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The Berbice Gazette

View original Tes ive dollars p. annune,
——— _ —— =
em ee me a6 =o
The Sa.-ecibers hive unvort:d by the Ship
PLANTER. Capt. Nicdousen, from Le u-
don, (he folluwiag geuccal assortment of
Merenaidise, whica they will Sell at low
prices, for € ash, Produce, best Crabwood
Board, and Staves :—
ROMA hand Mane r Viadias handkerchiefs,
Blac and white stiempores, nd white joan,
White. vellow, and striped miokeen,
Linen ad colton Rritanotas, and Trish linen,
Bed shechag, plaiitias Noy: alls ail printed calicoes,
Gringheus, ainaity, | jondon aad Cartiste cheeks,
Patent ane plain Colon shivdine and fancy cumbrics,
Mall eeteS tardy. taste ¢ lothis, ali rowe ‘Is.
Jaadies !-lionubie moomeag aad evening dresses,
ptick= whites and Comwueccdesd. couctsy and abbaas,
Velves.satins, sewing suks, Qwistand threads,
Jadwes ceinbrie and fancy butlons, straw and beaver
boune!ts., shoes, gloves, sulk and colton slockings,
Sup. fine broad clothe, thinuel, baze and green lable
Gent ers con. military jockey and Iiessian boots, Plan-
ters reae ated dre SS shoe Ss
Stik and bowver bats,
Nails fioun + to 40d., parlour door- warehouse- li-
quor- biokeuse- und wring desh-loces, aad hig -
Tea tray, waiters, patent cork screws, ivory handled
and comnion knives and forbs, sctssars and pen
Giltand ; hcelepurs, candle sticks, snuffers, best
block sic dash covers,
Window flat aad pump treks, grid irons, frying
pans, sat trons, boes and bowels with rivets, mat -
chets ond p vunine ene
Carpenteradz.s, aves, and w whi ip saws,
Paints and pamitoit, acai toot do. tor harness, pitch
and tar,
White wine vineeor,
Shoe- table. paint- hair- and tooth-brushes, and
Gun powder rand patent shot,
Writing doshs, dressing « Ht2eSy bicheanon boxes and
chess boards witituecn,
Sash cord, window glis and puthes,
Perfumery and stationary,
Pease, bart. v5 alt londs, raisins, currents, double re-
finned sugar, rua powder lea, Black pepper,
Stoue blue,
Green gooseberries, apricoss, pears, cherries, green
gages In Viatnly, preserved Duainsoit’s and raspber-
Pineapple, Clouchester and Spilton cheese,
S:noaked and pickled Coneues, and tripe,
Pickled gerkins, anchovies, capers, walnuts, olives,
caultflowers, ensence of anchovies, kiichup, and
Prince Repent, macouba, and Scotch’ saul,
Elegant |) tinted vase ki auips, and fan horns,
Dinner andl breakfast services sand wtiss ware,
Jewellery, corel, anda vutcy ot hiney beads,
Bedsteaus comptete, penbrone tables, aad sophas,
Tin phate baskets, a. id b sacts with aperiues wor bot-
Anassvriment of Negro cloathing and blaakets,
Rum, brandy, &c.
A consiguimeni of brown stout ia barrels,
Prime mess beet aud pork ia batt barrels, and butter
in Grins.
BLUE and white sale imporcs, jean, Britannias,
Trish tinen, sheeting, calicocs, furniture c hintz, vine.
hams, dunity, stripe and furniture checks, black and
while cambric muslin, Gable cloths, napkins, towels,
black velvet, thread, flannel, @reen batze, green ta-
ble cloths, Planters and dress shoes, silk and beaver
hats, Ady. lo 40dy. nails, brads and pump tacks,
Jocks and hinges assorted, tea trays and waiters, scis-
pars, patent cork screw S, ivory bandled and common
knives aud forks, desert ditto, carvers, gilt and pla-
ted spurs, candlesticks and. saute rs, (in dish cove rs,
grid irons, coffee sifs, frying pans, hoes, shovels,
cullasses, pruning knives, carpenters and cooper ad-
zs, axes, whip- and handsaw files, elegant silver
plated dishes with covers, paint, tar, lamp- Floience
View original and paint oils, brushes,gunpowder, shot, fowling pie-
ces, pistols, fis hing and chalk lines, corks, blanie ts,
russ, Osnaburgs, pease, barley, salt, soap, candles,
Pipe i spiritious liquors, Madeira- p ort- sherry- and
Claret wines, noyeau, tea, &c.

View original a eee et
Jinported and tor
Sale by the subscriber.
Tongues, tripe, Brown, drogheda, table,
eet, pork, butter, hams and Iris’) linens,
Cheese, pilchards, Long lawns,
Herr itres, pickles, sauces , Black, biuc & green cloth
Prumes, raisins, spices, ‘Thread, tapes & ribbous,
Pease, barley, Salenipores, & musquito
Pea, re fined sugar, lawuis,
Ling lish, potatocs, Calicocs & furn. chintz,
beer, porte ry Pullicat, Madras, Banda-
Vor’ wine, Sicily do. na, Gallsore, & coulon
mrandy, ruin, . pocket hkts.
sali, oats, Damask shawls,
Meaicines, do. chests Spottcd, plain, & Japett
Tar, cordage, cainbric musims,
Pipes, (obace 0, Striped, plain, tambour-
Powder, shot, ed jacouett mustins,
Paints, oil, ‘urpentine, Corded dimities, Jeane,
Soap, candies, Wit. cal.coes,
Gentlemen, ladies, and Cotton & linen chechs, &
children hats, furniture do.,
Da. boots & shoes, Platillas & oritannias,
Iackine, Pablte cloth, & uophins,
Mattrasses, canvas, (ringhaims, quilting,
Negro blankets, jackets, fouibrotlis & parasols,
Lhowsers, shirts, bats. foarthene giass- (ioe and
WE: Hopersss pete Oals, thtidwaee,
Hiannel, ereeatable cloth Svationary,
Soin & se wine LWIne, biozery & sadlers,
Urnabre & tras. sheeting Puriacure & pou very,
Cotiee & colon bagetag,
i Olt S. A Ls Je
By G Bone & Co. in acdition to their arti-
cies oi hand.
Pci Mil mess beef and pors in half barrels, dou-
bi rese Cor. butter, tums, cheese, tripe, barley,
HE Pe lsc ti Jugs, OntOns, pickles, assurted,, sago,
oorher and I r, currants, raisims, in excellent order;
crites ol cuthen ware, barrels of do.
plete dinner services,
coniaining Con.
Also a fresh assortinent. of
Iry goods; Madetra wine in bottle s, 2 pipes fine old
‘targala wine, and London browia siuul in Lhds.
Is Dee.
—$ ——— -
View original -—— -_
Just arrived, and tor Sale by the Subscriber,
tie following Medicines, of the tr. t quali-
tv, and ow reasonable terms, for cash ouly,
Yellow bari, calomel, jalap, rhubarb rood and
powd ry sallol mitre, cream ot tartar, refined and
powdered liquorice, Cheltenhiiu- Rocheil- bk psom-
vad Glauber salts, ipecieuhana, whites green- and
blue viiriol, red precipitate, Corrastve sttblimate, su-
zirot lead, yellow and white wax sulpber, sulphuric
autmuriatic acids, cum guaiacum, camphor, asse-
toedita and mytrh quick silver, platu catcined and
thepry’s meguesiag Dover and antimonial powders,
Cantharides: strengthning adhesive and diachylum
plasters, snake root, santonicum seed and powder,
manna, isinglass, leclend moss, chamomile flowers,
senna leaves, opium, musk and castor, casior oil,
balsam capivi, aromatic vinegar, eau medicinal, Tur
lington’s balsam, Anderson’s and James’ analeptic
pills, lavender- rose- honey- and orange flower wa-
(ers, lances, surgeons pocket instruments, phials tow,
pewler, syringes assorted, sago and pearl barley in
bottles. -—18 Dec. W. bB. LLOT.
View original ALL persons that have claims on the Estate of the
late Dr. Frances JEFFERY, are requested to render
a statementot the same tu the undersigned, with as
little delay as possible.
Those persons that are indebted thercto, for tbe
years 1805 and 1812, are hereby intormed, that, un-
less payment is made previous tu last December 1813
these accounts, notes, &c., will be placed in the
hands of a Lawyer, in order to enforce payment in
the most summary and legal manner,
IS Dec. W. KATZ, Executor.
Berbice, 10th December, 1813
CASH required fortwo Bills of Exch ange of £100
each, drawn on the Right Hon. the Pays master Ge-
ne ral, at 20 days sight.
For which ‘Tenders in triplicate, marked ‘Ten
ders for Bills,” willbe received at this Office until
Monday the 20th of December, at 10 0’clock.
JOHN S. WILSON, Commnissariat.
View original Berbice, 18th December, 1815S.
REQUIRED for the use of this Departuient—
20 Barrels Flour.
40 Quintals Salt Fish.
For which tenders in triplicate, for the whole or any
part thereof, marked, ‘lender for Provisions, wall
be recetved at this Otlice, until Monday morning the
27th inst. at 10 o’clock.— the provisions to be of the
first quality, and subject to a tsoard of Survey.
JOHN'S. WILSON, Con:mniissariat.
Leorbice, Isth December, 1813.
REQUIRED for the use of the Quarter- and Bar-
rack- Master General’s Department, subject to the ap-
proval of the Assistant Quarter Master General, and
deliverable at his Stores in Fort St. Andrew.
12 Kegs white lead,
“U0 Lbs. red ocre,
S barrels tar,
2 barrels lamp oil,
24t Gallons linseed oil,
9 Gatlous spirits terpentine,
}2 Lbs. lamp black,
] Dozen large paint brushes,
6 stnall do.
O White washing do.
{ Hogshead line.
For which tenders in ‘Lriplicate, for the whole or
any part thereof, marked Tender jor Stores, wall
be received at this Otlice, until Wediesday the 29th
lust. at 10 o'clock.
JOHN S. WILSON, Commissariat.
a 6 ee
View original a
THI Y-two bales of clean and one bale of yel-
low cotton.—Tenders for the above quantity, the
produce of plantation Z/ope, will be received at the
house of Mr. H. Luriens, on lot No. 43, until
Monday the Sdot January, 1814, and the highest
viler accepted—payment to be made in cash.
J. UO. SPANGENBEKG, tur self and
18 Dec. P. FAIRBALIIUN, Scquestrators.
THE Lottery of A. Fueury, will be Drawn on
the Oth of January, 1814, at the ‘Tavern of Larosg
and Martin. 18 Dec.
TENDERS for 20,000 weight best quality Cotfee
(he produce o/ Plantation Augsburg, will be receiv.
ed until Monday the 20th instant, at 11 o'clock, at
the house of the first undersigned, by whom samples
ol the coffee may be seen, and the highest offer, if
approved of, accepted, payment to be made in cash.
ALSO Tenders for 200 Bunches Plantains, to be
delivered every Saturday evening, or Sunday morn-
ing, for the time of six months, payable in cash ev. ry
three months, for which the highest offer, with wood
security for the payment, ifapproved of, will be
WANTED for the Use of the said Estate, Four
barrels Beef,—one barrel Pork y—and 2000 weieht
Salt Fish. Tenders for the abovementioned Provi-
sions, will be received until the 20th inst. at eleven
o’clock, and the offer most advantageous, if ipprov-
ed of, accepted. Payment will be made in cash.
J. M.C. REUSS, qq.
11 Dec. J. A. HICKEN, qq.
— —_ — —_ = - _ ——
Sheet Almanacks
PRICE f3.—
For the year 1814, for this Colony,
Will be ready at this Oflice, on the last Saturday of
this month.—(25 Dec.)— ee For CASH only
View original H. O. SEWARD
Will sell the following Articles, of late impor-
tations, at his usully low peices, for Cash, or
Berbice Money ; or io the Purchasers of f 500,
payable on delivery, tu best quality Sugar, Cof-
fee, and Cotton, Rum, Molasses, Timber,
Plank, Boards, Staves, Shingles, &c. &c.
Best Cumberland hams, Irish May butter in half
firkins, kegs pickled beet and pork, halfbarrels prime
mess beef, hung beef, prime mess pork in barrels,
Morton’s and Abbott's Vondon brown stout in bhds.
fine old Trish port and claret; Gordon, Duff, Inglis,
aml Co.’s fine old Madeira wine in pipes, hlids. and
quarter easks, and per doz.; fine old Sercial and
Malmsey, per doz. do. old’ bock, fine old Antigua
and Jamaica rum, mixed pickles, fish and meat
sauces, whife wine pickling vinegar, soap and candles,
real Russia sheeting bleached ;, do. do. and duck half
bleached ; do. do. canvas for boat sails, and brown
canvas for do. 5 to Ok-inch cables, small tarred rope,
white baling rope, broad and narrow cotton bagging
and twilled coffee bagging, London-made gin cranks yg
firmer and socket chissels, planes, plane irons, draw-
ing knives, Carpenters’ and Coopers’ braces and bits,
brass back (enon saws; hand, x-cut, lock, and com-
pass dv. : brass, tron, and stock tucks, do. and iron
desk, chest, and drawer locks, best double and single
bolted padlocks, brassand tron but huiges and screws,
hook and eye and ue hinges, window curtain pins,
drawer knobs, cloak and hat pins, door and window
bolts, window hooks and staples, bed screws, sailors’
clasp knives, negro coinbs, pocket aud small tooth
ivery combs, garden rakes, tron tinned inside aod
double block tin fish Kettles, dripping pans with and
without wells, coffee biggins aud coilee pots, bottle
stands, b cad baskets, hnite rays, fish hooks, W hite-
chapel needtes in boxes, ne white pins in’ bundles,
brass bottleing and wine cocks, brass door rappers
and brass handles, caulking trons, ship and beat sera-
pers, helve hatehets, kitchen choppers, cambooses,
round and square shouldered capooses with steps of
the best bardeacd kind, masons’ trowels ; Ladies’
fine white and black silk stockings, large damask
shawls, an} bieca wid coloured silk handkerchiels 5.
Gentlemen’s fiae blick silk stockings lamb’s wool and’
gauze worsted do. and worsicd half stockings; chil-
dren’s cotton stockings, Ladies’ fine white silk and
kid slippers, Childeca’s and Misses shoes, printed
and striped cotfous fice cotton shirting, platillas, bri-
tannias an@ cotton liaiig, checks, handkerchiefs,
Trish table linen, diaper, huckeback, long lawns, fine
white dowlas, blue andl white salempores ; fine white
Indian nank-ens lone pieces; superfine black and
corbean broai cloths; do blick, blue, drab, buff,
and white mixed hers. Jyiueres 3 Coats, coatees, round
robbins, and pantaloons, black nite) Doidsupertine her-
Be yinere waistcoats, colourcad) Mars<iles do. striped
nankeen trowser:, Pradcren’s & Negro bats packets,
and blankets, flavea Gsenburcts, drab audsiiixed
livery cloths aad chars livin, gittand pleted coat
buttons, flaunel c&oces and dressing gowns, buat
clouks, silver stop weches with secund hands, do.
table and tea spouns, butter kuives, best London plat-
ed fish knives, cruct (taines, Candtestichs with paint-
ed shades, bottle coasters, spurs, boot hooks, nut!
crackers, lea spoous, snuiters and Irays, extiaguisl-
ers, White hand bell-, chaise aad jockey whips, spare
bridles, reins, & head stalls, Morocco skins & viasils,
bots ensigns asd yicks, bunting, silk and colton
umbrellas, toolscap ail pot paper, wove and laid
thin and thick letter paper, quills, wafers, ink pow-
der, sealing wax, lnk stands, Morocco leather pocket
books with clisps aud straps, round rulers, folio and
letter size wriding cases, black lead pencils, slates and
yencils, bound books, blank bills of exchange and
bis uf ivadinig, Wanging paper, and fine gold border-
Also,—A 10-inch stream cable, very little used,
and some fine Uew wath: vats (rour SOV to L000 gal-
lous each ; some of (hem with vreenheart bottoms ;
and one very large vattroim 2000 to 2500 gallons, a
few dry guuls, cuin pesbebcons, and some molasses
casks inade with red oak staves.
And to close a Consiznment—100 pieces of muslin
for musquilo nets, 10 yards long cach, 14 yards wide,
will be suld JQ pieces tor f &0.
Demerary, Nov. 24, 1813.

View original Thik, Subscriber has just teceived from Europe an
elegant assortment of Leather, of the best quality ;
as he intends carrying on the Shoemakers business in
allits various branches, and hopes for the continu-
ance Of his Friends and the Pubtic in general.
rr ee
View original VENDUE's OFFICE.
On Monday the 20th inst. will be sold by order of
S. Fraser, qq. on pln. Kilmorack, trom 60 at 80 head
of fine ca(tle, say fat oxen & milck cows, 3 saddle
aud draught ‘horses, and 100 head of sheep
D. ©. CAMERON Dep. Vendue Master.
View original On Wednesday 22d Dec. will be sotd a! the Ven-
due Office, by order of Capt, Sinclatr,—pyieks, Hine
and ferrace, salt, and potatoes. .
By the Veridue Master in cow @ion, butter, po-
tatoes, tongues, hams, porter, ale, ueer in bottles and
casks, Madeira in hhds. and pipes, dry goods, valn-
able books amongst which are the encyclopedia, pla-
ted si ver edged cruit stands with glass crutts, can-
dlesticks, trays, egg stand and cups, fruit stands of
cut glass, plated coffee, tea and milk pots, liquor
stands with cut glass bottles, gold chains, seals, keys
ear rings, finger do, lockets, broaches, and breast
pins; old rum, bitters, noyeau, venille, orgeat, ca-
pilaire, rose water, orange do, Spanish segars, quills,
paper, building lime, shoes & boots.
D. C. CAMERON Dep. Vendue Master.
On Friday the 14th January, 1814, will be sold by
order of Joseph Hall & A. Krieger Esqrs. as Cura-
tors to the Estate of the late J. Sawyer, dec. By
Authority obtained from the Hon. Court of Civil
Justice, dated 291 Oct. 1813, (on the spot) one
third of Lot No. 71 Courrantyne river, with all the
Slaves and further Appurtenances, as will be seen on
the doy of sale-—Inventory as well as the terns of
sale, will be seen at the Vendue Office.
D. C. CAMERON, Dep. Vendue Master.
View original On Wednesday 19th Jan. will be sold at the Ven-
due office, by order of the Executors of the late Dr.
Jeffery, dec.—houschold furniture, negroes,a chaise
and harness, &c.
On the same day, by order of B. Jeffery, Esquire,
household furniture, cattle, and negroes, amongst
which are sawyers, carpenters, and washer women,
—the negroes will be sold at 3 and 6 months credit.
D.C. CAMERON, Dep. Vendue Master.
—_—— Oo eee © Oe ee eee eee ee
View original FOR GLASGOW.
grea The fine new brig TRAD) R,
Wa. Geuninrn, Commander.
Is now ready to receive her cargo, and warranted to
sail with the first convoy.—For frerght or passage ap-
ply fo Capt. Geminill, or to
View original
Loading at Demerar Ys
wah The ship NERIUS,
Sam. PatTeson, Commander,
Is now ready to receive her ctrgoy and uv arranted to
sail with the first convoy.—Vor freight on Ditssree,
apply to EVAN & ANGUS E2ASER.
NB. The DIANA, NA, Capt. MeGeronra ner, alse,
With convoy,
and Pot The brig’ Ulyses,
aS ae
JAWES Bains nN, Muster,
Will be ready to receive her ‘cargo on board in 5 on
6G days. For fieicht or passage, apply to said Wars-
ter, or Joun Crorr. Dec. Js.
—_— — —
- 4 - —
— -

View original ~s
THE fine coppered Ship Harmony, Jormn Wurr-
son, Master, will be dispatched with the convoy to
sail in January next. Apply to
yo Oct.
Who have received by the above ship, small buats
for colony craft.
View original hie
To Sail with the First Conzcoy.
The Fast Sailiag Brig EGHAM.
Stand A. 1. at Lloyds,
coppered and copper-fastened, Joun Pavy, Master,
has excellent accommodation tor passengers. For
freight or passage, applay to said Master, on board,
30 Oct. orto J. van pen BROEK.
View original — ——
Is in
To sail with the Junuary Convoy,
Theship MULLETT, Tuo. Smitru, Master, for freight
or passage, apply to said Master, or to
16 Oct. W. DUNCAN.
View original PART of Lot No. 3, first empolder, with all the
buildings thereupon, at present occupied by the Sub-'
scriber. Whoalso offers for Sale, a Chaise and Har-
nass, and an excellent chaise Horse.
27 Nov. K. FRANCKEN.
View original =.
BY G. BONE & Co. Fresh Cumberland hams a
25 stivers per lb., or in any quantity a 29 stiv. cash.
A Dec.
View original ee aE ——— —$___—
Al aMEBETING of the British Inhabitants of the
Colony of Surinam:
Resolved—That the genera! poverfy and distress co
which this Colony has been reduced by different cirerir.
stances, and more particularly by the operation of the
Commissivun for taking charge of Absentee Alien Proper
ties, revider it highly expedient that some measure should
be taken to obtain redivss.
That from the information conveyed to us, Mr. Bent,
the Receiver and Administrator General, appears to have
gone far beyoud theinteutions of His Majesty’s Ministers,
in the appointment of the said cummission.
That the measures he has thonght proper to intredace,
have established an almost complete monopoly in hawds of
himself and friends, of the commerce of the Colony.
That several meritorious individuals have been thereby
driven to great loss, and deprived of the meauas of support.
ing themselves and families. .
That confident this could not have been theintention of
His Majesty’s Government, it becomes expedient for us,
as British Subjcets, to state our grievances in an humble
Petition and Memoriab.
That the purport of the said memorial be, to so‘icit the
recal of the commission; or that its powers and objecis
may be defined, and a proper check and cuntroul establish.
ed, and, at any rate, that the monopoly at present so i.
Juriously erected, may be abo'ished.
That the petition now presented to us, be signet by us
all, and that the inhabitants aud eolonists at large be invit-
ed to come forward in its support
That the sawe be presented to His Excellency the Go-
vernor, with a request to furward it, accompanied with
every information requisite; and a duplicate forwarded to
the Committce of Merchants in London, to be Gy then
presented to Lord Bathurst.
That these resolutions be sent for insertion to the Fdi.
tors of the Newspapers ia Surinam, Berbice, and Demera-
ry, and in Barbados.
Paramaribo, 20th Nov. 1813.
J. Pronsrp, Jun. J. J Duvcay,
Mpw. COvoLLY, Kk. O. Terracy,
Wot. Leckie, R. Austin,
(;ro. Crupen, Wr. Wickinson,
W. oA. Carsrarns, W. P. Miccar.
OP eve Byeenkomst van de Britsche Ingezetenen dei
Kolonic Surinamen, zyn de volgende Resoluticn genomen,
te wetcn:—
Dat de algemene Armoede en Elende waarin deze Ko-
lonie vervallen i» door verscheidene omstandigheden, en
in het bizonder door de uitwerking der Kommissie tot ‘ct
Administreren der Kigendommen toebehorende aan Vreem.
delingen residerende in ’> vy2nd’s land, het ten hoogsten
noodzaaklyk maken om n.iddclen te beramen tot verkry.
King van redres.
Dat volgeusinformatien ons toegezonden, het schynt
dat den Heer Bent, Ontvanger en Administrateur Gene.
raal, het oogmerk van zyn’ Majesteit’s Ministers, io het
aanstellen van gemelde kommissie, verre is te buiten gee
Dat de maatregelen dewelke hy heeft goedgevonden te
introduceren, ecn byna geheel monopool der koophandel
dezer kolonie, in handen van hemzelven en zyue veienden
hebben geetabliseerd.
Dat verscheiden verdienstelyke Ingezetenen daar door
grote verliezen hebben geleden; en verstuken zyn van de
middclen tot onderhoud van hunzelven en familie.
Dat wel verzckerd zulks het oogmerk van zyne Majes.
teit’s Gouvernement niet kan geweest zyn; het voor ons
als Britsche orderdanen, noodzaaklyk wordt om onze
klagten by ootmoedige Requeste en Memorie voostedri.
Dat den inhoud van gemelde Memorie strekke, om te
verzoeke de terugroeping van de kommissic, of dat de
magt in de oogmerken van dien, worde beschreven en uit-
gedrukt, en ene behoorlyke beteugeling en bedwang moge
worden geetabliseerd, in gevolg dat het thans zoo schade-
lyk monopool mag worden vernietigd.
Dat de Memorie thans door ons te presenteren, door
ons allen worden onderteekend, en dat de Ingezetenen en
Kolonisten in ’t algemeen, worden uitgenoodigd, zulks
met hunne onderteekening te ondersteunen.
View original Dat gemelde Memorie worde gepresenteerd aan Zyne
Exellentie dev Heer Gouverneur, met verzock, dezelve
naar England te verzcenden, vergezeld met alle noodige in-
ligting, enecn duplikaat van dien worden gezondea naar
het Kommitté van keoon ieden,’ te Londen, om door han
te worden. gewieseniooid aan Coid Bathurst.
Dat deze Resolnutien ter insectic gezonden worden naar
de Editeuren der Niewspapicroa van Suriramen, Berbice,
Demerary, en Darbade,
Paranartho, 20 November, 1813.
(Was getechend, als voren. )
ae EO
—— a
Sunday last cume tn here the fulloiing vessels, partof
he flect,—Briz Lord tlanntyr, A. MchLea,; brig Ulys-
Jas. [ixteu, hive Trader, Won. Gemmill ; brig
Vi sibury, John Sinclair ; ship Planter, A. Nicholson,
ull laden with valuable cargocs.—Some: Inhabitants of
this colony came Lack. passengers by the above vessels,—
No news brow cht by them.—It és saidthat fis Excellen-
cy our Governor Bondink, wil arrive here nevt week.
It wus report d here yest rilay, (het an American prt-
vateer was Seen On our Coasts.
There was «!so in circulation that intelligence was re-
ceived of the ful! of Dantzic and Dresden,
For seven successive days, the city of Londen was tli-
munated for the glorious fall of Pampeluna.
View original a
Fall of PANEPELUN A, and
De real of Nlarshal Soult.
Berbados Dec. 7.— 11 ieligenee to this eect was receiv.
ed here on Suuday last, by the schooner Bea Bovell, from
Grenada, where it See oar vessel had Gonched on hor Way
from Barcelona, im Spain, to one of the ports on the Main,
and had given au accouat that Marshal Soult, m attempt.
ing to relieve the fortress of Pampchina, had been defeated
by the Allics in a very sanguinary combat, in which the
eaemy suffered severe ly ry katlled.ow andi “leo and priso: ers,
and had also been deprived ef (ne services of ther Com.
mander, Soult. ‘Vins fotled in thet hopes of succour,
and reduced to the uttnost extremity, the deeonch GCrareric
son had been Canypre led to surrender Pampeluina toils be-
siegers. Alihough this infurmation tad not been obtam-.
ej at Grenada in any official shape, yetas Kiere is iit
reason to suppose that thoseevents haverealy tshen place,
we Submitit to oue peaders inv Che hope of its au oi wticity.
A letter data “Ur dnidiel, 21st Nov.” has been receiv.
ed by aGentlenmien of Cis Pow, in which itis sttted rat
the Insurecuts un che Spanish Mato have garied possession
of Porto Cave'lo and all the otrong posittoas a that quar.
ter, Angustura being the oaly port new in the hands of
the Royalists : and accounts bad also becn received at Tre
nidad, thatthe whole of the romforcemeuts which trad hate.
ly arrived from S, aiid, had boca deelroy ed by the forces of
the Insurgents.

A detachment of the 98th Revtment cnbarked on board
transports ac& rmudaon the t7thult. avd they have sines
proceeded for Halifax under the Nécmen's convoy.
His Majesty’s brig Helipse and Surveyor (tender) an-
chored on Ti: Lursday night last, from Bermuda; also on
the following morning, the ship Rebecca, with schooners
Mary Ann, Gertrude, and Tyro, which had sailed under
charge of the Eclipse vieven (lays previously, Governor
Bentinck came passenger in this brig of war, on his way
to Berbice, being appointed to the administration of that
Colony ; and Elis Kxccllency had reached Bermuda in the
Niemen frigate, Capt. Pym, which sailed from Cork on
the 2d Oet. last.
i A
Downing-street, Oct. 14, 1813.
Dispatches, of which the following are Copies, were this
day received by Karl Bathurst, frota Lieut.-Gen, Sir
George Prevost, Bart.
Head.quarters, Kingston, Upper Canada,
Mug. 8, 1813.
My Lorp,—I have the honour to acquaint your Lord-
ship that the enemy’s fleet of twelve sail made its appear-
ance off York on the 31st ultimo: thethree square-rigged
vessels, the Pike, Madison, and Oueida, came to anchor
in the offing, but the schooners passed up the harbour aud
Janded several boats full of troops at the former garrison,
and proceeded from thence to the town, of which they
took possession. ‘The opened the gaol, liberated the pri-
soners, and tuok away three soldiers confined for felony ;
they then went to the hospitals and parolled the few men
that could removed ; they next entered the store.
houses of some inhabitants, seized their contents, chiefly
four, the same being private property ; between cleven
View original and twelve o’clock that night they returned on board their
vesscls ; the next morning, Sunday the Ist instant, the
cnemy again landed, and sent three armed boats up the
river Don, insearch of ablic stores, of which being disap.
pointed, by sunset both »flers and sailors had evacuated
the town, the small barratx, wood-yard, and sture-house,
ot’ Gibraltar Point, having been orst set ou fire by them ;
and at duy-light the following mourning the evcmy’s fleet
The plander obtained by the enemy upon this predato-
ry expedition has been indeed trifling, acd the loss has
altogether fallen upon individuals; the public stores of
every description having been removed ; and the only pri.
soners taking by them being confined [clots and invalids
in hospital.
The troops which were landed were acting as marines,
aud appeared to be about two hundred and fifty men ; they
were under the command of @ummodore Chauncey, and
Licut.-Colonel Scott, an unexchanged prisoner of war on
his parole, both of whom landed with the troops: the
town, upon the arrival of the enemy, was totally defence.
less, the militia were still on their parole, and the princi-
pal Gentlemen had retired, from an apprehension of being
treated with the same scverity used towards several of the
inhabitants near Fort George, who had been made prison-
ers and sent to the United States: Lieut.-Col. Battersby,
of the Glengarry fencibles, with the detachment of light
troops under his command, who had been stationed at
York, was, upon the appearance of the enemy’s fleet off
that place on the 29th ultimo, ordered, with his detach-
ment and light artillery, to proceed for the protection of
the denéts formed ow Burlington Heights, where he had
Joined Major Maule’s detachment of the 104th regiment,
aud concentrated his force on the following evening. The
enemy had, during the course of that day, lauded from the
feet five hundred men, near Brandt’s House, with an ine
tention of storming the heights, but finding Major Maule
well prepared to receive them, and being informed of Ticut -
Col. Baltersby’s maich, they reimbarked and stool away
fur York.
My last accounts from Major-Gen. de Rottenburg arc
to the 3d instant, when the eneiny’s feet had atichored oft
Niagara; I have received no tidings of our squadron une
der Sir James Yeo, since its sailing trom hence ou the 31st
I have the honour to be, &c.
Karl Bathurst, &c. &c. Ke.
Head-quarters, Kingston, Upper Canada,
-lig. &, 1813,
My Lorv,—Referring te my dispatch ofthe Ist inst.
wherem d had the hovour of acguaiating your lordship
(hath had thought it expedient fo undeavour to relteve
Upper Canada from the pressure of the war, and to call
Ihe enemy’s attention to the deience uf their own settie.
ments on Lake Champlain, by employing such naval of.
uccls and seamen, as circomstances would permit me to
obtam from Quebec, to man our gun-buats, and ee cap.
turcd American vessels, for the purpose of cosoperating
with a small but chosen body of treups, it various demon.
strafions on that sheet of water.
1 have now the sauslactiou of transmitting herewita to
your Lordsliyy, for the information of his Royal Highuess
the Priuce Regent, the copy vta letter I have just receiv.
vd from Major-Gen. Sir Ak. He Sheatle, commanding in
the Montreal distiict, conveying the offictal report of
Laicat.-Col. Murray, detailing the operations of the com.
bined movements waich touk place on the 29th July 5 aud
L also anuex the copy of avother, which L have received
irom Capt. Everard, of the Royal Navy, to whose prompt,
zea'uus, and able assistance, I feel higaly indebted.
Phe objcets of Gus service have becu bully accomplish.
ed, by the tolal destruction of all the eneury’s arsenals,
bluck-lousces, barracks, and Stures of every description at
Plattsburgh, swanton, and Champlain Vown, and the ex.
tensive Dareachs al Saraac, Capable of containing four
(housed men, have been burnt; ali naval, Ordnance, and
other slures, on the west side of the Lake, have been des-
troyed or carried away.
‘This important service has been perfurmed with a degree
of promptuess and regularity hghly honourable to the of-
ficers direcUng the eapedition, aud withoat sustaining any
luss. l have, &c.
Earl Bathurst, &c. &c. &e.
MONTREAL, (Canaba). Océ. 18.
The Commander of the Forces has the deepest regret in
announcing to the army that Lieut, Rietfeasten, StathAd-
Jutant, arrived yesterday, aud is the bearer of the follow.
ing unpleasant intelligence, that Major-Gen. Proctor,
having sustained by the unfortunate capture of the Squa.
dron on Lake Erie, the loss of a very considerable pro-
portion of his military force, which was serving on board
that fleet, as well asthe principal heavy ordnance necessa-
ry for the defeuce of his military positions, commenced
his retreat from the post of Sandwich on the 24th Sept.
having previously dismantled the posts of Awherstburgh
and Detroit, and burnt and destroyed every public build-
ing and stores of every description.
The retreating regular force consisted of asmall detach.
ment of Royal Artillery, a troop of provincial dragoons,
and the remains of the 61st regiment, in allabout 459 rank.
and file, which was accompanied by a body of Indian war-
riors, from 12 to 1500.
The enemy’s flect and army appeared off Amherstburg
on the 25th Sept. and landed on the following day; but
soon re-embarked their trvops, and proceeded by Lake
St. Clair to the month of the Thames River. ‘The Ame.
View original rican army was again landed, and, accompanied by gun-
boats, followed the route of Major-Geu. Proctor's corps,
which, having been much retarded by the slow progress
of his luaded batteaux, they were enabled to come up with
his rear guard and loaded boats on the 3d inst. and suc.
ceeded in capturing the whole. Gen. Proctor being thus
deprived of the meaus of supporting bis little army, was
under the necessity of awaiting the enemy's attack, which
took place at four o’clock on the evening of the 5th inst.
near the Moravian village.
A six-pounder on the flank was, by some unpardonable
neglect, left destitute of ammunition ; and the enemy,
availing himself of this unfortunate circumstauce, pressed
upon that part of the line, which, wanting the support
of artillery, was forced by superior numbers of the ene-
my. Major-Gen. Proctor exerted himsclf to rally the
troops, who, being exhausted with fatigue, not having
received any provisions on the preceding day, were unable
to make adequate exertion to resist the superior numbers
by which they were assailed.
The safety of Major-Gen,. Proctor, the officers of his
personal Staff, and some few others, with about 50 men,
has only, as yet, been ascertained.—The Ludiau warriors
retreated towards Macheoash.
The enemy’s force employed on this service, is estimated
to be from 10 to 12,000 strong, including troups of every
Epw. Baynes, Adj. Gea.
View original DEN ondergeteekende geeft hiermede kennisse,
ain dic het mogte aangaan, dathy den Heer E. J.
Hanrze gemagtigd heeft tot het inkasseron van zyne
uifsteande penningen, waar voor hy quitantien kan
passeren. 97 Nov. J. MUNO.
PERSONS indebted for the vears 1810, 1811, and
IS12, to the Estate of the late Dr. Francis Jerres
Ry, are earnestly requested to settle their accounts,
&e., previous lo the Ist day of January 1814, as
further indulgence cannot possible be granted.
W. KATZ, for sclfand
20 Nov. Mrs. T. JEFFERY.
View original BY virtue of an appointment from the Honorable
Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, under date of
2Ist Aug. 1813, upon a petition presented by Jas.
Morison, Wm. Fraser, F. Graham, and Th. Kenny.
executors to the Will of Gustavus Graham, dec.
I the andersigned, First Marshal of the Honorable
Courts within this colony, and at the request of afore
said Exccutors.
Summon by Edict :
All known and unknown creditors of the estate of
Gustavus Graham, to appear before the Bar of the
Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, at their or-
dinary Sessions to be held in the month of October,
ISl4, there to exhibit and verify their claims, to
sce Opposition made thereon, if need, and after the
expiration of the fourth summons by edict, to wit-
ess the Court’s decision as tothe preferent and con-
current right of claimants against the said estate, and
further to proceed according to Law, on pain of being
for ever debarred their right of claim.
This Summon by Edict made known to the Public
by beat of drum, as customary.
Berbice, 12th Nov. 1813.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshev.
Regulation for the Meetings of the respective Courte
in the Colony Berbice, for the year 1814.
° th a
Court of Policy and Criminal Justice.
Monday, January 10.
——— April 4
July 4.
October 3.
Court of Ctvil Justice.
Monday January 24.
April 18.
——July 18.
———— October 17.
Commissary Court.
Monday, February 7. @
—————— May 9.
August 8. ?
November 14.
Court of Rolls.
Monday, January 17.
—— March 7.
Wednesday, April 13.
Monday, May 23.
— July 11.
—-—— _ October 10.
November 2).
By Command.
View original
View original , "> oN 4,5~ =—_“\
SEDI Biter
BY Tis Excellency JAMES GRANT, Esquire,
Mayor in His Majesty’s 60th Regiment, Acting
Governor in and over the Colony Berbice; And
the Honorable Court of Policy and Criminal Jus-
tice of the said Colony.
10 ali to whom these presents may or shall come or
oncern; be it known :
\ \ MW EREAS Tis Majesty has been pleased. to
direct in the event of the absence of the Governor
appointed for the Civil Administration of the colony
Berbice, thatthe Government thereof should de-
volve on the Officer Commanding His Majesty’s
Troops within the colony aforesaid, and His Excel-
lency M: vyor-Ge her ! Me RRAy ty opines, on the oc-
casio nof his Appolatment to the Government of the
Colonies Demerary aid Rssequebo, resigned nish Ly
the Civil Administer: the mot the colony Berbice; the
Government therceot has devolved on Major . AME
Grant, who has this day taken the Oath preserib-
ed for his Vir yjesty s Crovernors, before the Honorable
Court of Potiey.— Notice whereof is hereby given,
that all the Pohabtrants of this colony may reguetle
and wovern themsely os necordingly,
Thos done at our iextvaordinary Meeting of the
Courtof Policy, held this Gth day of December,
1S813.—Presemt, His Exectloney Viajor Grant, and
the Honorible Viv bers ts. CO. Abhoase Is, Jno. M?
Camon, Jas. Biaces and of. J. Glasius.
Court Tlouse, New Amsterdam, 6th Dec. IS13.
Liy Command of dhe Court,
nm. CC. DOWNER, Secy.
———— ——— — — ——_————_ —______
View original NOPEELOCATION,
WIS Exectloney Mujor dawes Grant, has been
ple ased to ‘phat Ir. Tuomas (', IMERY, (10-
vernment Secretary, and M. Bengawin EF. Tock-
Niss, Vsststant Cay ronment Sceretary of this colony.
King’s tous ey erbice, Th Dee. T8b3.
Py Command
Toos, (. PMERY) Gov. See'y.
(ee ew ee es
View original SHCRULAR Ys OFFICH,
Wordt gealo rieerd, det This is to inform the Pi.
de volgcnde pers vnc vitre bie, that the Jolluxing per.
memens syn nil dese Kolonies ni intend quiléing (ris Vo-
te vertrcKrken, li uy
J. R. Card by the first opportunity.
J.C. Poortermans 14 6 weeks fron Nov. 20.
John Davies with the vouiy ecavoy.
Chs. Lawton in 6 weenssron Pith Bee.
Alex. Feaser in Go weeas trom Tlth Dee.
ih. C. DOWNER, Secy.
VVORDT hécvmede bow ne) NOTICE ts here hy given,
go naat, Jal eon mt Lid Want ad month.afler date the
data cle alee WE Lae / wey following ‘1 PUAS POTTS and
lon en Lbipoth Caen silos | Vorlguges ee be passed,
perleden cord in.
97 Nov. To vane Proek aq. A. Donzel, will trans-
port to fico Miuico, Lot No. 4, west Coren-
tine Corst.
~——— James Reeser, in quality as Carator to the
Bsiate of Che tate B.D. Fraser, will transport
to Simon Fras ry dis undivided half of Plyn-
tation brighton, Slives, and other appurtens
ances thereto belonging,
Dec. 4. R. Harper, x. 0. will Gransport tothe free
George Thomas, droods of land of lot No.
4. between the centre road and back dam.
J. ven den Brock qq. the Heirs of Al Don-
gel, will tans: ort to Win. Munro and Geo.
Munro. the Corentine coast lot No. 4.
——— Wm. Manroand Geo. will Gransport to John
Fraser the westhern bhatt of said lot, and. to
the fleirs of Ws, Chesney, the custern half,
— — The Attornies of Lb. Lowrie, will (ransport
15 Negro men slaves, to Demerary, names to
be seen at the Secreta ry’s Oflice.
Dec. 11. A. Krieger ard G. Pauels qq. C.J. Meyen
andeW. hk. ©. Meyen born van Staden, will
transport to J. van den Brock, their rightand
#i(le to a second tnortgaze on plantation Ruim-
Dec. 18. D. Macqueen will Qroasport to Demerary,
the following Negroes, Hope, Commodore,
Abouki, Sam, Skelton, Montrose, Fortune,
George, Jane, Lena, Charlotte, and four chil-
dren Francis, Sophia, Sarah and Henry.
R. C. DOWNER, ‘Secy.
View original Se a ee
(LE persons having any claim or demand acrainst
plantation REE REAT, situate on the west sea coast
of this colony, are requested to deliver ina note of
the same to the undersigned, on or before the Ath of
January next Secrelary’s Office, 11th Dec.
R. C. DOW NER, Secy,
View original WHITEREAS the followine p: has addressed
bimsell to the Hou Court of Pole ~ of this colony,
al their Sessions in the month Getver last, fora Let
Cer of VWanumission : 7
MH. P. Bebexery for hc ulate will Prancisca,
Notice whereof is hereby Fiven to those whom it
nas concern, and whomay wish to oppose the evant
of satd Letter of Mantunission, thet they cuey addres
(heimsclves in writing to. the undersigned Sceretary
of the colony, previous to the ensuing Sessions ot
the Tlon. Court, when a final disposition wili be made
on the aforesaid: Petition. Berbice, Nov. 27
Aine cD
View original AG TD
TIE Carpenters business hitherto couducted un-
der the Firm of Roperg Lowrie & Co. is this day
dissolved by mutual consent ; all Persons baving any
demands against che said Firm, are requested to reu-
der them to the first undersigned for examination,
on, or betore the Slst inst. as none will be attended
(o after that period.
'l Dee. R. Lowric.-
View original 'Venders for Coffee.
NINE thousand pounds of Pirst quality, and 700
pounds broken Coflee—Tenders for the above quan-
littes, the produce of plintation Gord Land, will be
received at the house of the second undersigned, un-
Ul Monday the 20th inst. and ifapproved of, ac-
cepled— payment to be imide in cash,
Pe van HODST, for self and
I] Dec, M.S. BENNETT, Seq.
——_- —-_
View original — ————
THE undersigned being appointed Sworn Book-
keeper, within this colony, recommands bis services
In that capacity, fo his Priends and the Public, pro-
Miisine secrecy, accuracy and dispatch,
a -_-
~~ —
DEN ondereeteckende aaneesteld zynde als Ce-
zworen Boekhouder in -deze helonie, neeht de Viy-
heid zich als zoodaniv by zvne Vrrendey en het Pa
blick te recommandecren, belovende gebornboudiag
hanwkenrigheid cn spoed, 7
—_— _._.. — --
BY thesubscriber, an ecleeiut assorlaaeat of Tone
don printed cambricks of 28 yords each, of supe rion
quality, consisting of bluc, cold, pinch, black, yellow
and purple colours, fine Erish yard wide facia ane
sheeting, London plited: silver edged cruet) stands
With wiass cruits, suffers, Grays, ege stad aad cups,
fret stands of cut glass, plated coffee, tea aud milek
pots, liquor stands with cut glass bottles, brushes,
cold watch chains, seals, heys, car rings, fiager tings
lochets, brooches, breast pins, old ran, bitters, Key.
nand’s cream of noyean, of mint, of veniile, sirup of
orevat, Caphaire, rose water, flowers of oranee water
bay rumy vcinegar, Spanish segars, gunpowder, tea,
potatoes, quills, paper, building lime, &e.
1! Dee. Tot No.7, troatdain,
View original AGEN TED Tinsel trom the Subseribers a mouth
ago, a Nooro man named Care? : any person who
can give uitormation or lodee him in the barracks,
or sending hiaup to plantition Korth: read, to My.
Gres, will be good rewarded besides all eEXVENCES,
View original eX
TEN ce Pwelve good Field Neeroes, for which a
liberal hire will be e@iven, and punctually pard,——
For particulars apply Co the sabserib’r.
A Dec. S. TAPET, Plo. Supply, Canje.
—— — Scene
View original Te
THLE Subseriber intendine to quit this colony by
the January convoy, requests all those having De-
mands against bin to render them in for payment;
and all those indebted to either him or Mr. Joun
Crort, to cone forward with immediate payment,
A Dec. Wa. CROFT.
NB. A few tierces Salmon, and herrings in barrels,
also negro cloathing, which will be suld cheap
lo close sales.
- ee
LOST or mislaid, an underwrittea Accoant of J.
B. Ruve,
iq. for work done for the American
Schooner President. Should any Gentleman have if
in their possession, the Subscriber will be obliged by
its being returned, payment being stopt, it can be of
use to none but himself.—4 Dee. R. BARNES,
View original NOTICE.
ALJ. persons indebted to N. VoiKerts, for his
Printing Oftice, up to the 30tb of June, 1812, are
requested to make payment to this Ollice, otherwise
will be sucd for by the next Courts. 4 Dec.
View original
View original Siules by Hixecution. -
BY virtue of an appointinent, Granted by the fe.
norrble Courlot Civil Justice, of thes colony, apou
avelition of Evan & Vowus Fraser & Co. asa brone!s
of Campbells Fraser & Co., trnder date of 201k No-
wembor, IStS.
Notice is hereby given: That Ttbe undersigned,
Pirst Marshal ot the Courts of ths colony, will Sell
in presence of two Connectors Commissayies anil
their Secerctary, by Public Keavcention Sale. on Ties.
day the Istday of February, IS14. the Cotton Re.
tate called
the property of Hugh B. Inetis, situated on te Co-
renting coast, with all its cultivation, shivos.- build.
Ines, andl further appurtenances Chereto beloneine,
Whoever should think to have any right. liferest
or claim onthe aforesaid) Phant'n. C7iffons and wish.
Cs fo @ppose the sale thereof, let Snet person or
persons address themselves to me the first M teshead,
declaring their reasons for such Opposition in dae
time and form: as TL ber by give notice tiat LE wilk
receive Opposition from every one thereurto cualte
fied, appoint them a day to have his or her elaitn
heard before the Court, and further act. Ghereon
the law cirects.
The sale is to take phice on the spot.
Berbice, tth Dee miber, IQ's,
RK. Peancepy, Cirst Marshal,
Sa dLIN Jiks by budict
i, smeeoti-VAlS y AK e
Baelaned Newspapers, contiuinto es the Advertises
ment callie upon the Creditors of the Surrendered
state ot be \ wood & Paylor, Notice Is hereby ove
en to the Pabuie, thatthe sad Creditors, Hy Virfte
Of au Appointment obtrined by We. Leach and W,.
Prasnky Curitors to atorestid Estate, under date of
“Oth November, ISTO D trom dtis Bxecelh ney the (io.
vernory are hercby SUVMON ESD, Po appear before
Che Court of { ivil astre Cy of iaas colony, On Monday
the Yel enn rv, IST4) and following days, for the
purpose of there roadering their chiims against the
suid Sarre tered Estate of Heywood & ‘Kaylor, and
lur(her to procced aecording to Law.
Rerbice SI Dee. INES.
KK. PRANCKEN, First Varshal,
—— _. -
under.iened have received irom

aa .
View original te ees
BY virtue of authority cvanted by the Yonarable
Conrtot Civil Justice, of this colony, under date of
Oth Now. IST2, granted upon a Petition presented
DY Robert Peitand Willian Kewley, as Appointed
Curators to the Estate of Richard Barry, dee.
P the undersigned: First Marshal of the Courts of
this colony, and at the request of alorcsaid Curators,
Samimon by Fedict:
WW hnown and unknown Creditors arainst (be Ese
VEOENR. Bareyy dee, ‘To appear betore the Court
of Civil Justice of this colony, at their No SSton which
will be iy td inthe month offaty, IST, tor the pur-
pose of there exhibiting their demands againnt said
Estate, to verify the sane, and it necessary, to hear
objections made against such clvims, and turther to
proceed according to Law, wader pain to those who
remain in defiult of coming forward with their de-
mands at the appointed period of being for ever de-
barred their right of claim.
This Stunmon by Edict made known to the Publie
us Customary. Berbice, Ith Nov. 1813.
KO FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
View original Notice to Woudeuiters.
ALL persons holding Licenecs to ent Timber, on
ungranted lands in thes colony, ae desired to attend
and exhibit them at Government Secretary’s Office,
within six weeks from the date of this Notification.
King’s House, Berbice, \Sth Nov. 1813.
By Command,
Tus. C. EMERY, Act. Gov. Sec.
een enn
TO an approved purchaser, at 3, 6,9 & 12 months
credit, 13 roods and 4 feet Land, of Lot No. 92, be.
tween the centre and backdam, and the buildings
thereon. Also 20 roods land of Lot No. A, towards
the backdam. If not sold on or before the {8th We.
cember next, the same willbe disposed of at Public
Vendue. (Good quality Coffee will be taken in pay.
ment, at cash price.—For particulars, apply to this
Oflice. 2
27 Noy.
nas ara Sa ee IG ae ee oe
View original Oh
FOR SALE—At this Office—Blank Bills of Ex.
change, Bills of Lading, and the Manner of Procees
dings, before the Court of Civil Justice of this Co-
lony, Foolscap Paper, and blank books of any size.
View original Published every Saturday at 4 o’cloch:, p.


18 December 1813