior. 11. tcte-
rior. IIs, Reproaches mude to the Loyal Govern-
ment. | a
This Report concludes thus :—
“ All Europe is artived on th: frontiers of France ;
every people ba taken its post in this army of nations;
they waithut for the last signal. What will the au-
thor of se many calamitiesdo? [fhe quits Paris, will
Paris renain nanqnil? Uhe does not join his sol.
@iers, wihbris soldicis fight witheut him? Success
may cionee hivfortases Nos asuceess would hard-
Wy te di is Bil. Can he Desites except success ?
Bhs Gccice lay issued froin high, victory has de-
View original
View original clared itect’, Banaparte isalseady vanquished in Ma:
rat; an appeal has been made to the people of ltaly,
and those pegple have replied by a cry of loyalty.
May the Prelith imitate the example! Muy
abandon the scourge of the earth to the justice of
Heaven! Ah, Sire! leluy hope, that-disarmed by
the prayers of the son of St. Louis, the God of battles
may spare the + ah of our uahappyeountry. You
wili preserve t@ France, forthe happiness, the
of that bleod hich she too much lavished for her
glory. ‘Phe moment approvches when your Majesty
will reapathe fruit of your seeritices ; when under the
shade of the white flag, nations will at lenght enjoy:
that repose afler which they sigh, and which they
lave su dearly eainet.” '
Vianna, May 2.
Onur Conrt have concluded a treaty with his Ma-
jesty Ure King of Sicily, by which this Monarch is to
be reiustated in the kihedem of Naples.
©The son of the Dake of Verma Capuota, the the
Siciliaw Minister, set out ycaterday with the treaty to
Palermo. re
ae 0 0 6B oe
Paris, May 15.
Yesterday morning, at nineo’clock, the inhabitants
of the Paubourgs Saint Antoine proceeded to the Bou-
lerart Pert Seint \ntoiag, and the tnhabilants of the
Poubourg Saint Marecan (consisting of 15,000 .men,)
proceeded to (he Boulevart of Austerlitagashere they
lormed a juuction. ‘Phey set out at elevea o'clock,
and defiled along the Bonlevart to the Ring Napoleon,
whenec they marched to the Tuileries. Nomilitary
Hand accompanied them. M. Richard Lenoir, Mem-
her of the Legion of Honons, and Chief ofthe Fighth
Legion, was at the head ef the Confederates of Saigt
Antoine. The shouts of Vice [ Eaapercur were heard
the whole way. ;
W hen the zealons Citizens were drawn up in the
coart- yard of the Tuilleries, the Emperor mounted
his horse, and the Deputies were penmftted to ha,
mnguc him. Vhe Buperor addressed them in a
Speech. oil ;
After this, shouts of Vive le Patrice! Vite la Li-
herté! Vive l Ciperear! resennded trom all sides.
Phe Binperor gatlopped through the ranks, and re-
viewed a large body of re wulir troops.
Couriers Ext-vordtuary, Sunday Morning.
-Aecording tolcUergfrom taly, the King and Queen
cof Naples and Snite fave eabacked @t Ancyna on
boerd thre@ifvizates, to return to Naples.
It is said that the Preneltroops eiftered Baste on
the 9th at nicht, it is said abo thot we occupy Poren-
tray. But this wants coufimmation.
Metea| of 300) picces of caunon defending the
hights of Paris, there w itt he Gu. .
Some thirty brigands trie! to disarm the Gendar-
rerie ati. Brice; batt they were-put to flight by
the Chassents.of the Line in the environs.
Letters from Venice stata, thabsome English ships
of war have appeared in the Adriatic, and that a fri-
‘gate and two brigs have anchored belore Ancona, in
oder towatch Chet port. [
On the 7th inst. a apworiot took place at Boar-
deaux. A vonng nrinatie pled fo tearolf the epan-
eties of an ollieer vi the garepyou. Ife was immedi-
ately arnested, :
They also write from Bonrteans on the T1th, that
more than 709 young men ob the Dy prrtnent o! the
Gironde have voluntirify enrolled Cicimselves tor the
detcnce of their country. .
Couricr FE ztraordinary, Tuesday Morning.
News from Vienna of the 20ch state, that the Con-
gress has disposed of the kingdom ot Naples in favour
cof Prince Ferdinand, second son of the King of the
‘Two Sieilies. He has set out for Italy.
‘The day before yesterday, af the riview, a young
Lady approached the Emperor, and banded to him
a roulegu cuntaming 23,000 franes in bank notes, for
the equipment of the National Guards.
Barou Lotus, Ex-Ministerot limanee, ariced at
Ghent om the i0th. ‘They continue to work with
much activity on the fortifications of Langres.
A German paper asserts, Ural 2 part of the Austrian
Army, which was on its way to Naples, has retarned”
in the direction of ‘Turin.
Marshal Grouchy isexpected thisevcning at Paris.
It is said that the Emperor has given ordogs to dis-
mantle 20 ships of the linc, which will afford 1300
pieces of cannop for lamd service.
Paris, Way Vi.
To-day the E.nnereur received beiore mass, af the
Palais of the Tuilleries, the Deputation of the Elec.
toral College of the Seine and Oise, consisting of the
Duke ot Placentia (Le Brun), President, Se.—The
Duke presented an Address, in which itis satd—
* Great misfortunes have befalien us; the greater
was that voluntary exile which you owed to the sale-
ly of the country.
Foreign artticy in the midst 0: us, and foreign Po-
View original
View original aaa
wers commanded a peece in Patric. We donctf:
our losses, wedlo not regiel the conquests of the h
public, nor your’s. But glory ae at glory, whet
existence is there for Frenchmen? Withoutgglyrry
peace itscliadosirable as it is, is biltertous. It ate)
lords ws neither security .o1 the pieseat, nor se ety
for the future.
* Spcedily a Governtment, which wished to revive
the past, which tormented our m@guictides, an | whic'
agitated (he passtous of those who dattercd it, broug vt
us nothing but fears without hope.
“ You had the courage tu regret exploits which had
disturbed France tml too much alarmed foreien States.
You have received (hat the nations were vot. great
nor powerful except as they were free ; and you eal-
led upon that pure liberty which way alis,.the too
‘\ceting idol of our revolution, and that equality of
tights somuch calumniated, which will always be
the mother of the public virtues and of publie pcos
* Doubtless foreign Powers are now measuring their
situations with oug ee doubt, our return do
the principle of a mild liberty and Vite policy, will
reform those fratetnabties which onited olfher mations
to the interests of our rising revolution. We ¢ Care still,
there ‘fore, to hope for pe ICE, § nd we donot fear war,
Cis njoy , Sire, a situation whieh is your own work.
nde having been the vreatest of conquerors, be af
lenwht the most pacific. vf Sovereigns, vour glury ree
quirs if, and oar happiness deaaucds it,”
lis Majesty replied :—
‘© Moasiurs, the President, and? the Deputies of the
Plectoral Colleges of Seine-ct-Oige.—I tink you far
the sentiments you express fo me, inthe name of pur
Colleges. We all wish for peace, and sve aré read y
for war. At po period ot Instory has the nalion dis4
playcd more unanimity or more energy. In case of
Wwanevery thing promice to us happy termination.
[lowever, circumstances are’serious. Lrely much on
(lie patriotisin and knowled:re of the Chambers. [
have learnt with pleasure the sentiments which have
anjimatect your assembly, and the choice it has made.”
a ae a
—* a—
New York, Way 16.— \fter the Constitution made
hereseape from the British fleet off the We stern Is.
lands, she cruised alos re the North coast of the Brazils,
and onthe 19th of April put into St. Louis, (Maran.
ham) where she landed her prisoners peocured suse
plics, and then shaped her. coutse for America, On
the @iihof April tell in with an Buglieh 7% fo the
wind ward of the West India Islands and concluded
from her manouvres theregwas peace. — Po asecttain
which Capt. Stewartwenut off St. John’s, (Porto Rico)
ent b h sat on shore, and there te arned for the first
(imme ratifeatien of ‘the treaty be this government.
The | «Mow ines isatistof the Killed and wounded
on board Ue rtoetit ation in her CO aS ment with the
two Hritish sloops of war the Cyane aad Levant; Ti-
kewise a listof tac Killed and Sounded on board the
two fatioe ships.
filled on boaid the Constitation—John Follington
0. 8.: Antony Parrow marine; William barrelae.
W ounded. David Quill, quartcomiaster sliz hily s :
Janes Jac kson, severcly 5 ‘Tobias Fernalo, Ss. since
dead, Benj. Thomag s. severely ; Vende rford,
slightly ; Vincent Marks, s..s everely; John oe ? ;
oa. s. since dead. Themas Fessen: len, QO. & since
dead; Benjamin rae krofysct.m. severe fy : Patriek
Cain, p.m. severely; Wim. tlolnes, p.m. severely ;
Andrew Chanibers, p.m. slightly.
Force of the Constitution, [2—214 prs.
20=-S2 do.°
BL.) oe
JE Sins,
Oificers, men and boys 466. ’
Killed on board the Cyane 12—woannted 25. Ferce
of the Cyane 22 thirty-two pounders, LQ eighicen do:
Plwelves do.—3! Suite ane 12 brass sy ive ls. Otlicers,
ney and | DO)» ISO
Kil on board of the Levant °S—wounded 16,
Poree of the Levant IS thirty two pounle S, oO nine
co. 1 tw ‘lve do —? | guns.—Olliecrs, yeu and Lavy s
—_—_—— =
The squadron under {ee command of Commoxtore
Decateur snited yester: bay morning tur the Mecite
ranean, fo rende yous at Gi Toraltame Whenthe Com
arod ore and ( apt. ones took re irdepariure from (hie
battery, and asse:nbled arofnd of thetmteow-ciiizens
ret the.air with three times thre e Cheers.
Eb esqvacdron cou sistefthe & i Wwe CSS8CU$ 91 Zeer
Privates G uerviers, Rlinedore Doeeatewr. Ware
donian. Jones; Constetli: “on, Gordan. Sloaps Op»,
tario, EM rf he erzvier, Downs. Corveties Lure yf,
Rovers; Flembeeurs Nicolson; Shari, amt:
Schooners SpilfiresDalias ; Terch y Qhaancey
‘Theheay y Squadron bound tothe same place, wilh
sqilin a few days irem Boston :— Die iad
ahead, the squadruv anebored again In thre bay
3 "
View original a wf _—_
SY virtue of an Appointment from His Ex
macy H. W. Bont: Sex. Esquire, Lieutenant
sevcrnor Of the col@my Berbice, and its Dependen
Ge, Se. &e dec. dated the 6th April Isis. give:
Upp a Petition presented by J. He. I. Manure:
br chervand MW. 4. Schwicrs. as Seg tte str tors of pl an
tutiva Eepercnce, the property of J. W. tewt
myer: and in consequence of anarrame nent of the
sts tor which that plantation was uader Uxecutio:
wt } SoGvestration.—The said plantation Uhisperance
Oo aguex ts, ts hereby relersed from iP seention an.
Seer iow, amd active of such release ceven to the
p Bi ic ry Ligee pr mem’ s.
th rhrig > LO Api I. ISL4.
hk. ’ i? \ KIN, PS est \far hol.
mr a ee — ee ee ee
1M comseaucace of an apnosehion by Albert
— _- oor es
} Mewins, (othe mtenedal Sale B Leenitom, ay
4, | thie (* y 7 Ist fs Dengan herd ant
s )* Ar te rororty ot sa \. I. ‘OF INS, oll
we i: mince of the ft ‘pT SCL OF esCoad. Vib Cat
I yp t. °
Voice ts hervel 31 oie
PWAt by wirtne of authonty, viven be the TTenera!
Conrtot Civil duestice. noder date of 'Seh May Pal)
OVA petition presealcdibhy Gee. Pauci€=l as thestt.
tomey Of Sf. gen din Broek, Mhe PAR Guten Sale Gl
; lnffeer Patate J hinted, with ailits enluva-
ty Wuillidinsrs, amd further appur neces, und all
: St, tile. and ont { of Sete AL o. Colestus in
ys Vice tetate Rvimwet, US clilfiwatiom, lwillis ys
Ih vl further appurtenine es, u inci
wwe bas been fahen ti Pxecutiontor Wood obs ia
do ven dey Broeky willt@ke pliece on the toh.
Ci. bene inven'or (hes i |) for is » Gem
pit) ) COO wt OTaer 0O re COVEE Thon tre) '
240 leo spch sam of m V, tors i <:
bon faken we lexecation, or § Ds
. remea a wapata af Hee tame a So.
: ’ ; . ~* Pi.
’ , ‘ i . '
’ a
2g | | ; . s
‘ (5 i } ' ’
DY virtucol Authority 1 vee! len-
f . ceNT) ’ ' } ve | ‘ '
Ne Gotan pine Anh GS Dene rch . ant
Given ower diet 6th Muay, 6! 3guepon a pe.
T (hed De ert ry do ! 4 /¢%] lc ‘Fe » VCTstis i
Dracter or ii yori ’ ( Dresew PV.” OF Be; ae
ifatiy tthe WV ext bali of the Pow 25 ,.
: oxyeT Le! pin! if 1 tes ib, if \-
Bch es OUT ass fie mene ot 1 VID Coot: ors (‘Ore
’ Ti il i ‘ } \\ ole ; th YI
t bo. at fac Cart Hhonse ol his ONY, we
, Jo Ohechk th the @ereto: nel Chal dav. The above
“t \\ err, a Te uf Tot >). . ome oA), l: sl Oem sl
Teel) one ‘real in Larculion to
»* ts i
‘ = YOg 1 thi 7 ry : a ati “l tar < yypase
’ me forcennd ! Ns, lei suc | De Teas
SV re Ath: Lies fp 2 luce andersigned, dectapin:
a ao Af au . Aa? tise win OUD, as i
Aer a .. mole, that Pavall reeens Opp Ion
; b fm! ® > rare a ; saaf ‘lig maidcday
br faved rae. elvis Veard bel we the Conit, ane
Jey tibereim me the liw diectss7s
a 7 ot) imate Pia hnewn tothe Pa! hie
wie rt rt lA (ie Court House ol thissesto-
‘ ii bh: relenlt wiffhaccofMin. to én tons.
Dctinee, Ye JulvellSTo
I. TRANG o ' binst Merslial.
oo . 7 7 _
BY virtue af arn App rue t tro ] ar is -
H.W Biatinex, Paguire, Wjetevant-
fos > Trane of tae Colony Bewbice aud vt Cpeiaien-
Cini aeN ¢° Zien wpona peltton present&d by
' » Mw Camon as onc of the S qtestracurs ol Plhan-
hint? : Yep, I ~ Osi Lorentya com bh, Gal ) Sth June,
" Pahemotlersivncd. at the r quent ofatoresaid
1? => ae, :
mn 98 Ccmony gq. do Rerehy Summes by beliet:
AY noowy and unknown clatmwants on (he procceds
Oo; Pavation No. BD west Cogetityn, t appear belore
urlo!Civibdmtice, oF ais ealony, on Wone
re t! likly, 0S; amc! {7 ae 4 .. lor the
we cl ther@ ttm cri jo tia e lah aoumt the
et. OF PlanPiion No. F 1 t Corentynoabebate
' roe, L tui y rsh Cl (he lotrtl Pedietal
ne Conet" etun ag (0 148 preleront o
oheurrent pi hob ef wits, On pein, asthe law di-
rects, ai! Alien @o proceed according to style.
des Ssanmousby Det wade kWown t the public
by beat of C ITIP Tt ea ihe cL ourt jou j ot (iis CUOe-
ay, ind fusther dealt with aecording to eustonr!
~ woilnce, Dh. vue, [Sh
h. FRANOREN, Lirst Martial.
View original y |
BY. virtue offan Extract from the Mintttes
Jot rn Court of Rolls, date! 24th June, IS15, given
inthe canseentiilod B.C. Downer, in capacity as
to ties al wi W. King and P. nn Can
to .
Estatwot b. Dynoe, dec. Plaintilf, versus) a
nownand Mikgown claitams on the proceeds
‘Viantation) Bes’ Bower, cam annexis. I the wn
ee the :égucst of aturesaid Wh. C. Downer, qu.
ide y Summon by diet, (for the third time);
AU known a, neclaimants onthe proceale ot
MiansSiion Be Dower, cum annexis, to appear be-
ore the Court ot Rolls, on Monday the 10th of July
) ISLS, there ty vender in their claims, to yeriry the
p same, and farther to procecd according to law.
Berbice, uth June, ISL5. . ff
Kh. FrascKen, First ) ial.
a OS eee <— — - Si ba > «
BY yirtue ef an Appointment from His Ex-
celney Il. W. Venrisern, Esquire, Lieuienant-
i Crovernor of the Celony Berbice and its Dependen-
a. Ke. GerXe. dated 2ith June, 1815; given up.
ha petition pres uted Bohn M Canon, as one of the
IS questrators ot Plantation Leivs Mader. tthe tin-
id reigned, atthe request of wtoresaid J. MP Camon,.gq.
de hereby Senmon by Laiict: Al) Katgan and ute
iknown clafimanfs on the preceeds of) Plihtatfen Le-
i Wis Manor, cna anrexis, do appear betore the Court
POF Civil Instive, of thiseolou’, oa Monday the 17th
July, 18/5, end followin days, for the pu/puse’ét
(here gedtlering Oy their claims ‘ageitust the pivtecads
ol Plantayon Lewis Manor, cuf anacris,, debate
the sameé, and to withMss ihe Court’s decisiam onthe
Fight cfclpamants, cad Curther We préterd according
to law. —on gain, aster Che fourth DT diatal Cuan pe!
Dog lonewe® debinred ther sight of claim.
‘Phas Sung @eseby galict made known to (h® Po-
OMe by bot ole ne Trou the Court Hewedt Ging
cha gy and .iitnes dealt: With acor®ing lo coStom.
LX Bite, Ohi, ISP.
NK i rn. ‘N EX, Tigst Vars!: if
by virtue os cu Baicact from the Minutes oi
Cutt outt oMReile. dated ha June, 1$35, given ia
Mes oseentieed ua hidyser, for himself and other
Svjecotratens as Vhowtation NostVand 41, west cGast,
Pioonityversus, all knows and unknown ercditors
Or clainuaicsas well inthis colony as in the Caites
Gloutes of Demerary aud Basequebo, on theeproe
Coeds oF the Sele ot Plantatioi No, 10 aad 41, west
Hat of is eaiony, Deiendants. Tithe uodersivite.!
atthe rene tot giovesvid fas. Fraser. qy. do hereby
Seniinos Ly Edie, Giorthethird ime): Al khauwn
andunhnowa Gradlicons or “Chimauts, a well ta this
Colony as tn the Ghul coleies of Dkemetary So Lis
Sconebo jg the progecds GE the Sale of Plantation
No. 10 aad 4] ,» Wesl core of this COLONY, to appcar
tvforethe Court of Rots) am Mondlay the 10th July,
S15, Chek to reader ine og lnums, 10 verily tie
same, and (astherto proce aecording to law.
‘Lhis Saminons by Batict made known tothe Rae
bic By bPat ot din thom the Court Mouse Of Uti,
Coby amd furiher devit withgaecoiding tu custon:.
Berbice, COth June, Iso. 4
KR. Preaacehen, Pirst Marshal,
mes - -.-
- i ee
— —
~- -_ =———- <-
, Barbados, 23th Muay, \Slo.
THE Contrects for supplying is Majesty’
Troops the Windward and hee waid tsluicds ant
Colonies with ixsa Betr, termitating onthe [7p
(ey ol Atw@Ostnest, the Supscriber 9 ill reeeive Scale
cd Leaders ig Tiiptieate Gvhich must express the
Mee in Sle ug Be wey am cords at length) antitthe
lth July, et ter w’ clock in the mernias, trom suek
persons wsiitvy be wuling to confer into Conttacts tor
supplytss the | NOUS stac.gned at—
Sarl) — Grenada,
Doar Ue © St. Vincent P
8 ’ , . ?
[Sint rary, St. Lucia,
Parhatos, Dotainica,
TPrinidad, Auticua, and
Lobagu, * ~ St. Ghristopher.
Separatelysor joully, with bresh Becl, of the hes!
quality, tobe approved of if necessary, Wy Boasts
of Survey.— —Lhe Contracts to commence in one
Inout trom the date er he notification being reeciv-
edot the ‘Tendor havin» been accepted, ant to eonti-
nue for six months ceriain,—T wo Ko wies Will be
required, who oust be named in the Teaser, to be
boumd if thesum of £50. Stuiling Grehy for tbe
‘ue fulfilment of the Contractat cach Island,
Payment will be mace on 1he@dth of cach manth
atthe respective Stetions, it Government Puls, ot
45. 3d. p. Dollar, tos the quantifies delivered in she
preceding period. JOSEPH POLLOCK,
Commt: ory-G ene: at..
Any infonnation rezuired may be had oa appliia-
fio to the Commissartat Ollicers at the Islands add
View original . "ew e . r a. -?w.
>. ~ Sa ag 6e> yey l TT J fe
: {
py }. IT Uy.d! yy IN] ¢] I? J)' ‘ Wh NHQO j
Se ee ED ee eee, 2 eee ee ee =" 2
View original BERSICE: ’
Of the Ifonorable the Court of Cini! Justice.
Sequestrations 6f Plantatién Geede Hoop,
flem of PL. PRsperance,
Tien of Pl. No. 40 & Ad,
Idem of Pl. Palmyra, trom TO Jan. to Of
Sept. IST4.
Jdem Pl. Palmyra, from @1 Sept. 1814, to
OO Peb. 1815.
Idem Pl. Graubunderland en Zorg doch
mel Vergenoegen,
Idem of Pl. Tope,
Idem of 2-%ds, of No. 11 Corentyn egast.
Ide of Pl. Prof,
Administration of Pl. Zadwyk,
Jdem of Pl. Dazeshist,
Idem of Pt. Benfield Estates,
Curatorship oF Pl. Planters Lust,
Tdem of the Estate of ©. Dockiav,
[ena———*=--——__ 12. Barry,
Jlen-————_—.———Gwvn Joars
; ei
1 fee ee tle | Zio whore
View original stun Ile Ziv wevy
TT A ee ee .
~ tdem——-——-= Heywood & Taylor,
Idem—_~--—— I lenry t;
Levi) oe
Gat ainwne
View original EUIUTie oo Wie UW. CUZ,
; lle MBE TF: Breurniet,
De omting Ber ors tothe Ustate of KR. Barry.
“nPreas the Honorable the Court of Civil Jus.
fice, by Onder havy.y relersed fo us the Accounts
‘ot the pers . Viz.
s hereafter nmned. viz.
Wo hanson abd J.C. Spangenberg, Seq. to Planta.
tution Goede Hoop. ;
Jott 1. Maurenbrecherand B. J. Schwiers, Seq. of
- P!. |’ Deperpee.
Jttos Priaser aged Lewis Cameron, Seq. No. 40 & 41,
O. dettery, from 10Jan, to@t Sep@8id, Seq. PI.
Palovy ra. ,
2. JeRery and FB. ittchank § frond 25 Sept. 1914,
ut 20 Peb, §B15, Sq. Bl. Pahog re.
JU Spangeabcr@and J, Downer. Seq. fo Pl. Grau-
boariete Hb AM Nod Bet Vercenoogen.
&; C.Spangenbers and DP. Paltbain, Seq. Pl. Hope.
VV. Raty and We Lawson, Seg. 2h of No. IT,
Corcntine coast.
P. Quin and L. Gamcron, Seq. Pl. Profit.
W. Walz, Waministrater of Plant. Zafdwyk,
L,. vam Rossamp Adininistrater BDuzes lary -:
W., Katz, ACW istratoer ot Beonficll's ~~
ALU. Spanv@nberg ail P. Bender, Curatérs Planta,
» wlan ds Lust.
LbStoal © Ae Lithers, Car, Estate C. Packing)
. bate W. vey, —————R_Barry,
W. Lawson & (; n Jones, i
RoC. Downer, L. D ivghord » y®
AW. Vrasersend Leach, ———I! ey wood & Taylot'
i. Theebail © Ieary Croft.
bot, (oe Reuss, pe ——— J FL. (', S tuinger.
>. “Nheobeld, + -— ML. F Prewrniet.)
a Muroand NR. Taitt, Deliberating Executors te
the Estate of BR. Barry.
Norice is hereby given fo all personsanterested
rein, Chat attemlance willbe given at the Aceonne
nts Othce, heid at the house of the second under.
Benccl on Momtivs, Wedacalays, and® Fridays,
trom noon until Soldeck if dhe alternoen, fot the
(crm ol one m # the d:de hereot) in order to
ble stich peon to inspect sail Accounts, and
sate their ab jeetionis or Coovivallons Muywriting. at
(ie opinion of winciy tone, the required report
wiiihhe madeia che aoe crmeutioned matters, and of
vehiioW Gt reqhired). ec pirties mae elftin an office
cons at thelr owl epenee. in ordte should they
Ceem it expedient, fo atte@d the iol a Court
of Civ! Justice onthe dayappeisted Toc RParing said
report, aml corltest the con iimetivn thefief,
7 Berbice, 17th June, bly.
View original Th ROOP, de of ei ceclde sierde n de kof-
T) Pete view fewicé ily Dy Ce leween aul! de west wel
dee fist ¢ Beibiec, met all sqwat Caar toe bchoord,
gehbenuwen, bepooting, be Tune, maferaalen, en
G@houderd Negér slaven, zynde den cigendom van
VoouWe fH). A. Kuch, geboren Nietsch, te Peters.
burz. 1c bewagen by C, C. SW AVING, qq.
24 June. YU. STAAL, a4-
FOR SALE, the undivided quarter in the
cole Lstate called Niewwe Hoop, situ on the
seatlank of the river Berbice, with all iNcultiva.
tion, buildings, and further appurtenances, and one
bruadee) Negroes, the property of Mrs. H. A. Kuch,
born Nieteh, of Petersburg. Por farther thforma-
tian please apply to C. ©. SWAVING, qq.
& 3 JGne. iH. STAA f, Gd-
—_—-—- —
Published every Saturday at & o'clock P Me
' By W. SCHULZ & Co.
Privileged GAcrument Printers
View original

8 July 1815